Lyall's Story

Chapter 28 the beta ceremony


The rest of the week in the cabin was just as relaxing and sassy… to say the least, but sadly we did have to leave and go back to real life. Soon our beta ceremony was going to happen and then I’d officially be a part of Wild Forest! We loaded up the suitcases, extra food, and drinks and start the drive home. As much as we’d love to stay at that cabin I couldn’t and won’t abandon my new pack. Lyna and Conall greet us with a warm hug and filled us in on what we missed. Aurora and Oliver had gone back to their pack while we were gone which didn’t surprise me, I’m sure they missed home. My mom was driving Lyna crazy about helping with my ceremony.

“I hope my mom didn’t give you too much a hard time while we were gone. This is a big deal to our family since Lupe wasn’t going to be alpha anymore.” With our original pack gone and pack members in different packs by now, there was no need to reform it again.

“No, not at all. She actually helped me pick something out for you.”

“She did??” Mom had an excellent taste in dresses but I usually like to see it first…

“Yeah, let me show you it’s in my office.” I honestly hadn’t really been in their house much let alone her office. I’m guessing it used to be her dad’s before Conall took over, I could see personal effects that haven’t been touched in a while, but what caught my attention was the garment bag. I open it and it’s a beautiful off the shoulder, sweetheart top, cap sleeve, the bodice having a corset top with stars and a crescent moon on it, the skirt is floor-length black to blue ombre and on the back, there was this piece of light blue tulle that looked like it had more stars on it.

“Oh, mom… I got to admit this is beautiful!” I got teary-eyed.

“I’m glad you like it!” I turn around and sure enough, she’s standing by the door eavesdropping on us.

“Mom!” I run to her and give her a warm hug. As much as I liked my alone time with Lyall I missed everyone here.

“Did you enjoy your trip and new cabin?” Lyna asked me with excitement in her voice.

“Yes, I did, but we can talk about the non-private parts later.” Lyna giggled as she could guess what I meant by that.

“So, now that we know you love your dress let’s see it on you!” I take it into my bedroom and see if it fits. It fit my curves just right, my chest looked good just revealing enough to make Lyall smirk at me and think dirty thoughts. I go out into the living room to show it off to mom and Lyna.

“Oh, Lyna… you look beautiful! Maybe a pair of silver heels and you’ll make him melt!” Lyna giggled as she played with my hair to get ideas.

“Did you think you’d scheme plans without me?” I turn around to see Aurora standing with mom.

“Aurora!? I thought you were back home!?” I ran and hugged her; she and I had gotten close when she had helped me through the whole Vincent thing. I guess having similar trauma of being separated from our mates made us closer.

“And miss your beta ceremony absolutely not!” It made me smile she came back to support me.

“Is it just you or did Oliver come too?” I was a little hopeful. For someone, I barely knew in the beginning it had felt like I knew him my entire life by the time they left the first time.

“I’m right here.” Oliver smiled as he was hiding behind Conall.

“Oliver!” I hugged him too. Even though he’s my cousin, it felt like having another brother.

“Hey good to see you again Lu.” He hugged me and I got teary-eyed again.

“You too, things going well in Cali?” I wipe away my tears and try to smile.

“Yeah, things have calmed down since we were attacked. My sister, Rosalie, and her mate, Carter have regained their strength and bond again. She sends her regrets that she couldn’t come but felt it was better to stay home and recharge from our attack.”

“I’d love to meet your sister sometime!”

“I’m sure she’d love to meet you too.” Soon his phone rings and it’s a video call request pops up. “Speaking of her… hey Ro what’s up!”

“Hey! I heard it was a big day for our family and I didn’t want to miss it! You must be Lucy!” She has a beautiful smile and for someone who was recently attacked she looked great!

“Hi, it’s nice to meet you I am Lucy!” She’s gorgeous just through the phone!

“Is this your dress for tonight!? You look gorgeous!” I did a little twirl for her so she could see the whole thing.

