Lyall's Story

Chapter 17 training


We made it back to the gym, and everyone was changed for a session. I’m nervous… I have a soon-to-be king and queen, alpha Conall, luna Lyna, gamma Raff, and gamma female Reika, and of course Lyall and Lupe. I’m in for a load of pain… Lyna comes up to me first.

“Look I know it’s scary. All of us have our strengths and weaknesses (well at least we do) but not that long ago that I was in your position. Someone threatened my people, and I had to train for years to take him down. Conall and Lyall trained me so if you’d rather train with me, it’s more or less the same program you’d get if one of them talked to you. Unfortunately, we know your opponent is going to be a guy, either an alpha or an almost alpha so fighting with one of the guys will probably be to your advantage. I may have been alpha for six years, but I’m still a smaller alpha. These guys are going to be more realistic to who you’re going to be up against.” Pointing to Conall, Oliver, Lupe, Lyall, Evan, and Raff… yikes… well on the upside is that it’s just normal hand to hand, but that’s three official alphas, ok technically Oliver’s an alpha king, one unofficial alpha, beta, and two gammas… I’m in trouble… “I know you’re scared, but don’t let your opponent know that otherwise, he’ll use that to your advantage. Lyall, why don’t you start first to ease her into it, but not too easy.”

“Of course, Lyna. So, let’s start with a base, and let us see what you know.”

“Well, it’s not much, but I guess it’s better than nothing.” I walk over to the punching bag and remember what I had done in the video game and put it to practical use. Never thought I’d say that, but here goes nothing. I stretch first before actually punching and kicking. That’d be bad to pull a muscle or something over something so silly as not stretching. I try to remember everything I could from the game and take a few swings at the bag. A couple of times looking to YouTube for a few videos on it to give me a refresher. I almost forget about the audience behind me. I just focus on the bag in front of me. Over an hour later and a couple of videos later, I finish the workout and everyone seems impressed.

“Not bad… for a beginner. It’s something we can work with.” Oliver walks up to me with a smile on his face. He grabs my hand and instinctively I grab his wrist and flip him.

“I had no idea I could do that!” My eyes are as wide as a saucer… I just flipped an alpha! Holy crap! Lupe was laughing at me and Lyall looked he was about to pounce on me.

“Impressive, but with more training, you will be an amazing beta female.” Oliver looked at me with pride and I couldn’t help but smile.

“Let’s not forget that you guys are not the only ones with alpha blood. I may be a beta, but I’m not weak.” Sometimes I’d sneak into dad’s office to read some books on his shelf to read up about our bloodline. It seemed like we had a good mix of everything. Some alphas, some betas, and some lowly omegas but that’s ok not everyone can be at the top. Dad was all alpha duh otherwise we wouldn’t have our own pack, but mom’s parents was an alpha and a beta and I remember dad saying that mom was a princess, so her parents had to be king and queen of something the book didn’t say, so us kids were decently strong. Lyall and Conall walked over to me and Oliver while Lyall was trying to calm me down, Conall helped Oliver get up. I could also see Lupe trying not to burst out laughing at Oliver. He must know something that I don’t.

“What’s so funny, Lupe?” I look at him with curious eyes.

“Nothing, just for your first-time training and you flip probably one of the most powerful alphas we’ve ever met on your first try is amazing. I may be a quiet alpha, but I’d like to help train you first.” That’s surprising I had never seen him train or fight. “I can see your curiosity in your eyes. I am more than just a pretty face you know. Before we had our memories rearranged, I was a fierce fighter. Then alpha stalker had to come along and ruin it.”


I hated the guy already… took away our pack, our home, our life… all because I wouldn’t be with someone that wasn’t my mate… what a sicko… Lupe, Lyall, Evan and Oliver, all took me under their wings. I was surprised by how much of a good fighter Lupe was. I spent hours going through drills, boxing, and self-defense 101… I even spared Lyna and Reika. By lunch, I deeply regretted this idea… I was sore in places that I didn’t know could be sore! I’m going to feel this tomorrow… after lunch, we sparred some more but this time with Lyall and Oliver… ow pain and suffering… suffering and pain… these guys are good… well I already knew Lyall was from the stories I heard but never actually seen it. Guess he’s more than just a pretty face as Lupe would say… we stay here until I couldn’t feel my limbs anymore and even then I still stayed… I’m determined to be a warrior and stand up for myself, my family, my mate, and my pack. I may regret it in the morning when I’m going to be covered in heating pads or ice packs, but I didn’t care I’m going to keep fighting.


