
Chapter Chapter Fifty-Eight

“You are strong, aren’t you?” She asks Bjorn.

“Yes, I’m the strongest here.”

“Oh, I bet you are. Yet I doubt that you can defeat me.” She says and Bjorn laughs out loud.

The other wolves stop their training and gather around the two of them, creating a grand circle. She takes the blindfold from Bjorn’s partner and puts it around her own head. She then challenges Bjorn to fight against her and he laughs even louder.

A light smile shows upon my face, knowing that she is going to win this. She is already furious that he didn’t use the right title towards her, and it wouldn’t bother her that he didn’t, if he were acting respectful to her. But he isn’t being respectful in the slightest, he is laughing at her, and using the word ‘ma’am’ on purpose to make her infuriated. He thinks that he is getting her angry, and thus making her an easy target. Yet, she isn’t that easily to fool though.

In the time that he thinks she is angry, he is underestimating her skills. He is totally unaware of his surroundings now, and she has distracted him more than he has her. She is focused to her limit, but doesn’t show it to him. I can tell though, as her ears are moving and her steps are silent. Even in human form she is using and moving her ears, to strain and catch up every sound.

I bet that she has been watching Bjorn fight against his opponent and already saw the flaws that he has in his defence. Because he has a few of them. He might be my strongest warrior, but that is only in raw strength and his intimidating height. I have sparred with him a few times and he is quite the challenge, as a simple blow to his jaw wouldn’t bother him at all. You have to hurt him in delicate places to make him succumb to you, such as his kidneys, knees or groin. He has been here for only a year and I haven’t got the time yet to train him personally.

She lowers herself, by bending a little through her knees and spreading her arms, so that if he gets close she can sense him from the sides.

He walks around her, trying to be silent, but his big feet land on the ground and she can easily ‘see’ where he goes. Even with the blindfold covering her eyes.

To see how fast she is, he takes a step forward, trying to step on her foot, but at the last moment she steps backwards and avoids him. He does this a few more times to find out her weak spot, and when she let him get close, he thinks that he has found a gap.

She lets him believe that she has lost him, and turns her body away from him. He is now standing behind her, and when he takes another step closer to her, he balls his fist and swings it at her head. I can see her ears and nose twitch, using those senses to let her know where he is. And as soon as his hand comes towards her, she dodges it, turns her body around and kicks him on the inside of his thigh.

The other warriors gasp at her speed and Bjorn looks surprised as well.

He is angry now, as he couldn’t land the blow, and now she has him right where she wants to. He is shooting his fists and hits her now and then, but not at critical places and not damaging her a bit. She is faster than him, and as I suspected, she is hitting him in the lower back, where his kidneys are, his knees and finally his groin.

She isn’t someone to underestimate, as I will never dare to do. As in the few moments where she had seen him fight, and from the experience that she has, from all her battles, she knows the anatomy of a human body, and she knows where the weakest spots are.

Fighting against Bjorn:

He is strong and I could imagine him becoming stronger, and more invincible if he is open for suggestions. Eventually he might become tougher to beat if he succeeds in following up on advice.

But right now, he is going to be defeated by me. I strained my ears to find out where he is, and realised that he took a jump towards me, as I heard him run and then suddenly the sounds of his landing feet stopped. Yet, his sweat and breathing made me aware that he was coming from my left.

I let him get close, and at the last second I stepped aside, swirled myself around his body, jumped on his back, and pushed him face first into the grass. His face skid over the green meadow and he grunted as I had landed on his back with full force. As I quickly grabbed his right arm and shoved it upwards between his shoulder blades, he growled in pain.

“Yield!” I yelled at him.

“Yes Alpha! I mean, I mean…” He stuttered and all the other wolves laughed and clapped.

I took the blindfold off and stepped next to him. He quickly stood up and kneeled in respect towards me.

“It’s alright. You are a great warrior, but you shouldn’t underestimate your opponent. Keep your eyes open and look beyond someone’s emotion. You could have defeated me if you had noticed my own focus and anticipated my actions for you to become less predictable. But now your own anger clouded your mind.” I said to him.

“Yes Alp- How should I call you? Because you are stronger than any Luna I have met.” He asked me.

“She will become your Queen when ready, so you are allowed to call her that.” Aron interjected and I was fine by that.

My own warriors call me by that title already, and I was used to it. Luna was fine too, but it still gave me a belittling feeling. Not that I don’t respect the title, it’s just the function behind it, but if any person from ‘our’ pack would call me that way, I wouldn’t tell them otherwise, as the title is in fact correct.

“You mean she is-

“Yes, my name is Emerson Haraldsdottir, granddaughter of King Haraldur.” I presented myself.

Some of the wolves already knew who I was, as Aron had introduced me to some of them, but looking at the crowd around me, plenty of them didn’t know yet, and they gasped and smiled vigorously. I heard whispers of happiness and awe, that I was their Luna. That their Alpha had managed to find himself a mate, a mate that was also going to be the Queen soon.

Their happiness was infectious as it gave me a proud feeling.

Suddenly heat was storming up inside my body again, and the annoying feeling of it, came rushing in again. But this time the heat kept growing and pain in my abdomen started now too. My head began to spin and my breathing became hitched.

I didn’t want to show myself weak to all the people around me, but I couldn’t stop myself from grabbing onto Aron’s shirt.

The pain in my stomach became unbearable now and it felt like a knife was stabbing me over and over again. My own temperature overheating my body, and my head felt like it could explode at any moment.

I screamed in torture and all sounds around me, diluted into the air. I couldn’t hear the words that were said around me anymore. All I could feel was Aron picking me up and carrying me away.

In between cramps and torturing pain, I tried to open my eyes to look what was going on. I saw bright lights and upon focusing hard, I could hear beeping sounds in the distance.

“My- my stomach!” I roared, and within moments someone tore my shirt apart and a cold fluid was dropped on my belly.

Aron tried soothing me, and kept my hands tight to my body.

Another wave of pain shot through my abdomen and I couldn’t keep in my screams. I roared and tried to pry myself loose from Aron’s hold, but he was too strong for me.

“Alpha, I have to sedate her, if she keeps moving like this.” I heard a female doctor say to Aron.

“No, don’t! I want to know what is going on!” I yelled. No I begged, I don’t want to be sedated, no matter how much pain a doctor has to inflict upon me.

“Stay still then!” Aron roared to me now.

I tried with all my might to do as he said, and then I could feel a device being plunged in to the newly applied jelly on my stomach. While fighting the pain, and the heat that was clouding my mind, the device was carefully moved over my abdomen, but due to the shocking gasps of the doctor, I knew there was something out of the ordinary.

A/n: What do you think, is going on with her? Please let me know, I'm curious!💛

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