
Chapter Chapter Seventy-Four

Somewhere in the dark:

“He has her, doesn’t he?” She asked me, while approaching me in the small canyon at night.

“Yes, but he has stopped killing her, so he must have found out.”

“You can’t tell her!” She yelled as she stepped forward, but still staying in the dark.

I wanted to see her, how she looked like now. But I knew she wasn’t going to let herself be seen by me.

“Shh! Be quiet! No one can know that you are here!” I whispered to her.

“It wouldn’t matter now, would it?! I left you, for her to be able to live, but now she is captured anyway!” She said while walking away.

I could see a glimpse of her silhouette and gasped for a moment as I could see she hasn’t changed at all. My hand reached forward, wanting to grasp her and keep her close, but she was gone again.

“King Haraldur, where do you want to keep us stationed?” One of my warriors asked me and I snapped out of my thoughts.

“At Alpha Aron’s pack, as he needs his warriors to be with him, but can’t leave his pack unattended.” I commanded.

“Yes my King!” It sounded through the halls and they left instantaneously.

At her mountain:

I saw Terrence and Berrant both tinkering on the new focused UV lights, that they’ve been working on. Our pack doctor Kari had told them about the sun being able to hurt those creatures and they had figured out how to make flashlights with enhanced UV capabilities. They also made large ones that stood on a stand, to lighten up an area as big as a football field.

The room they were working in, was filled with boxes with flashlights, new leather gear and other tools to help us defend ourselves. We had spent tons of money from both my account as well as Emerson’s to grant us with all the stuff we needed, when war was to come. I was willing to do anything to rescue my mate and keep my pack as safe as possible.

I walked out of the room and saw some wolves returning from their travels. They sympathetically looked at me for a moment, as they were unable to have found Emerson. I knew it was going to be hard to find her, but after a week I was desperately hoping for some clues.

As I continued my walk to the cave’s entrance, I remembered Emerson’s bear and decided to take a look in his den, to shake me of my thoughts for a moment.

He was sound asleep, but still I walked closer to him and sat beside his head. From my movement he had woken up and took a sniff at me, but upon realizing I wasn’t a threat, he laid his head back down.

I caressed his head for a while, and found his fur to be rougher than I thought. Maybe he was getting old, I don’t know, but he sure wasn’t a young cub anymore.

“Alpha, we have arrived.” It boomed through my pack’s link.

“Good, be with you in a moment.”

I stood up and the bear glanced my way for a second, but fell asleep soon again.

His calm character reminded me of Emerson, as she was just as carefree as the bear is. She doesn’t care who walks in on her and sees what she is doing. She is rough on the outside, but a gentle creature on the inside, just like the bear is.

I walked outside and greeted my lead warriors and assigned them to the temporary tents that we had built. They couldn’t all live inside the cave, as that is for Emerson’s people. And us Lycans don’t bother to sleep in the cold outside, so it was fine like this.

Some females came outside, upon catching my warrior’s scents and they practically drooled when gazing at them.

“Alpha?” Bjorn asked me as he came closer to me. “Could we… you know…” He hesitated to continue the sentence, but I already knew what he was intending to say.

“Only with their consent, and you can’t get them pregnant or marked! You know the rules!” I said with my Alpha command and loudly enough, so my other warriors would hear me too.

Some loud howls were heard, and quickly they had put away their things in the tents and had guided some females over to them. I rolled my eyes at them, as they carelessly took some of the women over their shoulder and into their temporary accommodations. Bjorn even had two girls sitting on his shoulders, giggling and all.

“They look happy.” Someone snorted behind me.

I turned to look at who it was, and was instantly greeted with a scowling face.


“Aron.” He supplied me with the same greeting.

“Where is he?” Dimitri asked me and it was clear that he was referring to Radu.

“Not here, but I’m intending to kill him. He has captured my mate.”

“Right. I’ll be on the mountain.” He shortly said and walked himself over there.

Black leather jacket, slacks and boots, a duffle bag over his shoulder and his blades curved around each other in sheaths on his back. He hasn’t changed one bit, ever since I saw him six years ago. He may have been a little older looking since then, but the rest is just the same.

“We have to talk soon though.” I said as I walked right behind him.

“Sure.” He said while continuing his walk.

I walked inside the cave again, and was surprised by the silence that suddenly roamed around the tunnels.

The rooms that I had passed were empty, no one was walking in my way, and you could hear the bats in the end of the cave flutter from the silence that was here.

Suddenly there was someone talking in English and cheers were heard upon hearing the person talk.

My heart started to race, my feet hurried themselves towards the cheers, and upon entering the room where it came from, Terrence smiled from ear to ear.

“She’s been found!” He shouted and I rushed over to the one who held the phone.

“Em, are you there?!” I yelled after grabbing the phone out of his hands. I could hear someone talk and the phone shuffled and finally I could hear her voice.

“Aron! I’m about to get on the plane, I’m safe and will be with you tomorrow.” She said hastily.

“But how were you…”

“I’ll explain later, we have to leave now, before he knows I’m here.” She interrupted half panting, and ended the call.

Shit, she wasn’t out of the woods yet. Hearing her say those words, made clear to me that Radu was on her tail.

I commanded Terrence to trace the phone she called with, and made sure to call the airline she was at, to make the plane leave the moment she was on it. I’m not leaving anything to chance, for him to reach her.

“Berrant, we need to get ready. Prepare our wolves.” I said to him and he ran outside.

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