
Chapter Chapter Eighty-Two

Walking up the mountain:

I haven’t seen my mate all day, but I guess that she has to catch up with her grandmother about everything they have missed from each other.

Her scent brought me up her mountain and when I had reached the top, I saw the two of them sitting on the edge, laughing loudly about something that they probably share.

“I still don’t know if I should kill them or not.” Dimitri suddenly whispered next to me.

I turned around angrily and wanted to grab him by the throat, but he was quicker for that moment, and took a few steps backwards.

“Just kidding!” He said smiling.

“Since when do you make jokes?!” I shouted at him.

“Meh, maybe since I’ve met that mate of yours. She is quite remarkable.” He explained and put his arms over each other and looked to where Emerson and her grandmother were still seated.

But I didn’t agree with Dimitri, my mate isn’t just remarkable, she is one hell of an amazing creature. A beautiful woman and a strong one as well. I’m blessed by the Goddess to have been given such a wonderful mate, and I don’t care that she is part Nightstalker.

I’m just glad that everything is sorted out now, and that we know all the details of everything that was still confusing us.

I walked closer to the women, as I wanted Emerson to get something to eat.

“Cloaking technology?” I heard Emerson ask.

“Yep, you only have to say a few words in the old Romanian language, and the door opens. And when you step out and look at the building, you can’t see it. Because on the outside of the building they have installed sensors, who are connected to each other, creating a shield which let you ‘see’ right through it.” Her grandmother explained.

Emerson heard me approaching and I asked what they were talking about.

“Oh, Radu’s mansion is invisible, and I wondered why that was.” She answered.

“Alright, so Radu is not only a monster, but also one with resources and powerful technology? Do you believe he might use that technology in battle, against us?” I asked her grandmother now.

Emerson first looked at me, probably a bit annoyed for the mood-killing question, but then was curious as well, so turned her gaze upon her grandmother too.

“Well, I’m not sure. He has never used any technology like that in the past, as he was always the stronger party. But since he has given you guys time to prepare, for almost a month, he could be preparing himself too. So, yes I believe he could.”

Radu probably isn’t going to use the cloaking technology perse, as Nightstalkers are fast and hard to detect in the first place, but maybe he is up to something else. I’m wondering what he has in mind to make us believe that he is granting us the time to prepare, while he is up to something as well.

“My Queen,” I referred to Emerson’s grandmother, as she is technically still the Lycan Queen. “Can I borrow your granddaughter to get her something to eat?” I asked her.

“Please, don’t call me that. I know there hasn’t been a ceremony yet, but I haven’t been around for plenty of years, and since Emerson has found her mate, she has the right to carry that title now. My name is Yrsa, and that’s what you will call me.” She said.

I’m actually glad that she said that, as I prefer to call Emerson as my Queen anyway. Not just in the meaning of the title, but also in the strong and determined woman that she is. Like I have said before, she is no mere Luna, she is my Queen.

“Fair enough, Yrsa. I’m taking her with me now, and you can join in on some dinner as well of course.” I said to her nodding.

“Thanks, but I have some talking to do with your friend over there.” She said and directed her look towards Dimitri, who stood a few yards away from us now.

I watched how Yrsa went over to Dimitri and they walked away together.

Not sure what they are going to discuss, but there is no reason why I shouldn’t trust them together.

I looked at Emerson again and reached out to her, for her to grab my hand.

“You coming, my Queen?” I said, a bit teasingly, but also with a lot of meaning.

“Yes, my King.” She shared the same gesture.

I believe that this is the first time that she has called me King though. It is a strange experience to be called that, as it hadn’t really dawned on me that indeed I’m about to become the Lycan King.

But first things first, before we can think about our future titles, and how we are going to forge them into our lives, we have to get through this battle first.

We walked down her mountain and upon reaching the kitchen, Frida and Daniel were cooking together. Well, Daniel sucked at it, as he was covered in sauce, chunks of vegetables and his whole area was covered with knifes, chopping boards and bowls.

And on the other side, Frida was quite the opposite. Her station was clean and organized, her clothes were clean as well and there was a delicious smell coming from the pan that she was stirring in.

Neither of them could see us coming over, as they had their backs towards us.

Amy sat at one of the tables and gestured us to be silent and just look at them together. It was awkward to look at them, and I couldn’t understand why Amy wanted us to be quiet.

Frida looked at Daniel several times, and chuckled at this efforts of trying to come up with a decent meal. Of course Frida was a good cook, so she wouldn’t let the meal go to waste, but still she just let him try and chop up some onions.

“Do you think they are fond of each other?” Emerson linked me.

“What? My sister with your ex?”

“Daniel has done stupid things, but he isn’t a bad guy.” Emerson said now.

I don’t know if I like this, as he has done some pretty awful things to Emerson indeed. But if she is agreeing to them wanting this, then who am I to judge?

Frida always wanted to have children, and I guess Daniel should want to find himself a mate as well. So why not now? Besides, he is a person in a high position, and he must be somewhat a strong wolf, otherwise Emerson wouldn’t have tried to be with him in the first place.

“Are you sure he can provide all that she wants and needs?” I asked Emerson.

“Yep, great sex, good money, nice house and she would be out of Berrant’s sight as well. I’d say it’s a win-win.”

I now looked at Emerson directly and scrunched my eyebrows.

“Seriously? That’s the only part that you heard, right? About the great sex part?” She now asked me out loud, and everyone in the room turned around to look at us. “Do you need to hear me moan when we have sex, to remind you of how good our sex is?” She asked me with a grin on her face.

“Hmm… Yes, I might want to.” I replied smiling.

“Who’s sex where you talking about?” Frida asked us now.

“His!” We both said together and pointed at Daniel at the same time.

Frida gasped and got red cheeks while she turned to look at Daniel.

Daniel whispered something incoherently towards Frida, and she on her turn replied with a series of ‘no’ while shaking her head vigorously.

Okay now I was stunned by their reaction.

“Oh my, you two already had sex didn’t you?” Emerson shrieked, as I was thinking the same.

I stormed my way towards Daniel and pushed his back against the kitchen counter. He wasn’t going to understand a word that I wanted to say, as we don’t speak each other’s language, besides some small words. But I guess that he understood my meaning anyway.

If he would hurt my sister in any way, I’d come and find him in his palace and skin him alive!

Behind me I could hear Emerson chuckle as she translated my thoughts, and Daniel actually tried to get a stronger composure, to not show any fear towards me, and indirectly towards Frida as well. He wants to show to Frida that he is a strong wolf.

Frida pushed me off of him, and scolded me for acting this rash. But I didn’t care, Frida is my sister and I would do anything to protect her.

Looking at the men:

“I never thought that they would actually become a pair, but I guess that I still managed to do it.” Amy said to me.

“What do you mean?” I asked her.

“Well, who do you think suggested that she should come with me to the palace in the first place?”

“She did, when you called Daniel about his library.” I answered easily.

“Nope, I told her to come with me, when I was bound to go home again. And the usage of the library was just the right thing to head back. Daniel has plenty of people to search through those books himself, and even though it turned out great that I did the research myself, it has always been my plan to get those two closer to each other that way.” She said all proud of herself.

I laughed at her, thinking that this was all just a coincidence, but I guess that she hasn’t lost her power yet.

“Oh, and sis? In the next few days you should be aware of some extra visitors.” She said while taking a bite of her pancakes.

“And who would want to visit us now?” I asked her.

“Oh, just some people who owe me some stuff. Don’t worry about it.” She shrugged.

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