
Chapter Chapter Seventy-Three

At her mountain:

“What do you mean, missing packs through history?! I don’t know about any of those names you’ve just said.” I said to Frida on the phone.

It has been a week since we’ve gotten any further into finding something, and it has been excruciating for me to wait. Úlfur was happy that Emerson didn’t die anymore, and so was I, but she still isn’t in my arms! I need her, badly, if I weren’t going to end up depressed about her not being here.

But now Frida was talking to me about this strange information that they had found out, and hope sprung up a little again.

“I know, because our father never taught them to us. It is an unknown tradition between Alphas from all over the world to teach the next in line Alpha about the facts, a tradition that our father never seemed to care about.” Frida said.

“And how is it possible that no one else seems to know it now?” I asked her.

“Well, that’s the odd part, Daniel didn’t seem to remember those things either. Not until he saw the words in writing. Only when seeing the dates and names on paper, he started to remember all those times where his father pushed him to learn it all.” She replied and stayed silent for a moment.

“Have you spoken to Dimitri lately?” She now asked me carefully.

“No, I haven’t spoken to him in years, but I guess I’ve got a good reason now.” I replied to her and hung up the phone.

Dimitri is the one that I thought about when Emerson asked me if I knew any pack-less Alphas. I don’t know if he could be the right person to lead one of Emerson’s packs, as he has always been a person of solitude and silence ever since his parents got killed. But that is something we would have to discuss later.

Dimitri’s grandfather was Alpha of a small but very strong pack, and now I’ve come to think about it, I realize he never told me what had happened to this pack. Could it be the same reason? Could it be that he had lost his pack, due to Radu killing them all?

Well whatever reason, maybe he knows something about Nightstalkers as well, as he is an Alpha after all. And I could surely use his help.

I scanned through my list of contacts and dialled his number.

“What?” He answered, shortly.

“Does the name ‘Radu’ ring any bells?” I asked him, skipping all niceties.

It was quiet for quite some time on the other side of the line. I waited for his response, until I heard some grunts and strange scraping sounds. It was clear to me that the name indeed rang some bells, as the scraping indicated that he was using something sharp on the wall or cement floor, out of frustration.

“When and where?” He asked me and I explained where I was right now.

I wasn’t going to question how he did know about Radu at all. Daniel may not have remembered it, and I may not know anything about him, but I haven’t seen Dimitri in years, so who knows what the reason is that he does remember something.

He said to be here in twenty-four hours and then hung up the phone.

“He is as bright as sunshine, isn’t he?” Berrant asked me, and I nodded.

No, Dimitri has never been a nice guy. If he says more than three whole sentences following each other, I would be surprised. Besides, he is rude, speaks his mind and I’ve never seen him genuinely smile.

But he is fierce, strong and faster than any wolf I have ever seen. The reason I haven’t spoken with him in all these years is that we ended up fighting. We only fought once, where I was in full Lycan and he was still in his human form. He managed to slice my arm and gave me the scar above my left eye.

But he didn’t give me those wounds with his claws, no he gave me those with his blades. A set of blue glowing crystal blades, bend in the shape of a crescent moon, where the hilt of it was covered in black scales and the guard was made of silver.

He never told me where he had gotten those blades, or why he chose to use those weapons instead of his claws and Lycan form, but he was not one to underestimate. He can down the most biggest men, and doesn’t give a shit who he has in front of him.

We had parted after neither of us could win from the other.

In the middle of nowhere:

“Why did you take me with you?” I asked Marius when he finally stopped dragging me through a series of long distance flashes.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad that he did, and he has been nothing but nice to me, but he is still one of the monsters that drinks blood, had kidnapped some of my kind and even killed them as well. It will take a lot more actions and time for me to fully trust him. If that is possible at all.

“Because I couldn’t bear to see another one of his pets become his prisoner for centuries.” He answered.

“But I’m not immortal, he couldn’t have me for that long.”

“Oh, girl, he could have. If you were willing to give yourself to him.” He said.

“Which I would never.” I stated.

“No I suppose not, and apparently he couldn’t make you to do it either. That’s why he was so obsessed with you, he saw you as a challenge.” Marius whispered.

Only now I noticed that we had walked through the entrance of a small airport. Marius walked past some little shops and skilfully took a pair of sunglasses from one of the stands, without the shop owner seeing it. Then he took a jacket from another, and finally he grabbed a bottle of sun lotion from the last stand before continuing his way.

The odd thing was, that some people did see him steal the stuff, but no one said a thing about it. It was as if he wasn’t there at all. People looked more strange towards me, as I was still in my sports gear, than they did at him for stealing those items.

I believe that there is something more about this ‘blood-drinking-forgetting’ thing. Maybe people just seem to forget about Nightstalkers in general. As if information about Nightstalkers isn’t something that is being imprinted on our brains.

“So, what did you mean by Radu ‘making’ me do something?” I asked him when he had clothed himself with the jacket and glasses, and covered his face and hands with the lotion.

I guess the term ‘Nightstalker’ applies perfectly, as the sun isn’t even shining bright and he still has to cover himself from it.

“Royalties like me and Radu can control humans or werewolves by looking into their eyes. We just simply think of something that they have to do, and after a few seconds, they act upon it.” He said.

So that’s how the first three warriors that got attacked, just accepted to let themselves be drained of blood. And it’s also the reason as to how they could transport all of those people without any trouble, to Radu’s house. They were simply commanded to not attack, or struggle against the Nightstalkers, and just went along with them.

“But you couldn’t command me? Why?” I asked him now.

“Ask me later, there is someone to see you.” He said and pointed to someone behind me.

“My Queen! Is that really you?” I heard someone ask.

“What the hell are you doing here?” I asked my warrior, once I recognized he was one of the many warriors from my pack.

I was really glad that someone had remembered me, but was curious at the same time as well. I have been dead for over several times already, and I can’t believe that those other two warriors who were barely alive when we found them, had survived the attack. They must have perished eventually. So why is he still remembering me? Maybe it’s because I’m alive again, or hadn’t Radu been drinking all my blood yet? It has been over a week that I was drained, wasn’t he hungry?

“Your mate had made us fly all across the planet to find you. And I’m so glad that I did!” He said while kneeling in front of me.

Marius chuckled by the action and I rolled my eyes to him.

I’m happy that Aron hasn’t forgotten me either, and is at my pack now. At least someone was there to take the lead, and his idea to send out a lot of wolves to find and contact me is really smart. Not that I needed my warrior’s assistance now anymore, as Marius could have just gotten us plane tickets with his command, but it was a pretty good idea, if I hadn’t been out of Radu’s hold yet.

My warrior tried to sniff up Marius scent, only to find he was lacking one. Which is probably another reason why our brain isn’t recording the information, there just simply isn’t any information.

“My Queen, he’s one of those creatures! Get behind me!” He said and tried to shove me away, but I simply growled and stopped him in his action.

Of course, Marius couldn’t stop laughing now… Ass.

I explained to him that for now Marius isn’t a threat, but that we should get going quickly though, as I don’t want to wait for Radu to come and find us here.

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