Marley and the Tale of Two Souls / Book 0.1 ✔️

Chapter Twenty-Five: Sawyer

A few days had passed since their meeting, Sawyer was still pissed that she volunteered herself as a sacrifice without knowing any of the consequences but at the same time, he wasn’t surprised. Marley was selfless, she was pure and she was the perfect candidate but he didn’t like it. He didn’t enjoy not knowing what will happen once she drops her blood onto the heart and that unknowing feeling didn’t sit right in his gut.

He had a bad feeling about it but couldn’t stop her just because of one bad feeling.

Sawyer sighed as he climbed the stairs to their usual spot on the roof. This has become their nightly spot, mostly for him to grab her the moment he sees her and attack her face as if his life depended on it and at this point it did, he was so terrified of losing her that he refused to sleep and watches her instead. Trying to remember every detail of her face just so he has something to hold dear.

Marley looked cold as he saw her, her arms wrapped around her body as she looked out in thought and softly yawned. “Tired?”

She jumped at his voice before she smiled and nodded. “Always.”

They didn’t say anymore as she walked into his arms and placed her head on his chest. He instantly wrapped her arms around her and held his hand in her head whilst he closed his eyes and took in her sweet scent. His dragon softly purred as if it were a werewolf but he didn’t care, she was safe in his arms where he would like her to be all the time instead of at night when they finally get some privacy.

“I wish I could change your mind.” He softly said as his grip on her tightened. “We don’t know what will happen.”

Marley sighed. “We have already been over this, I am the only one who can do it. Who else do we know that ticks all of those boxes?”

He thought about it for a moment. “We could relocate that werewolf girl and see if she found her mate yet?”

Marley gasped, lifting her head so that she could glare up at him. “We are not sacrificing little Ava! She is too sweet and innocent!”

He shrugged. “She ticks all of the boxes.”

“Not. Her!” Marley said slowly before she pecked his lips. “Please stop stressing over this, I am doing it.”

He pulled his lips into a thin line, not liking that she had only pecked him before he spoke. “I still need to mark you, I could just not do that.”

“And I could walk around naked in front of you and you will mark me in seconds if I really wanted to.” She innocently smiled. He felt himself stiffen at the thought and tried to take the image away but he couldn’t. “See, your face gave you away!”

Her laugh caused him to come back to his senses before he sucked in his pride. “I am scared. I am scared that I will lose you, I am terrified at the thought of you dying and leaving me forever. I am so fucking terrified of never seeing you again because I love you, Marley, I love so fucking much that it physically hurts me knowing that anything could happen to you and I have no way of stopping it.”

Instead of responding she kissed him. Her lips pressed hard against his but he didn’t care, he took everything she gave to him and he gave the same energy back whilst he felt a lump in his throat he never thought he would ever feel. A storm of emotions hit him all at once as he finally came to terms with how much he actually loved her. He didn’t what he would be without her and that scared him even more.

Marley eventually pulled away, causing him to groan in protest. “I love you too. I love you so much that knowing this one piece is your only key to winning makes me so determined to help you. I love you so much that I am willing to give up everything to see you win.”

He sighed, resting his forehead on hers as he held her face. He knew he couldn’t argue with her, he has been trying for days but nothing was ever going to work. This was going to happen no matter what and he had to accept that. “And what if you don’t see me win?”

Marley softly smiled up at him. “I know you will find a way to get me back, you have before and I know you will do it again.” She then held his hands. “Let’s get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow.”

He nodded, allowing her to pull him down to their room as he held a sad expresson on his face. He wanted to be optimistic for her but he couldn’t, this feeling wasn’t going away and it was slowly getting worse the more days that passed expression.

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