Lyall's Story

Chapter 14 family emergency


I had never heard my dad sound so scared and worried luckily thanks to running with Scarlett and Lykos we got back as quickly as we could. When we got back to my parent’s house, we shifted back to ourselves and tried to find some clothes close by. We walk to where everyone was in the living room and they looked so solemn, angry, and with a look of wanting to punch something or someone. Even Oliver and Aurora were still in town I would’ve thought they left to go back to California by now.

“What’s going on everybody? Why the long faces?” Everybody is usually happy and laughing and it looked and felt like everybody had watched a sad movie before we came… dad comes up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders.

“In no way is this yours or Lupe’s fault…” I think my dad had tears in his eyes… he never cries! “The spell that was to protect us weakened enough that the person we were trying to hide from can now find us…”

“Then we must fight! Stand up for ourselves!” I look at him straight in the eyes. “We can’t hide forever, and we have new packs that will certainly help us. How bad can this guy be?” I look to Lyna and Oliver hoping that they’d have our backs. Lyna of course nods her head in agreement to help, but I can see the wheels turning in Oliver’s head and probably talking strategy with Aurora so they’re probably going to help, but Oliver eventually nods his head in agreement.

“He wanted to set up an arranged marriage between you and his son, Vincent. If he’s anything like his father, he wouldn’t be a suitable match for you… I said no which made him angry. He, like my brother, wanted to keep the family line strong and powerful, he didn’t care if they were mates or not. I wanted you to find your true mate and have a happy marriage someday. You were too young for marriage at the time anyway and it disgusted me he was even thinking of it. So, we went to a witch to help protect us and she may not have been a powerful witch, she was enough for our purposes. If I remember right this witch was an Earth witch. My knowledge of witches isn’t the greatest but from the rumors that I’ve heard there are five houses of witches; fire, air, earth, water, and the most powerful being spirit. The top three being spirit, water, and fire.”

“That’s what a friend of ours told us, she’s an Earth witch too.” Aurora piped up.

“Good to know that I’m on the right track, anyway our witch was unique not only was she a witch, but a werebear.” Ok, that’s a new one!? A bear!? Glad I wasn’t the only one who had the shocked look of ‘what’ on their face. “That’s why she’s an expensive witch… but it was worth the price to keep you kids safe… in exchange for some money she wanted, she gave us a spell that’d keep us hidden until you got your mates, and since both you and Lupe found yours it was enough to weaken the spell… I’m not blaming either of you I couldn’t be happier to have new in-laws. Having almost been in a loveless marriage myself… I wouldn’t wish it on you guys…” He lowered his eyes in sadness as he looked at mom who gave him a comforting hug.

“Oh, dad…” I hug him too… all this craziness because he wanted us to be happy like he and mom were… I suppose that’s all a parent can wish for… “Thanks, dad… for trying to give us a better life and we do. If we didn’t come here, I wouldn’t have Lyall or Scarlett and Lupe wouldn’t have Ulva or his wolf and we’d still be in hiding.” The mood was killed when dad’s phone rang “Boo buzzkill family moment…” He chuckles at me and answers his phone.

“Hello?” He didn’t seem to recognize the number, and when that happens to me, I ignore it, but he’s too nice.

“Bonjour Monsieur Alpha… it’s been a while since you last saw me, but I’m letting you know that my family and I are coming to America so I can see my bride… can’t wait to meet her and take her home with me back to France…” The phone line goes dead and my face just goes pale white… luckily Lyall was behind me so I didn’t faint onto the floor but that was the scariest message I had ever heard… soon I see Aurora on her phone talking to someone.

“Aurora what’s up? Everything ok back home?” I didn’t want to cause more trouble, especially to my new family.