“Aww, thanks! It’s not until tonight, but mom wanted a fitting.” I can’t help but smile back to her.

“Oh yeah, we have a new aunt and uncle! Hi new aunt!” She waves to mom excitedly, and mom smiles at her.

“Hi, Rosalie. It’s nice to meet you as well. I’m your aunt Quila.” She’s always so poised and graceful. I hope I’m like her when I’m older.

“I hope to meet you in person soon, Lucy!” Rosalie squeals in excitement.

“Me too! We’ll have to make a trip to Cali sometime!” I squeal too. The thought of going west makes me excited. I’ve never been out west before.

“We’d love to have you! Oliver, give her my number so we can chat some more and I can be there without really being there, and I don’t drain your battery.” I hand my phone to Aurora who types it in for him.

“Alright, she has it, Ro.” Oliver smiles at her.

“Oh, hey Aurora! You look stunning as always.” They seem to have a fun relationship. So bubbly and happy.

“You’ll be back to rocking dresses soon!” She smiles at Ro.

“I’ll call you on your own phone, Lucy so I don’t have to drain Oliver’s. I just wanted to say hi and congrats on becoming beta female!”

“Thanks, Ro. Talk soon!” Oliver hangs up the phone and just smiles.

“Yup… that’s my sister for you. I’ll check in on the guys to see how they’re doing, but it was good to see you, Lu.” He gives me another hug before leaving to find the guys.

“Oliver and Aunt Quila, can I see you outside, before we have our fun?” I look at Aurora with a confused look on her face and wonder what they’re up to.

“Uh, sure, sweetie.” Mom looks at her with a confused look.

“Yeah, sure.” They all go outside, and while they’re scheming something I go wait for them in my room and start getting my face ready for makeup with some moisturizer.


I take Oliver and Aunt Quila outside so Lucy wouldn’t hear.

“I didn’t want to say this in front of Lucy, but I have an idea that she may like. I want to bring Ro here to meet you.”

“Oh sweetie, how nice! I’d love to meet my niece.” She gets excited at the thought.

“Do you think it’s smart to separate her from Carter?” Oliver questions the idea.

“She’ll be ok and it’s just for the weekend.”

“Well, let me see if it’s ok with Carter before you portal jump.” Before he even gets out his phone, I grab his hand and already make my portal and jump through it and I’m back home in River Moon. I’m back in Oliver’s office, and I find Carter and Evan.

“Ah, just the guys I needed.” That was easy.

“What’s up kid? I thought the both of you were back East again with family?” Evan and Mia sadly left with us after their wedding as well, but I know they had gotten close to my new cousins as well.

“Lucy is having her beta ceremony today.” I smile proudly at them.

“Then why are you here!?” Carter asks me in a shocked tone.

“Because Ro had just video called me to meet her, and Aurora thought it’d be a pleasant surprise if I brought her with me to the ceremony,” Oliver explain to them.

“I think she’d love that, but I think with recent events that happened here I think it’d be best if she stayed home.” Yeah, that makes sense… with the witches almost killing Ro and Carter becoming a drunk at the thought of her being dead… maybe not.

“Hey, what about Mia and I?? We were there for most of what happened to her.” Yeah, true they had gotten close to her as well. Lucy had confided in me that Evan was like a brother to her, and hoped that they’d come back soon.

“Why not. Lucy doesn’t know that I’m here, nor does she know that you’re coming. For all I know she’s just hoping that you’d come. I’m making it a reality. You tell Mia to pack for a long weekend. Meet me back in the office when she’s ready.”


I leave the office to find Mia training in the gym.

“Hey, Aurora and Oliver came back for a quick moment.”

“What for? Isn’t Lucy’s beta ceremony today?” Mia gives me a confused look.

“Which is why they’re here, they want us to go with them. With how close we got with them Aurora wanted to surprise Lucy with us. She wanted to bring Ro but Carter thought it was best if she stayed home.”

