
Chapter Chapter Eighty-Three

@Magdapopescu here is your little surprise, I hope you like it. 💛

A few days later:

Just as my sister Amy had said, visitors came to my mountain.

There was a pair of black haired female twins, talking in a strange language, but they were able to communicate to Amy with a translation app on their phone. They were smiling all the time and had high pitched voices.

Then, a very muscular and broad wolf named Oleg had come as well. He looked rather similar to Bjorn, yet they didn’t know each other.

Also a ninja look-a-like figure, hooded with black clothes, had stepped out of the forest and Amy had greeted her with a big hug. She hadn’t introduced herself to me, but instead just walked up the mountain. There where Dimitri stayed as well.

They all had something that they owed Amy for, and now she had called upon them to help us with the upcoming battle.

“So, what is it actually that you have done for them sis?” I sincerely wondered as I couldn’t understand how she met these people in the first place.

“The ‘translation twins’ as I like to call them, needed someone to guide them around the continent when they were on vacation; And Oleg had trouble with finding himself a suitable mate, as he is the prince of a pack who didn’t have any females that he liked. He had several matchmakers before I came around, but I managed to find him the best female, of course; And Magda?” She nodded towards the mountain, referring to the ninja woman. “Well, she is something entirely different. She doesn’t owe me anything, she just didn’t want to miss out on all the fun. I’ll tell you about her, another time.” She whispered that last sentence.

I was curious actually, but if Amy trusts her to be here, then I do as well.

But not only these four people came to aid us in the upcoming battle, but also most of Daniel’s army. So, now we have about eighteen-hundred wolves and Lycans to fight against Radu and his Nightstalkers, and I was desperately hoping that we were with enough to win this.

Besides, Terrence and Berrant had now set up a little assembly line, where they managed to create a lot of leather armours, together with the help of anyone who wasn’t training. And in the same room, at the back of it, was a white curtain hanging from left to right, and behind it I could hear some scraping sounds and saw some welding lights.

I peeked around the curtain but was instantly met with Terrence’ face.

“This is a surprise my Queen. You are not allowed to see it yet.” He said, covering my view upon the machine that stood behind him.

All I could see, was that several people were working on it, and there were also schematics hanging on the wall behind them.

“What are you building?” I asked him.

“Aron’s pack doctor has found out about something, and maybe this could grant us some advantage. But it isn’t ready yet.” He said.

“You do know that you only have two more days, right?” I asked him now.

“Yes, we are almost finished with the UV lights and armour, and also something else I had in mind. But this machine here is just extra, in case all the other things won’t be enough.” He said while gently pushing me backwards.

“Fine, you can continue.” I complained and still tried to peak a glance of the mysterious machine.

Terrence pushed me out of the room, and told me to train the wolves some more.

Not that I truly listened to his command, but I was about to train the men and women some more anyway.

“Faster! Do you want them to bite your ass off?” I yelled at my wolves.

Since there are so many people here now to train, Aron, Daniel and I decided to train our own wolves some more. Tomorrow would be their day off, to rest and recuperate. And then the day after would be used for preparation, gearing up and at nightfall… Battle.

So far, Radu has kept his word about not showing up beforehand what he had promised, and I was glad to have this time to properly train the army and create new gear.

My Gamma had been delegating my lead warriors to train them in my absence, and they had been training really well, but in order to face the speed of the Nightstalkers, they had to become a lot faster than they were almost a month ago.

The warrior wolves in front of me had shown me that they had given their everything to become faster than they ever were, and I was proud of them.

They might not be Lycans and thus not as equally as strong, but they would certainly keep their own against the Nightstalkers. At least for a while.

But, it would be best if we’d mix up all of the wolves so that there is always a Lycan nearby to even out the bad odds.

“Alpha Queen, could we maybe spar with you for a while? To know how fast they can be?” One of my female warriors asked me, and others joined in as well, curious if I would let them.

“Sure, let’s get to it. If I can hit you before you hit me, you get back in the line, but if you hit me before I hit you, you go train with the Lycans, understood?” I said out loud to let everyone know.

They began to form a line as they got enthused by the idea. One by one they tried their best at hitting me first, but many hits and kicks were either dodged, or blocked by me. I was proud to see that a few were able to indeed hit my stomach or back, and thus they got to train with the Lycans. But plenty of others, even though they were faster than ever, didn’t got the chance to hit me. They were a little saddened by not being able to, but soon I had made them take an obstacle course to encourage to enhance their speed even more.

At the end of the day all my wolves were exhausted and lying around the training fields to try and get back some energy.

“Aren’t you pushing your wolves a bit too much?” Aron asked me smiling.

“No, Radu won’t grant them any slack either, so why should I? This is for their own good.” I said to him.

“I know love, but if you push them even further now, they won’t be of any good at the battle. I know you want them to be fast and you don’t want them to get hurt, but they have become really fast already.”

I looked at him and knew that he was right.

“Fine. We are done for today.” I whined and my warriors looked really happy to finally be allowed to stop.

Next day, all the warriors were either sleeping their muscle aches off, or eating enough carbs as if they hadn’t eaten in days. Maybe I have been a little too rough on them yesterday, but it is all for a greater good.

I know I can’t safe them all, as probably plenty of them would die tomorrow night, so I had to train them really hard, to lessen the possible amount of casualties. Even though I am worried and felt a little guilty up front, I, and also they, knew that we have to do this in order for Radu to stop his massacres.

It was quiet in my mountain, no one said a word as they knew what was coming tomorrow night. The tension hung high in the air, making it almost hard to breath, as possible death was lingering on the thoughts of everyone’s mind.

My fingers ruffled through the rough hairs on my old buddy in the cave.

“I knew I could find you here.” Aron suddenly said.

“Yes, Teddy here was granting me some distraction.” I lied.

“No he wasn’t. Terrence said that you only come here when you have a lot on your mind.” He replied, and I chuckled.

Terrence knows me so well, but if he hadn’t said a thing to Aron, Aron would have found me anyways. He doesn’t need Terrence to know that I lied, as Aron too knows me really well.

“That’s mean. I come here to hug and cuddle with him as well, not only when I’m busy thinking.” I said with a false pout.

Aron laughed and reached out his hand for me to grab it.

“Come on, you need to eat too, before every pan and cabinet is eaten empty.” He said and I followed him.

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