
Chapter Vision

Madilynne's P.O.V

This morning we had a breakthrough with training, I took a beating at first but nothing a little wolf magic couldn’t fix. As the day went on, slowly the golden mark on my forehead started to fade. It was only visible if you peered closely now. Since I was basically whipped while blindfolded for training today it left behind deep enough markings that would need to be tended to. But this time I didn’t have to run my hand across them to heal, my body did it on its own accord. I now wore golden scratches and stripes across my arms and legs, where ever the skin was exposed. Some wrapped around and some were bolder.

Kade left to go give an update on my training to my dad so I headed upstairs to grab a shower. When I finished showering I threw on some comfortable clothes, yoga pants, and a hoodie. I was to meet Kade back in the kitchen to grab lunch, but I didn’t see Kade anywhere. I figured maybe he was still chatting up dad, so I walked to the island to sit.

Sitting down finally, I took a breath and closed my eyes to relax for a moment. While letting out my breath, I opened my eyes.. I was no longer in the kitchen but in the forest. I quickly took in my surroundings “Mya is this one of your training tricks again? How the hell did you get me out here in the middle of the forest so quick?” My question was met with deafening silence, that’s unusual for a Forrest. I couldn’t hear the wind, or leaves falling from trees, birds chirping or flying, no creatures scurrying. Nothing. Now I was starting to freak out, my breathing was coming in quicker now. From behind me, I could hear faint footsteps coming towards me quickly. I turned in the direction behind me, expecting to see Kade.

Breaking through a cluster of bushes was a female, she looked around my age. Her expression was panicked, her blonde hair was wrapped around her neck with stray pieces stuck to her forehead as if she just run miles. Her head snapped backward, and then back in my direction. She broke out into a sprint and was headed right at me. She didn’t show any signs of stopping, and I yelled at her to stop but it was like she couldn’t hear me. She ran through me. I felt a rush of energy pulse through my body, I gasped as it happened. Somehow the energy felt, familiar. I couldn’t place the feeling. I watched as the female disappeared further into the dense forest, out of my view. “Wait! Come back, maybe I can help you!” I yelled in the direction the female ran off in. I heard heavy footsteps again coming from behind me so I whirled around to see who they belonged to.

The face I was met with was the one from my nightmares, the one that I believed was the cause of all the losses in my life at a young age. I could never forget the scar on his face, it was forever engraved into my mind. A feeling of terror quickly washed over me and took hold of me as the man in front of me smiled directly at me and took menacing steps towards me. I wanted to run away from him as the female had, but I couldn’t. I was rooted to my spot by pure fear. I wanted to yell, anything. But no sound came out.

He was now mere feet from me and I still couldn’t move. A scream ripped through me as the emotions became too much and I slammed my eyes shut, I couldn’t watch what he was going to do to me.

I could hear voices, while I held my eyes tightly closed still screaming. I was being shaken now, voices sounded like they were underwater so I couldn’t make out the words. I felt hands grip each of my shoulders, I wanted to rip out of them but I felt sparks fly at the point of contact. It was Kade. I opened my eyes, staring back at me were his emerald eyes. My hearing was coming back more clearly now and with it a throbbing headache. I gripped my head and let my elbows fall to the counter holding the weight of my head up. “Somebody please tell me, WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?” I spat out as I tried to control my panicked breathing.

" I came in here looking for you but you weren’t here, I looked everywhere, searched everywhere. I finally went outside when I felt a pull in that direction, and you were standing there. Staring out into the forest. I tried to get your attention but you didn’t respond to me, when I approached you, I came face to face with you..and your eyes. Your eyes were glowing gold, you were still unresponsive. After a while, I just sat there. Waiting. After 20 or so minutes, your breathing became labored and I started to yell at you, but you didn’t say anything. You really started to scare me Madi, I didn’t know how to help you.. A few more minutes passed and that’s when you started to scream. You collapsed into my arms and I brought you here.” Kade said while gripping my hand tightly, his eyes searching mine.

“What is happening to me?” I asked kade in a worried tone. “I think you just had a vision Madi.” Mya stated. I snapped my head in her direction and narrowed my eyes. “What do you mean vision?” I asked, no, demanded.

Mya bowed her head in submission at me “I’ve read books in my pack of the blessed wolves of the past, some had gifts. Some could see into the future, heal, some had heightened abilities, and some could even control minds of other wolves.” I groaned at her response and turned back into my seat and let my head drop on the counter. “Did you just use your alpha command on me?” Maya spoke again, I could hear the smile in her voice.

I looked up and Kade was smiling at me, “I think she just did.”

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