“Yeah, that makes sense. He was a mess…” We both remember how he got sloppy drunk on vodka at the thought of losing Ro…

“Anyway, come on go pack a long weekend bag full of spring clothes. Oliver and Aurora will meet us in his office when you’re ready to go.” We both head back to our room. Mia running around grabbing things as she did for the first time, but at least she didn’t have to bring so many layers. She changes from workout clothes to a nice floral dress to wear for the ceremony while I changed into khakis and a dark green polo. With her bag all set we meet everybody back in the office.

“All set. Let’s go!” Mia seemed happier to go this time around since she actually got to know them. Aurora made her portal and we’re back on Wild Forest territory.

“Wow, it’s nice here.” Soon we see Conall come over to greet us.

“Hey, guys I thought you went back home.” He seemed surprised to see us.

“We heard from a little birdie that it was a big day and wanted to surprise Lucy,” Aurora smirks and quietly tweets at him. Conall smiles and laughs showing us to his house.

“Nice place,” I comment on his house, and it is a delightful house but this time it’s not as cold as last time. Soon Lyall comes up to us all looking sharp ready for tonight. Wearing what he wore for the wedding. “Looking nice Lyall.”

“Thanks, glad you guys could make it. Aurora filled me in on your surprise.” Lyall looks at us with a Cheshire cat smile and Lyna wraps her arms around Conall who I’m guessing filled her in on the surprise.

“Of course, she did…” Oliver laughs when he figures almost everyone knows about this except for Lucy.

“We can still call Ro so she can still see the ceremony.” I pitch the idea to the group.

“Yeah, that can be a good idea and Carter can meet her too.” Oliver and Evan agree with me and I’m excited to see this plan in motion.


Aurora and Oliver had been gone for a few hours and I was getting worried. Reika and Calla came not long after they left to get me dolled up and I was about to leave to head to the ceremony, but Aurora finally came back.

“Where have you been!? I was getting worried.”

“I just had forgotten something at home and had to go get it.” She opens the door more and I see Evan and Mia.

“What are you guys doing here!? I thought you went back home!” I give them a big hug and almost mess up my makeup.

“And miss your big day! Nah. That’s why she came and get us.” Evan teases me. I look at Aurora and she just smiled back. I give them all a group hug.

“Thanks, Aurora…”

“You’re welcome. Now let’s go we have a ceremony to start!” Reika had done my hair in soft curls and Calla had done my makeup to match my dress. Eyes with light blues on my lids while a darker blue on my crease to make my eyes pop (or so Calla says) and silver eyeliner, and a light pink blush and lipstick. Simple but I like it. The Elder that was at our wedding is back along with the entire council and I see Lyna, Conall, and Lyall on stage. He looked so handsome in his suit.

“Welcome everyone to this very special occasion of appointing a new beta and beta female. I have watched this young female alpha grow and learn over the past few months and I could not be prouder of you, young wolf. We as the council have seen you struggle, and watched you blossom as you have protected your family and pack from a threat. You were smart and cunning to use the werebear into your eventual escape.” I look to Ursa in the audience and smile, we had decided to let her stay here for now until she could go back to get her family. “Are you ready, my dear?” She asks me with a smile on her face.

“Yes, I am ready.” She turns towards the crowd “Repeat after me:

I, Lucy Celeste Amelie Teowulf, do solemnly swear to preserve, protect, and serve the members of Wild Forest Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Alpha, Luna and Beta’s side, to guide and to lead him down the right path should he falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead Wild Forest with peace and understanding I swear to it until my final breath.” Lyall squeezes my hands that I didn’t realize he was holding and the Elder turns to him.

