
Chapter Chapter Eighty-Four

“I know you have faced a rough life after your mother’s death, and that you aren’t really warm to the touch, sort of speak, but you should talk to them.” My grandmother said.

“Thanks!” I said sarcastically towards the remark of my attitude. “But how do I talk to them? It’s not like it’s tea time or anything!”

“No, that it isn’t. Tonight you have to boost their morale, only you are able to do that as you are their Queen! You are their rightful leader, and a strong one as well!” She said.

“Yes, but how am I going to say, to the complete army, that they are marching unto their deaths!?”

“With faith, trust and loyalty.” She said calmly and I huffed.

I really don’t know what to say to them, tonight. Every warrior has been calm and silent all through yesterday, and this morning hadn’t been any different. They don’t want to show it, but they are scared. And they should be!

“Alpha, here is yours.” Terrence said to me, while handing me a leather armour.

“No, give it to someone who needs it.” I replied.

Terrence lifted one eyebrow and looked at me with annoyance.

“Seriously Terrence, get lost with it.”

“Fine.” He shortly said.

It was four ’o clock in the afternoon and we are about to get ourselves a light snack. Nothing too heavy, but only to quench our stomachs for a while. It will become dark at almost seven, and before that we would have another light meal, to keep us up through the night.

“Amy tell all leading persons to take their snack to the meeting room, I want to do a final check-up.” I commanded of her and she took a deep breath before standing up and went to do so.

“Medical bay?” I asked.

“Set up in at the first six rooms of the mountain.” My Gamma replied.


“Being led by three of our wolves. Everything is set up and ready to deploy.” Terrence replied.

“Tactical support?”

“We have extra cameras up and running and there are also wolves checking perimeters every ten minutes.” Terrence replied again.

“Alright, those cameras might not work, so keep the wolves at our perimeter, and when battle commences, let them check at every five minutes instead of ten. I don’t want any surprises coming from another side while we fight at the front. Understood?” I looked at Terrence with a serious face.

“Yes Alpha.” He said.

I was thinking over every aspect of what could go wrong on the battlefield, medical attention, invaders from a different point, not being able to see what is going on while I’m on the frontline, not having enough armours or tactical advantage… I believe we have covered everything.

Yet, there is still this nagging thing in the back of my mind, saying that I’m missing out on something.

“Gran, what could Radu have in mind to attack us with? Do you have any idea, at all?” I asked my grandmother.

“No, like I said, he might use something technological. But I wouldn’t know in the slightest of hunches what it could be. Really, honey, if I would know I’d tell you.” She said, and I nodded.

“Honey, what is bothering you? Everything is settled, we have worked out pretty much any scenario and used up plenty of resources to get where we are now. If this isn’t working, than nothing will.” She continued.

“Yes, I know, never mind. Let’s get ready outside.” I said faking a secure smile, but I still wasn’t sure.

Sun has set.

Everyone stood outside, armoured, fed and buffed up.

There was nothing that we could change or do anymore, time was up and only hope was left. Hope that we get through this, that we can fight them off, kill them and stop them.

And stop him!

All eighteen-hundred men and women were lined up behind me, and I stood in the middle of a row of our friends and relatives. Aron, Amy and Michael, Frida and Daniel, and all the others that I have met during the last few days. Except for Terrence and Berrant, who were working together in the mountain, and for my grandmother, as we wanted to keep her inside the mountain for a little longer, to startle Radu when it was necessary.

I looked around me, and was proud of myself that I had these many followers to want to go to battle with me. I know it isn’t just about me, but about the rest of the world as well, but still, I felt like Radu was about to fight me personally, and no one here at my side or behind me wanted me to be taken away again.

We were waiting for Radu to show up, and finally end this charade of centuries of torture and killing.

Everyone was quietly waiting, until I heard a branch break in front of me. I focused my ears and strained my vision.

“Come here, you coward!” I yelled to myself.

“Take it easy honey, you will get him.” My grandmother said to me, as I had forgotten that she could hear my thoughts.

Finally, after a few torturing minutes, he stepped out of the forest’s tree line.

Together with Marius on his side, he walked over to us and stopped halfway.

I looked at Aron, Amy, and the others, and we walked forward as well.

“I see you have prepared yourself well.” Radu smirked while looking past me, gazing to the army that we have assembled.

“Yes, I’m not a fool to believe that I could kill you and your army all on my own.” I said while smirking back.

“Kill me? No, that is not going to happen. I’ll give you one last chance, to come with me voluntarily, or I will kill each and every one on this little battlefield.” He said with an angry tone in his voice.

“Well, that is not going to happen either.” Aron now said to him.

Radu looked at him from top to bottom and started to laugh now.

“You think you can stop me from taking her?” He said and all the wolves that stood next to me, growled and even shifted their feet to get ready to lunge at him if needed.

They were all ready to give their lives for me, but I didn’t want them to get hurt right now.

I took a step forward and now stood right in front of Radu, looking up, gazing straight into his eyes.

“Listen Radu, I know that you are obsessed with me, but even if I would come with you, I’d never change myself into one of you. I would never commit myself to a lifetime of only being next to you. I would rather kill myself a thousand times, to ever face your lustful eyes again.”

Radu’s eyes began to gleam a little red and I could tell he was getting more infuriated with every single word I said. He must have known this from the moment he threatened to take me away again, but making me say these words out loud, only intensified the thoughts that he had about me.

His fury subsided and a smirk played on his face. His red eyes had changed into these marbles filled with lust.

“You know, when you slept in my bed, naked and all, I have been touching your body. I have pleasured myself, knowing that one day, I’d be filling you with all of my own.” He whispered, and Aron could barely restrain himself.

Of course Aron had known what he had said, as Radu said it in the cold language, on purpose. He wanted to see if he could rile up Aron, to see what he was made of. Radu wanted to make a point of him not being worthy enough.

“You really think that a few words would make him all rabid, and attack you right now? Right here?” I said in disbelief.

“Don’t shoot me for trying, little white. I just want to see, if he could keep his cool.” He said and caressed my cheek with the back of his hand.

“Don’t touch me Radu. I’ll promise you this, that I will be the one to kill you. Not Aron, not anyone else here on the field, me. So, when the time comes, come and find me.” I said and turned around.

A/n: I have written plenty of chapters again, so as a treat... click on 'next chapter' with those soft paws! 💛

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