Lyall's Story

Chapter 18 mysterious stranger


I’ve been training all weekend, and it was going to be a rough start to the week, but I had to go back to the shop. I tried to walk it off, but it didn’t help much. Once I got into town, it seemed like any other day. People came and went while I loved making people happy by giving them a special dress or tux/suit for their special occasion the dull moments when nobody was here were always lonely. Sometimes Lyall would keep me company. Even though he was totally out of his element but I appreciated the thought. Today unfortunately he didn’t since he was training with Oliver and Lupe. I was texting him about lunch plans when a customer came in. He was a handsome man but for some reason, I feel like I’ve seen him before. Maybe he’s just a repeat customer that I didn’t remember.

“Hey, I’m Lucy, owner of the Lace Story, how can I help you today?” The mystery man seemed to take in my store but seemed impressed.

“Hi, I’m just looking around for a nice suit.”

“Oh sure, the guy’s section is this way, this is my dress section. What’s the occasion?” I lead him to the suits.

“Oh, I’m meeting someone and I want to make a good impression.” He smirks at me and it makes me uncomfortable.

“I’m sure she’ll be impressed.”

“I hope so.” Once I lead him to the suits, he took his time to look around. I left him alone so he could find the one he was looking for. To be honest, he was quite handsome. Around 6ft easily, Short, wavy, milk chocolate brown hair, blueish-green eyes, a five o’clock shadow with a beard in the making… ugh if I wasn’t mated already, I wouldn’t be mad if he was my mate. Course he could just be a normal human, but then again, I thought I was until a month ago. Snap out of it! Let’s see how he’s doing…

“Find anything you like?” I ask him politely.

“Yeah, I think this simple black suit is nice, maybe with this blue tie it’ll look nice.” He looks in the mirror admiring the suit.

“Yeah, a classic combo, do you want to try it on?”

“Unnecessary, but thank you. I’ll just pay and be on my way.” Ok, confident, don’t have too many customers like this.

“Alright, well if you’re sure then come this way to the register and you can be on your way.” I lead him to my desk to pay and put his suit in a garment bag. As I gave him his suit, his hand seemed to linger on top of mine and it kind of freaked me out like he wanted to hold my hand. Weird… but he seemed happy with his suit and went his merry way. It just felt weird… so I texted Lyall about this customer and he said he’ll be on his way. When he did relief was all over my face.

“Hey, you seemed nervous over your text, is something wrong?” He grabs me into a hug trying to calm me.

“I just had a guy come in for a suit, nothing new, but when he went to pay, we touched hands like he wanted to hold my hand.” I could hear him growl in possessiveness.

“NO! You’re my girl… and nobody is going to take you away from me!” Lykos grabbed onto me and holds me tight not wanting to let go of me.

“I’m not sure why he did, but he did. I had a sense of déjà vu so I figured I shouldn’t be alone that’s why I texted you.”

“Well, I’m glad you did. I missed you.” He kisses me, and the worry seems to melt away. It was late enough in the day that I figured closing early wouldn’t be a problem. As I was closing up, I felt like I was being watched, and not in a good way. I shrug it off but stayed close to Lyall. We walked home and normally being in the woods at twilight never bothered me, but I was getting freaked out between the weird customer and the weird feeling of being followed. I don’t like this feeling at all so I kind of walked faster to get home than usual. I try to mind-link my parents to let them know I’m on my way home.

“Hey, we’re on our way home, but there’s something that I want to talk about with you.”

“Is everything ok, sweetie?” Mom sounded worried, but I had to calm her.

“Yeah, mom everything’s fine, but I’ll explain when I get there.” I cut the connection and was relieved when the house was in sight. Lyall wasn’t too far behind me and I hear something in the woods nearby. I hoped so hard that it was Lyall or somebody I knew, but I was so freaked out that I think I was on the verge of a panic attack. Luckily, I made it to the front door, Lyall behind me and I slam and lock the door as quickly as I could.

“Lucy, oh good you’re home! I was getting worried.” Mom gives me a big hug as we come in and I was so happy to have one.

“It was so freaky at the shop today. I had a customer come in for a suit nothing out of the ordinary, but as he was grabbing the suit to take home, it felt like he was trying to hold my hand.”

“What did that customer look like?” my dad trying to calm me down by rubbing my back. I’ve never had a customer that made me worry and scared like this before.

“Um, maybe my age, around 6ft easily, Short, wavy, milk chocolate brown hair, blueish-green eyes, a five o’clock shadow with a beard in the making. Why? You know him?”

“Do you have security camera footage?” Dad had set up security so he could monitor me while working. I know a little weird, but it gave me some peace knowing that I could monitor my shop after hours.

“Oh yeah, he came around closing.” I pull out my phone and pull up the security app. When the interaction came up it seemed simple, but I could hear both Lyall and my dad growling at my phone. “What’s wrong?”

“What’s wrong?? Another man is flirting with my woman!” I knew wolves to be possessive with their mate well at least from what mom told me, but I’ve never seen Lyall like this before. The happy and calm guy I knew and love was gone. This was a protective beta in front of me. I never saw this side of him often except for official pack meetings and even then, depending on who the meeting is with he was still his normal self.

“Dad… who is this?”

“This guy was supposed to be your mate… his name is Vincent Devereaux… lune de chasseur has found us…” Lyall growls in possessiveness again gripping me tightly for which I am grateful otherwise I probably would’ve passed out. I had to text Lyna and Aurora about this but honestly, I couldn’t even process this information… soon black spots clouded my eyes and I must’ve passed out in his arms.

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