“Are you ready, Beta Lyall? We all know that Beta Lyall has been your beta for a while, but with your new bride, we can officially make it both your title. Repeat after me:

I, Lyall Evan Teowulf, do solemnly swear to preserve, protect and serve the members of Wild Forest Pack. I swear to uphold the values of this pack and lead with strength and grace to the best of my abilities until my final breath. I swear to stand by my Alpha, Luna, and my beta female’s side, to guide and to lead them down the right path should they falter. I swear to offer my knowledge and wisdom so that we may both lead Wild Forest with peace and understanding I swear to it until my final breath.” He smiles at Conall and Lyna and bows to show his respect before going back to his spot behind me. Elder Mona unwraps the dagger gently and carefully to not slice herself. She makes a small slice across our palms and we hold our hands together and soon we hear the rest of the pack congratulating and howling for us.

“Welcome Beta Lyall and Beta female Lucy!” We hear them cry out to us. It wasn’t as overwhelming as I thought it would be. I smile at them and have happy tears in my eyes. Lyall pulls me into a kiss and it is stronger than I’ve ever felt them and I know our souls are tied to each other for eternity. This man is my life now… and I couldn’t be happier… after the ceremony, we all relaxed inside and a realization had come to me.

“This very ceremony was the very first time I found out about you…” Lyall laughs at me and kisses my cheek.

“Yeah, and life hasn’t been the same ever since.” I laugh and lean into his chest.

“Ain’t that the truth… but I’m happy. I’m happy that I officially get to be a part of a loving pack and I get to spend my life with you.” I kiss him when I’m interrupted by some friends coming towards me.

“Congratulations Beta Lucy!” Lyna gives me a big hug!

“Thanks, Luna… it shouldn’t feel weird, but it does.” I chuckle as I get used to this new life, but I wouldn’t change it.

“Oh, we don’t use titles around here often just for ceremonial purposes or visiting another pack whether they come here or we visit them.” Soon I’m tackled in a big hug.

“Congratulations Beta Lucy!” Evan tackled me and I fall back into Lyall’s lap.

“Thanks, Evan. I wish I could’ve met Rosalie.” I’m a little bummed that she couldn’t come.

“I’m right here Lucy!” Oliver and Aurora come towards us video calling Rosalie.

“You saw it!?” I look at the phone excitedly!

“Of course, I did. I wouldn’t want to miss something so important! It may not have been in person, but we’ll meet soon!”

“Thank you, guys. Who would’ve thought in three and a half months since Conall and Lyna became alpha and luna my life would’ve been turned upside down like this?”

“Well, there’s never a dull moment with us that’s for sure.” Lyna and I laugh together as she squeezes my hand.

“That’s for sure and I’m so glad. Well, minus Vincent I could’ve done without him…” I scrunch my nose at the thought of him.

“I think we all could’ve done without him…” Lyall agrees with me, and the others nod their heads.

“Who’s Vincent?” Oh yeah, Ro was still on the phone.

“Long story we’ll tell you in person sometime,” Oliver explains to her. Soon, my parents, Lupe and Lou join my table.

“We’re so proud of you, Lucy!” dad gives me the first hug.

“Thanks, dad… I know this means I can’t be a part of our family pack anymore, but I’ll still visit.” I’m a little sad not being a part of the family pack, but it’s time to leave the nest.

“I know you will, but we’ve been talking an alliance with Wild Forest anyway so we might become members too.”

“Really!? Wait a minute one official alpha, one retired and one wanna-be alpha isn’t that too many alphas in one pack?” Conall steps forward to help with my confusion.

“There’s nothing wrong with seeking advice from a former alpha and luna. Since our official alpha and luna can’t be here, I’d be honored to have your parents help guide Lyna and me.” I look to them and my parents who are smiling at me.

“So, they can stay??” I ask hopefully and excitedly.

“They can stay.” I jump and give both my new alpha and luna a hug. How things have come in a full circle. This very ceremony is where I found out about Lyall and my friends being a werewolf, to myself and my family being werewolves… but I wouldn’t change a thing. It led me to the love of my life… I take a deep breath and just smile.

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