Marley and the Tale of Two Souls / Book 0.1 ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Three: Marley

Five days, five days of none stop walking had passed before Marley felt herself cry out in exhaustion once her eyes landed on the tall walls of the guild. She knew that The Guild of Assassins provided very little to the imagination. Tall towers were scattered everywhere and a small village for goods and supplies sat in the middle and was protected by a magical barrier.

Seven tall towers crowded her vision as she felt her body grow heavy and her eyes slowly began to fall. “Not much longer now,” Figus reassured her once he saw how tired she was. “You can get some rest once we reach our tower, in the morning Siman will tell us what we need to know.”

Marley only nodded, whipping her eyes to try and shake off the feeling but she couldn’t help it. She couldn’t remember a time when her mind didn’t force her to have nightmares as she had to allow herself to sleep for an hour so they would stop happening but instead, she felt even worse. Walking around like a zombie while she had Sawyer silently worrying about her. A few times she would wake up to feel him stroking her hair to keep her calm and for that, she was grateful.

The village was still as everyone was tucked away for the night, Red had long disappeared as Figus and Pipèe had reassured that their owner was not too far away and that she prefered to be on her own which Marley respected.

What she didn’t expect was the spiral staircase that she had to climb to get to her room which she had to share with Sawyer again. She has gotten used to sleeping by his side now and at this point, she didn’t care that she had been wearing the same dress for god knows how long and she also didn’t care that he randomly revealed that he still had her sword this entire time they have been together. All she cared about was the soft mattress as her tired eyes landed on it not long before her body.

Marley felt so exhausted that her mind shut off the moment her head hit the pillows, sleep taking over in seconds before she was suddenly awake again. The sky was darker than she remembered as a blanket was thrown over her for warmth. Marley took note that Sawyer wasn’t in the room and figured he was steaking this place out as she yawned and decided to go to the roof. The nightmare that she had woken from shook her to her core as her heart was beating wildly but after so many nights of this, her beating chest no longer affected her.

The spiral stairs looked daunting, as she stared up at them for a moment before she decided to climb. Taking each step at a time while she hoped that these would lead straight to the top but what she wasn’t expecting to see was Sawyer standing there looking out in thought, his arms over the railing while the soft wind blew his hair around his face.

He was one gorgeous man, that was something that she hasn’t been able to ignore from the very second she first saw him but as time went on and the more she got to know him, the more gorgeous he had gotten to her. “I didn’t expect to find you here.”

He jumped a little as she joined him by his side. “I was just about to come back down, I know how those nightmares have been disturbing you.”

Marley shrugged, feeling another yawn escape her lips as she rubbed her eye. “I’m fine, nothing like a strange bed in a strange place that really brings out the best sleep.”

Sawyer chuckled, pulling her towards him so she was under his arm. A small gasp left her lips as she found herself frozen in place. He has never done this before and being wrapped up in his warmth like this felt nice. “Look over there, do you see those stars?”

“The sky is filled with stars.” She stated in confusion.

“No, I mean those.” He said, crouching a little so that he can be at eye level with her and pointed at two very large and bright stars in the sky. Their light was so bright that she could have sworn they were holding hands if they had hands. “I would stare up at those stars every night and dream of finding my mate. I never wanted to get with anyone but my one and only, even if that meant that I die trying to find you.”

Marley felt her heart swell at his words as she found herself staring at his hopeful face. “It must have been hard to be in hiding for so long.”

“It was, I wanted to leave and never look back for so long then when I finally got the chance, I didn’t give myself time to say goodbye and I probably should have.” He chuckled again but this time it was with nerves. “My mother is not a woman you just leave. She needs to know everything and if it is dangerous, she refuses to allow you to go in fear that she will never see you again.”

Marley felt his hold on her tighten as she placed her hand on his cheek and made him look down at her. “You will see her again, you will see all of them again and you will be free. You can go wherever you want to go and never have to stay in that place ever again if you wanted. And best of all, you can find yourself a new place to call home.”

He grabbed her hand from his face and kissed her palm. “I already found my new home.” He gently said before he captured her mouth with his. The sudden movement made her gasp before her body sunk into it, his hand gripping her hair while the other stayed around her waist.

Marley was at a loss for words as they tangled into each other, her body feeling like it was on fire as their lips moved against each other. The sparks of the bond exploded her entire being before her eyes finally closed and a small moan left her throat.

It was a moment like this she had been dreaming of and she never wanted it to end.

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