
Chapter Chapter Fifty-Seven

“Well I guess training comes later then, we’ll go and fetch your sister first.” Aron said to me.

I saw him greying his eyes over, probably telling his wolves to not attack her. Not sure if she won’t hit them, as she can be ferocious in her attitude. Besides, I have trained her personally, so she isn’t a defenceless damsel in distress.

Frida was tagging along too, she wanted to find out who it was that could rile up the wolves of her pack so much.

Upon going outside and walking towards her, I could see her trying to fight off some male and female warriors that tried to drag her towards the pack. I smiled on the inside when they came closer, as one of the warriors had a bruise on his face and another was balancing himself on one foot.

“If you don’t let me go this instant, I’m sure your female Alpha won’t let you go without a scratch!” I heard her yell, and was glad to hear someone call me the female Alpha, instead of Luna.

Of course, Aron hasn’t been calling me that, he only called me his Queen, or just Emerson. But Amy knew pretty well, that I don’t appreciate the title of being Luna.

None of the wolves here, could have understood what she said anyway, as she wasn’t using the cold language. She doesn’t know how to speak it either, which has to be changed soon. I’m hoping she is open to learn another language.

“I should have known, that you were just as ferocious looking as your big sister.” Frida suddenly said in English, with a heavy accent.

I turned my head towards her with a vast speed, as I couldn’t believe my ears. She is just the same as Amy! Not only can she ask a million questions in ten minutes, she can also be as straightforward and chipper as her, and now they can talk in the same language as well… shit… I’m not going to like this.

They are not going to stop talking, unless they are asleep.

“Oh great! Finally someone who speaks my language! Thank the Goddess!” Amy hollered.

She happily greeted Frida, and gave a kiss and a hug to me. Then she turned towards Aron, but instead of greeting him nicely, she scolded him for the lack of decency of receiving her properly, as he knew that she was coming. Frida laughed hard, upon seeing her brother being yelled at in a language that he couldn’t understand.

And Aron just stood there, looking confused and didn’t know what to say. But when Frida took Amy with her, towards the house, Aron turned to me and let out a breath of which he wasn’t probably aware that he was holding in.

“They are exactly the same!” He said to me.

“Yep, we have created a monster.” I said to him as we watched them walk and talk together, in full synchronicity.

We stood there for a few moments, before I felt a heat rising up inside of me. I looked above me and noticed the sun shining bright, but the sun wasn’t the origin of why I felt so warm.

Aron asked me if I was alright, but I just shook the feeling off and nodded to him that I was.

“Let’s get to training your warriors.” I said to him.

“Our warriors.” He corrected me.

It was strange to hear him say that. I know I’m the Luna of this pack now, even though I’m not yet linked to them, and I know what comes along with it, but it still is odd. It is great to have Lycan warriors under my command now as well, but I’m so used to do everything on my own, and now I have to share my ruling with someone else. But I don’t mind sharing, especially not with Aron.

“Yes you are right. Our warriors.” I replied to him.

We got back to the packhouse and Aron guided me a bit further to the back, towards an open field where most of our warriors were waiting for us. As he had explained to me earlier, there were not only men, but also women, and I was pleased to indeed see plenty of women that were heavily sculpted, and could tell that they were not to mess with. I have female warriors in my pack also, but they don’t look this bulky as the ones in front of me. Maybe because I haven’t been that tough of them, which I can’t really believe, or maybe it was due to ‘only’ the werewolf genes that they had.

“So, how do you train the warriors back home?” Aron asked me.

“Well I surprise them with different techniques every day. They don’t know what they are going to do, until they are sparring with each other. I get them a little tired first, and then I decide which ones get to have a handicap, and which not. And the handicap can vary from not being able to use their hands or feet, to not seeing or hearing a thing. This will help them use their other senses more, and be prepared to anything that could happen in the heat of battle.

Other days I suddenly decide that one warrior should fight against multiple other warriors, but only when I see that one is not paying attention to their surroundings. That way they get taught that they should keep attention to all details and to never lower their guard.

And last but certainly not least, is when I see that one gets arrogant, I fight them myself, and show them that they shouldn’t. And to never underestimate your opponent.” I explained to him.

