Lyall's Story

Chapter 13 surprise note


After our… romantic night so to speak it got too late to travel at night, so she stayed with me. Not that I’m complaining I always love it when she stays over. The smell of lavender and sunflowers was all over me and I didn’t mind one bit. After minutes of waking up, I hear a banging on the door.

“I’m coming… I’m coming…” I put some decent clothes on and open the door. “Yes, Lyna what can I do for you?”

“Where have you been, you haven’t been in contact with us for half the day!” I can see her smirking… payback is biting me in the butt…

“I’ve been here with Lucy. We told you when we left your house.” Getting a little annoyed with her.

“Yeah, I know just giving you a hard time when you did it to me when I had Conall to myself for the first time. You smell like her… lavender and sunflowers interesting scent for my beta.” I hear her growl at me protectively turning into a laugh.

“Relax we’re fine. I guess I had this coming…” I admit defeat but chuckled as she growled at me.

“Lucy is an exceptional woman for you. I can’t wait to perform your ceremony. Now that you’ve mated just watch out for her heat.” She hugged me as we reminisce old memories of us having a similar conversation just mere months ago when it was Lyna in the same boat as me.

“Thanks, Lyna… I know I gave you a hard time then, but in my defense, we didn’t know about you leaving the hospital but yeah payback is biting me…” She laughs at me again as I rub my neck in embarrassment

“I’m sure your scent is all over her and her family and fellow she-wolves are going to tease her about it too, but don’t worry it’s all in good fun. Besides you have a delightful scent of red oak and pine with a hint of mint in the summer.” I didn’t realize that Lucy had come out until she giggled behind me.

“Good morning, Lyna… sorry to keep your beta…” She blushes too and comes up behind me dressed in one of my shirts and shorts.

“It’s ok Lucy, I don’t need him right now, so he’s all yours, but congrats on your mating…” We both blush as she could smell it on us and she laughs at our embarrassment… “I’ll see you, two later guys.” She heads back to her house to probably fill in Conall with our latest gossip. Lucy pulls me back inside and closes the door. I immediately kiss her again. She looks so darn sexy in my clothes and I could get used to this.

“Let’s just monitor you since I remember Lyna after her first mating with Conall she went into her first heat not long afterward. Only your mate can help with that and we pretty much have sex for two days. So, I don’t have a downside, but from what I’ve heard it’s like you’re on fire from the inside out… doesn’t sound like fun but I will be with you every step of the way.” I give her a hug trying to comfort her as a look of worry is in her eyes. After her hug, I hear her phone ringing from our room and she runs to go get it. She talks to whoever it is for a few minutes and I hear her quickly changing out of my clothes… so much for that plan.

“Lucy, what’s wrong?”

“I got to get home! NOW! Family emergency! That was my dad calling.” The look of worry frightens me, but I let Lyna know of the emergency and we both shift quickly and run back to her parent’s house.


Doc Bader, Quila, and I reminisce on old memories while we were living in France. Sometimes I honestly wish we were still there, but then I wouldn’t have new in-laws so I guess moving to America has its perks. We were all in my office when I see this magical note randomly appear on my desk.

“On vous a trouvé ... on se voit bientôt, Adolphe (we found you… see you soon, Adolphe)” My worst nightmare had come true… since my kids had found their mates the spell must’ve weakened enough for us to be traceable again… it’s not the witch’s fault and I don’t blame my kids either I’m happy they found their mates…

“Dear? What’s wrong?” Quila has been my rock and supporter through everything this arrogant s.o.b has put us through…

“Antoine… he’s found us… I got to call Lucy and Lyall!” I pick up my phone and dial as quickly as I can… I can’t let this guy find us or else things will not end well for either his family or ours… and as much as I don’t like to wish ill-will on someone’s family… I wish it on his…

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