Marley and the Tale of Two Souls / Book 0.1 ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Four: Sawyer

Sawyer couldn’t help the content grin on his face while they waited for this supposed Simon to arrive. He could still taste her and that pleased him to no end, the way her soft lips felt against his made him regret not kissing her sooner. Even the way her body perfectly moulded into his made his own shiver from the memory as his eyes landed on her.

Marley was staring out the window in male clothing. She requested to have her dress washed as it was her favourite one and he didn’t blame her. She looked stunning in it, even after days of dirt and grim.

He was disappointed that the two annoying felines and their bitch of an owner were also in this small office. The girl had a constant look of murder on her face and it didn’t help that she was a trained killer. Sawyer didn’t bother to pay attention to her however as he kept staring at Marley and her petite form standing there in front of him in thought, he wondered what was going on in that brain of hers and he wanted her to tell him but they weren’t alone. They were never alone for long and he hated it, that one moment last night wasn’t enough, he wanted more, he wanted to finally mark her as his but people kept getting in the way.

“Oh! You are all here!”

Sawyer scoffed, his eyes lazily turning towards the wizard who was the cause of his meeting with Marley. In hindsight, he should be thanking the guy but he was a pain in the ass so Sawyer refused to go out of his way like that. “Took you long enough.”

“Such a pleasure as always boy!” The old man laughed, walking towards his desk and slowly sitting down on his chair before he pointed his walking stick towards Marley. “I see you found out who you are but now all you need to do is fulfil your purpose.”

Marley frowned. A small movement that made him want to run his finger across so that it wouldn’t be there anymore. “I thought I had.”

The old man laughed again, his purple eyes glowing in amusement but nobody was laughing with him. Whatever internal joke he had was all his own. “You two haven’t mated yet I see, this going to be an issue.”

This time Sawyer frowned. “How does marking each other got anything to do with the heart?”

“Oh, I hit a nerve I see.” The wizard winked. “Not much longer now though, you can smell the sexual tension from the other side of the world!”

Sawyer noticed Marley’s face turning red and her eyes bulging as if she just heard the most outrageous thing but the old guy had a point, there was sexual tension between them and there has been for quite some time. Figus chuckled and finally broke his silence. “Are you actually going to get to the point?”

“You can talk!” Pipèe snapped with a roll of her eyes. “You never get to the point!”

Figus only shrugged, hitting her with his tail before he chuckled to himself again and earned a glare in response. “The heart is very delicate, I sent Ziggy here to go get it although it seems like it had already been calling out to her.” The wizard stated, giving Red whose actual name is Ziggy a look as if they would talk later. “It seems that the heart is empty, we do not know for how long but it is soulless.”

“We already heard this.” Sawyer sighed, rubbing his temples as a headache began to grow. “The heart is soulless so tell us how to fill it and it will be done.”

“It is not that simple.” Simon snapped, staring at Sawyer as if he was the biggest idiot in the room. “The soul needs to be pure, it needs to be loved and it needs to have loved. The soul needs to have been marked by its one and only and the soul must be selfless, the soul must sacrifice itself with the smallest drop of blood and that is the only way you will win this war.”

Marley bit her lip, an action Sawyer saw straight away and instantly began to envy her teeth. “How small are we talking?”

Simon shrugged. “That I do not know. I can’t tell you what happens after the blood is been drawn, nobody knows but I do know that blood from a pure soul is how this war will be won.” He then sighed, leaning forward and stared at the two of them. “I am sorry that I do not know more. If I knew what would happen, I would warn both of you but nobody has used the heart in thousands of years, the people who knew are long gone and I tried to use my magic, I tried to look into the past but I was blocked. I am not supposed to know and this is something the both of you will need to figure out on your own.”

“What if I do it?” Marley suddenly asked. “What if I cut my finger and be the soul that helps Sawyer?”

“You will not!” Sawyer said, he could feel the growl from his beast rise before he could stop it causing her to jump. “I will not allow a single drop of blood to be drawn from your body!”

“You do not get a say in this boy!” The wizard snapped before he turned to Marley. “This is a brave thing to do. Are you sure you want to take the risk?”

Marley nodded, turning her head to look at Sawyer. For a moment they argued with their eyes, Marley’s green orbs that held golden hints almost made him give in to her wishes but he couldn’t. She was his and she was not going to go anywhere or hurt herself for his sake, he refused. But yet, she stared at him with determination in her eyes. “I am positive.”

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