He nodded to each and every word I said, and told one of his warriors to go and get some ropes, blindfolds and earmuffs.

“Ropes and blindfolds I can get, but where do I get earmuffs?” He asked Aron.

I was smiling, us wolves never needed to wear muffs as we aren’t really cold, not even in the snow or icy winter. So I could imagine that they might not have any of those. My pack didn’t have any either at first, but I had purchased some from one of the human villages.

“Why don’t you get some cotton balls from the infirmary for now?” I replied to him.

Cotton balls aren’t going to take away all of our hearing, as nothing probably will, but still they are annoying and can distract you, as they aren’t comfortable in your ears.

“Smart thinking, love.” Aron said and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

My body began to warm up again, and it was getting annoying now! Why does this happen all the time. I felt my heartrate elevate and my temperature rise. It was as if I was getting a fever, but I have never experience such a thing before.

Aron grabbed my hips and pushed me against him. His touch alone sent pleasurable tingles down my core. What the fuck is happening!

“Em, you alright? This is the second time that I can smell your arousal. Are you yearning for me already?” He whispered in my ear.

I wasn’t focused on having sex with him at all. Well not up till this morning at breakfast I wasn’t. My mind is filled with all the things that are happening, with our sisters and Betas, and I just wanted to have some training. I haven’t been training either for quite a few days now, where normally I train every day. Even in the weekends.

But as my hands are on his chest now, his warmth radiating from him, and raising my own temperature even more, I can’t deny that I do ‘yearn’ for him. As he just asked me.

“Well I’m inclined to tell you to have one of your warriors take over, and then for you to have me, but let’s get some training done first. Is that alright?” I asked him with much difficulty.

“Sure love, but keep your attention to training then, instead of rubbing yourself against my groin now.” He said huskily.

Only then I realised that he had let go of my hips and I was clinging on to him now. I was indeed rubbing myself against him, unknowingly trying to find some friction in between my legs.

Fucking hell… I have never felt this way! I’m pathetic!

The wolf that went over to get the items, came back to us, and cleared his throat. I stepped away from Aron and took the items from him.

I gave Aron a few too and we made our warriors go into some sparring sessions. They all chose a partner and started their battle. And each and every time I saw one of the warriors getting an easy fight, I gave them either a set of cotton balls, tied their arms together, or put on a blindfold. At first they looked confused, but as training continued they understood why, and took the items without confused looks.

As each one of the ‘handicapped’ wolves struggled with their new incapability, their partners laughed but still kept their battles on, as if nothing had changed.

But there was one, that wasn’t handicapped and had a handicapped blindfolded partner, and he was smirking and continuously kept knocking his partner on the floor. He laughed hard, each and every single time that he was able to do that, and he actually had fun in hurting his pack member for it.

He was one hell of a massive wolf, probably the most biggest wolf I have ever challenged. He was even larger and wider than Aron, almost giantlike as his facial features weren’t that soft either. But I didn’t care how strong he was, he was already showing that his height and width was probably more imminent than his intelligence. He shouldn’t be that cocky, against an opponent who lacks the power of vision right now.

I walked over to the pair of them, and Aron saw me as well.

From the other side of the training field:

Is she really walking up to Bjorn now? I know that he lacks decency and isn’t the brightest of the bunch, but he is probably three times her size and due to his strength he is always at the front of every battle. His height alone intimidates others, and he revels at their fear.

I’d like to see how he reacts to her though. She has to be showing her speed against him, as his bulky muscles made him slower than others. But she probably has a plan formed in her mind already.

“So, Bjorn, I see you need just a bit more challenge.” She says after asking his name.

He stands tall, with his arms over each other and looking down at her. Only for his arrogant stature against his Luna, I could scold him already, but I doubt that she will let him go that easily. She notices his arrogant stance as well, but doesn’t show him any emotions about it whatsoever.

“Yes, ma’am. These pups here are easy to fight.” He replied stupidly, without using her title.

“Ma’am? Wow, I’m not sure I deserve the honour to be called that, because I’m not anything like a nice lady.” She smirks, as she walks around him, checking him from top to bottom.

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