Lyall's Story

Chapter 29 exciting news


Soon after the weekend after my ceremony Aurora, Oliver, Evan, and Mia went back home to River Moon. I was sad to see them go, but I understood. Ursa eventually got her family back from France and she went back to her original home in the Washington mountains. We still keep in touch with River Moon and sometimes even visit them in California which is fun. Life has been smooth for the past few months since I’ve been beta. Spring and summer came and went now it was slowly turning into early fall. I’ve been training well, keeping up with everyone, and one day Lyna comes running into my office.

“Lucy! Lucy!” She screams for me and I’ve never heard her scream like that before. It sounded terrifying.

“What’s wrong is everything ok??” I reach for her as she tumbles.

“I need your help…” She sounds out of breath and I do the best I can to keep her calm.


“I really don’t feel well and the guys are doing the morning meeting.” Lyna looked pale I just knew I had to help somehow.

“Alright, I’ll take you to Doc Bader.” I wrap her arm around my shoulders the best I could. I ended up keeping up with my training and am glad I did. Who knows if someone like Vincent or even his family would come back and attack us? Finally, we get to the medical building and I had mind-linked Doc Bader for the first time to let him know Lyna and I was coming.

“Lyna what’s wrong?” He looks just as concerned as I do.

“I’m not sure I’ve been throwing up for a few hours, I got dizzy almost passed out and I just knew I needed help.”

“Well, glad Lucy could contact me. Come, let’s take you to an exam room.” I carried her to her room and I slump into a chair.

“I’ll get to you in a moment Lucy, right now Lyna I need you to look at me.” He examines her thoroughly and hooks up some tubes to her.

“What’s going on what’s with the IVs?” I’m getting scared for her.

“She’s dehydrated I need to get fluids in her.” He continues to do his work on her.

“Should I get Conall?” I ask him worriedly.

“Not yet, I will contact him. I also need a blood sample.” He turns to Lyna, and she’s shocked.

“For what??” We both ask with confused looks on our faces.

“To eliminate what I think it is.” Lyna willingly gives her arm, and a nurse came in with the stuff he needed. When the sample was taken, he rushed to I presume a lab to get whatever he needed to be done. When he came back, we both had worried looks on our faces.

“Well, what’s the news?”

“It’s nothing life-threatening, but life-changing… Lyna, you are pregnant. Your due date by the looks of how early you are should be springtime.” I thought she was going to pass out on us, so I went behind her to catch her just in case.

“PREGNANT!?” We both scream.

“Yes, congratulations.” He smiles at Lyna in endearment.

“I have to mind link Conall this isn’t something I can keep a secret.” Lyna’s eyes glow white as she contacts him. A few minutes later the guys come running in.

“Lyna are you ok??” Conall comes in sitting behind her so she can lie on him.

“What are you doing here?” Lyall asks her worriedly.

“I was throwing up and almost passed out, luckily I still had the strength to wobble myself to Lucy’s office.”

“Well thanks, Lucy. You saved your luna.” Conall smiles at me and puts a light hand on my shoulder. My first heroic act as beta.

“I just did what any friend would’ve done.” I smile back at him and trying not to blush.

“There’s more news… Conall, I’m pregnant. He or she should come in spring.” Conall has the happiest of smiles and hugs her the best he could despite the IVs.

“Lyna! We’re going to be parents!?” She nods her head yes and hugs him again while crying tears of joy. Lyall and I leave them to have their moment.

“I’m so happy for them. They’re going to make great parents.” I smile at them looking through the window in the door of their room.

“Yeah, I know they are, but you haven’t been feeling so well either. Do you want to get checked out while we’re here? He wraps his arm around me.

“I guess, but I don’t think it’s worth troubling Doc Bader over the flu.” I shrug it off to the weather changing from the summer heat to the fall cooler air.

“What if it isn’t the flu?” He looks at me with concern.

“Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” We turn around and find Doc Bader in his office.

“Sorry to bother you Doc but Lucy hasn’t been feeling well lately as well, not as bad as Lyna, but enough to make me worry.”

“Don’t worry Lyall I can check her out as well. Let’s go into the exam room next to Lyna.” They take me to an empty exam room where he does normal doctor stuff.

“When did you start not feeling well?”

“Um… we recently went to California to visit River Moon again before the end of summer. So probably not long after that.” He does his mental notes and tries to keep me calm.

“I’ll need you to give me a blood sample as well and I can run some tests.” I willingly gave him my arm and let him do his thing. When he came back, we both had worried looks on our faces.

“Well, what’s the news?” I’m nervous to find out.

“It’s nothing life-threatening, but life-changing… Lucy, you are pregnant as well, looks like you and Lyna will both be having pups in spring.” I look at him and Lyall in a state of shock. Both of us are pregnant at the same time!?

“What?!” I got light-headed and lean back onto Lyall’s chest so I didn’t fall.

“Congratulations, betas.” He leaves and lets the news sink in.

“Lucy this is wonderful news! We have to let Lyna and Conall and your family know.” Lyall is excited about the news, but I’m worn out.

“We will soon, but right now I just want to go home.” He helps me down from the exam table and we check in on Lyna and Conall.

“Are you guys, ok?” Conall looks at us worriedly noticing the make-shift bandage on my arm from my blood sample.

“Oh yeah, we’re fine. Lucy’s pregnant.” Lyna shoots up from her hospital bed and smiles at me.

“Are you kidding me!?” Lyna almost screams at us.

“No, we’re not. Doc Bader just told us.” I’m crying, she’s crying tears of joy and we hug each other.

“Look at us already hormonal blubbering messes.” She wipes away my tears and I wipe hers.

“We’ll get through this together. I’ll come to visit when Doc Bader says you can come home.” I hug her and let her get better. Lyall and I go home and celebrate the news by ourselves with some cuddling and eventually telling my family the good news. The months go by, Lyna and I eventually get out of the getting sick phase and just look huge. Doc Bader tells us since werewolf pregnancies are six months instead of the normal nine that we’ll look bigger sooner, but we’d find out the gender, in the case of Lyna’s... genders… she is having twins. All four of us go together to our gender reveal appointment and take deep breaths as we anxiously await the good news.

“Let’s start with you Lyna…” He puts the gel stuff on her belly and we can see their pups.

“Aww, they look so sweet!” Conall smiles at the TV in front of the table.

“Tell that to my bladder… ugh I keep having to get up cause they like kicking it so much!” I chuckle at him at her comment. Well, at least I wasn’t alone.

“By the looks of them, they look healthy for halfway through and now what you’ve been waiting for… looks like twin a is… a boy and twin b is… a girl,” I’m so happy for them! I hug her after Conall does of course.

“Now for your turn Betas.” He wipes off the gel from Lyna’s belly and I lay down. Luckily, I just had one.

“Also looks good for halfway, and it looks like you’re having… a boy.” I kiss Lyall in pure excitement! A future alpha and luna and a future beta. We were so excited! We had to share the news with everybody! I called Aurora and Oliver who spread it to River Moon. I rub my belly as Doc Bader wipes off the gel from the ultrasound. Soon we’ll be having this little boy come and I couldn’t wait! Lyna will most likely be having her twins first since multiples take up more room in the womb.

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