Lucy took off early this morning for what I presumed was her training… I’m scared for her, but I know she’s in excellent hands. Around lunch, I hear the door open and peek in to see Aurora come back. She sees me and joins me in the kitchen.

“I thought you’d be helping with the training?” Confused as to why she was back so soon. Not that I didn’t mind her company, but I thought it’d be an all-day thing.

“I was, but I realized the guys would be more helpful to her, so I came back.”

“Well, that’s nice I always welcome company.” I give her a smile and a hug “Are you hungry? I can whip up some lunch for you.” I grab plates and condiments and start making her and me some sandwiches.

“Oh, you’re so sweet aunt Quila. That’d be nice thanks.” She smiled at me back and it was nice to have some alone time with her. “What happened to you and Adolphe when you were in France?”

“Oh… that… feels so long ago and yet not… well I guess I should start from the very beginning. I was a royal, not like you I don’t have any crazy powers but I was a royal… my mother and father were fair and loving king and queen but we had an advisor slowly poisoning their minds. Old-fashioned ways that should’ve died long ago. He was the one trying to set me up with some prince from who knows where and all I could think was ‘he was trying to take me away from my family and kingdom’ so I said no to every suitor that he offered. Then one day Adolphe stumbled into my flower garden wounded from who knows what I never bothered to ask since he didn’t like to talk about it… but I took care of him and once he was well again, I realized he was my mate. When my parents found out they were so happy for us, but the advisor thought it was disgusting for a commoner to be a mate of a princess. He made me choose between my family and kingdom or my mate… it was the hardest decision of my life… but eventually I had to say goodbye to my parents and my siblings… my older brother took over as king… and I left my kingdom and Adolphe went back to Paris after he was well again from whatever wounds he had… didn’t have time to say goodbye to him before he left… that advisor probably kicked him out before I could…

I went rogue for a long time until a small pack in the countryside of France took me in… then one day Adolphe was having a joy ride and taking a break from the city life of Paris and needed to stretch out his wolf when he stumbled onto my old pack, lune lupine or wolf moon in English. I knew right away he was my mate… we instantly fell in love… soon we got married in my small pack garden and when we went back to his pack in Paris that other alpha wanted our kids to mate even though we were sure they weren’t so we went to a werebear/witch named Ursa for help. She had been our friend, and she was glad to help us… she hid us from that awful alpha, and gave all of us new memories… we escaped to America hoping he wouldn’t find us but apparently, now he might and it’s scaring me… I don’t want him to take away any of my pups…” I feel her arms around me giving me a hug and some tears on her face.

“I’m so sorry that happened to you! Why would he be so cruel!? You and uncle Adolphe make an impressive pair, and so brave.” Aurora gives me a loving hug.

“You’re very kind… I’m not sure why he was so cruel, but I hope my brother got rid of him when he was king…” She looks lost in thought and hopeful.

“You don’t know what happened to them?” I could see tears in her eyes and I hugged her to comfort her.

“No… but I hope they’re living a wonderful life.” I smile at my hopefulness. “Now enough about me, what about some lunch?” I go back to making our sandwiches for everyone and call everyone else that was still here to join us.

“I hope I can give you that request after all this crazy with the alpha stalker is over.” She stops making the sandwich and hugs me.

“Thank you, sweetie… you really have a big heart.” We keep hugging each other for a minute or two before everyone comes for lunch. If she can do that, I’d be so grateful to her. Soon people were coming, and we let go of each other and I went back to finishing up lunch. My eyes glistened as I was at the thought of seeing my family again after so many years… for my kids to meet their other grandparents and their uncle… I smile at the thought… but I shake it off so my family and new friends don’t see me cry. I put on a cheerful face during lunch but I know Adolphe can see something was wrong… I’ll let him know later, but right now I just wanted to enjoy our company.

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