
Chapter Chapter Seventy-Five

At his invisible mansion, right after finding out that she was gone:

“No!! That treacherous brother of mine has taken her with him!” I shouted in her bedroom.

I ran downstairs and saw the passage had been opened but they were gone already. The roar I had let out in the night’s sky, would reach for miles and they sure would feel the tremble of my anger!

He will probably take her to either the train station in the west, or the airport in the east. Trains would be leaving on a quick schedule, as planes do not, but planes would take you away further from me quicker. I decided to go to the airport and maybe find them there.

Rushing my body to my limits, I teleported myself with blinking speed towards my destination.

Marius is faster than me, but he has to carry Emerson in his arms as well, so I hope I can catch up on them. I don’t know which route they took, but I’m just going straight. Over bridges, rooftops, tree canopies, moving trucks and what not more. I don’t care if I damage anything, all I care is getting her back to me.

I’m positive that I know who she is, otherwise Marius wouldn’t have taken her away from me.

With the airport in sight, I just kept moving at lightning speed.

I’m not going to let another one go that easily. I have learned from my mistakes. I’m going to break and kill everything and everyone that stands in my way! SHE WILL BE MINE!

People got pushed away by an, in their opinion, invisible force, and luggage, shop items and clothes flew around in a vortex created by my speed.

Marius will suffer for what he has done, brother or not, I’m going to let him feel how angry I am!

I flashed down to every corridor I could find, and tried to catch her scent as soon as possible. Then finally I caught it down a long hallway and I heard her voice.

“I’ll explain later, we have to leave now, before he knows I’m here.” She said.

She was right in front of me, with her back towards me, so she couldn’t see me approach. Marius stood right next to her, but he had seen me coming.

“Stop!” He said and I stopped right there as he began to step closer to her. “If you get any closer, I’ll kill her right now.” He threatened.

“Why should you?”

“Because if you can’t give her back her life, I will end it for her. I’m not going to let her be your pet for eternity!” He explained and grabbed her by her throat.

She was still facing away from me, but I heard her breathing hitch and I could smell her scent radiating off of her. I swear I could smell her fear as well and was surprised that she even had that emotion. Marius must have been seriously dangerous towards her, otherwise she wouldn’t get scared. There was no other explanation for it.

“If you kill her, then I will kill you too!” I yelled and took a step closer.

Marius lifted his other hand, making the stop sign for me to not get any closer.

“Brother, I know you are not stupid, come on, don’t make me do this! You must know by now who she is! Don’t you?” He yelled.

“Yes, but it won’t matter. I need her still!”

“Why? Hadn’t you had your fun with the one you so carelessly have lost?” Marius snapped at me.

“I won’t lose another one! She will be perfectly secured in my presence!”

“That’s exactly what I mean, Radu! You will keep her prisoned for all of eternity, even though she could never love you! I’d be doing her a favour if I killed her right here, right now.”

Marius tightened his grasp and Emerson gasped for air.

“Stop it! Let her go, I will be good to her!”

“No Radu, you will never be.” He said with determination.

And right there, he used both of his hands, wrapped them around her neck, and tore her head clean off from her body.

My world stood still as I watched her body fall down to the ground, where a leather green jacket covered her lifeless flesh. A puddle of blood oozed out of her neck, while her head was thrown away by my brother and tumbled down a staircase a few yards away from us.

Not even she could live through this kind of death.

I didn’t scream, I didn’t think.

My face contorted and I could feel the muscles and bones in my upper jaw reform, making it possible to move out a set of fangs, that pierced through the flesh and shoved itself between my canines and the first molars behind them. My lower jaw shifted as well, becoming wider to create space for the fangs to fit in when my mouth was closed.

My face was bulked up, my eyes were blood red and I looked more angry than I was before already. I didn’t look human anymore, and if anyone could see me now, they would run away in horror.

My anger has reached its limit. Within a split second I rushed myself to Marius and we began to fight, rip, tearing and gushing at each other with our bare hands and fangs. Yes, Marius had transformed himself as well, and we were crashing and tearing apart the complete hallway.

I didn’t care who would be able to see us now. If my actions would expose us to the outside world, then so be it. I’m done hiding and being careful. There was nothing left to keep me from killing everyone in my near vicinity. She was gone and it was all his fault!

“MARIUS! You are going to die!”

“You have to catch me first.” He said, and then smiled after I crashed through a wall to try and catch him.

“You know Radu, this isn’t the first time I’ve managed to release someone from you.” He said while walking outside through another hole that I had made earlier.

“What?!” I said while running right after him.

“Yes, I had to keep her away for almost ten thousand years, for you to stop thinking about her. But in the end she was happy to have waited.” He said casually, after hiding behind a big plane on the runway.

“YOU TOOK HER TOO!?” I screamed and ran right through the plane, making the engines on the side of it, explode on impact.

I’m not bothering about the fact if the plane, that I just turned to ashes, contained people or not. I have wiped out entire packs, so a few extra humans wouldn’t matter to me at all.

When I reached the other side of the explosion, Marius was standing there, at ease, with his hands in his pockets.

“Yes, because you tortured her with your presence. She never got some free time, because you were always breathing down her neck. She begged me to take her away from you!” He answered my question.

“LIES!” I yelled, but he shook his head.

“And Emerson begged me to kill her properly, if you wouldn’t want to let her go.” He continued.

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