“Oh yeah, everything is fine. I’m calling my gamma to come over to help with this impeding most likely fight. There’s no way I’m letting some psycho take you away.” Aurora was already protective of me and she barely even knew me! I leave to let her make her call and go sit in a quiet place before I pass out from shock…


After the creepy phone call with whoever was on the phone with Lucy’s dad; I back away from the scared group and try to call Evan and Mia, my gamma, and his mate. Lucy checked on me just to make sure I was ok, and things back home were ok. I know she’s scared; I don’t blame her. I reassure her that things are fine and she and Lyall go to a quiet place probably to calm down so she doesn’t pass out.

“Evan, I need you and Mia to come cross-country. If you want, I can teleport you here so you don’t even need to get a plane ticket.”

“What’s wrong? Everything alright? How’s the snow?!” He knew how excited I was to see it, but I could hear the worry.

“It’s so beautiful here with all the snow and mountains. Surprisingly, we met some new family on Oliver’s side but I’ll tell you when I come back. Sounds like it’s going to get messy. I’d call Carter, but Rosalie is too close to having their pup and I don’t want to take him away from her. Celina and Javier have their own pack problems and I don’t want to bother her, so you and Mia are what I got.”

“I’ll let her know to pack for snow. I don’t think she’s ever left the territory before so this is going to be interesting.” I could always count on Evan to have my back. Thank goddess for Oliver picking him to be my gamma.

“Thanks, Evan… we’ll see you soon. I’ll let Oliver know what’s going on so he doesn’t freak out when I leave for a few minutes.”

“Yeah, I don’t want to get on Oliver’s bad side again…”

“Well, pack fast, I’ll be over soon to get you two. I’ll see you soon, Evan.”

“See you soon.” We both hang up and I drag Oliver aside.

“Hey, what’s going on??”

“I need to teleport back home.” Oliver looks at me worriedly like I had just ruined our trip.

“What!? Why!?”

“Oliver, our family needs help! This creeper wants to take Lucy! I know we haven’t known them long, but she’s family, and I don’t want her getting caught up in some dangerous situation. I just got off the phone with Evan, I’m going to get him and Mia and come right back.” Oliver sighed and doesn’t look pleased, but he nods his head.

“Go… you’re right we have to help… I’ll let the family know what’s going on, you bring in the cavalry. I love you…” He kisses me quickly before letting me go.

“I’ll only be gone a few minutes, but I love you too.” In an instant I was back in the woods of Northern California… back home inside our packhouse mansion… the warmth of the weather being in the 60s felt good on my skin after being cold and snowy for almost a week. This trip was more than we bargained for… I teleported into Oliver’s office and it felt good to be back. I make my way to Evan’s room and I hear him and Mia packing.

“Hi, guys ready to go?” I see Mia a little frazzled.

“How do I prepare for snow and cold!? The coldest it’s ever been is in the 40s!”

“Uh… bring lots of layers, but it’s not so bad when you’re in wolf form. Thanks, guys, for dropping everything to help.”

“Of course, you sounded worried over the phone. Besides, after Oliver, I’m your man!” He always liked to make me smile when I was worried.

“So besides worrying over how to beat the cold, are you ready to go?”

“Yeah, I think so. I’m going to bring some extra pants and long-sleeve shirts just in case…” Poor Mia… she doesn’t know what she’s in for… she’s never left the territory before so this is going to be a shock for her.

“Well, we need to get back to the East Coast soon! Long story short, Oliver’s cousin Lucy is potentially going to be abducted by some creepier in a different pack in France that used to be dealing with Lune de Minuit, yes, the same pack that’s our mother pack in France so we know it’s not good…” I explain the phone call, how Lucy already has a mate, about Wild Forest Pack.

“Great, another creepier… so what do you need us for?” Evan sometimes knows when to be serious and when to goof around with me.

“I don’t want it to come to a fight, but should it, I want some of our best, and I couldn’t think of anyone better.”

“Well, now that Mia has packed every single winter item, she owns we can go.” He grabs the bags and I open a portal and we’re back in Lucy’s living room like I never left.

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