Lyall's Story

Chapter 12 something wicked this way comes


I really got to get this potion done! Damn it! Where are the damn ingredients… got to finish this before he ‘checks in’ on me! Ugh, France definitely isn’t home… don’t get me wrong it’s a lovely and beautiful country but I want to take my family back home… back to North Cascades Park, Washington… a hop and a skip away from Canada… but when you get paid a lot of money for being a werebear/witch hybrid… how could I say no for trying to provide for my cubs and mate… they might now be little cubs anymore, but I still protect them like they are. I’m so focused on my potion that I don’t notice my mate come into my potion’s room in our cabin/prison.

“Barrett! My goodness, you startled me!” You’d think it’d be easy to notice when another werebear is looking for me, but apparently not when you’re super focused.

“I’ve been looking everywhere for you! The guards are going crazy outside! What are you doing down here!?” I didn’t really pay attention to my surroundings…

“I’m trying to figure out how to do that invisibility spell that I helped that one family with years ago… so we can finally get out of here and go back home!”

“Oh, honey… I know you want to go back… I miss it too…” He hugs me with warmth and sympathy. Our hug is interrupted when the front door of our ‘cabin’ is opened.

“Qu’est-ce que tu fais!? Vous n’essayez plus de vous échapper, n’est-ce pas? (What are you doing!? Not trying to escape again are you!?) Vous savez ce qui se passe lorsque vous essayez de partir… (You know what happens when you try to leave…)” He had the look of an evil smirk and anger on his face and it always freaked me out.

“LAISSER MES CUBS HORS DE CECI! (LEAVE MY CUBS OUT OF THIS!)” I growl at him making him back off out of our makeshift home. It wasn’t the first time he’s threatened me but nobody messes with my family… I had been here for about six years and I had learned French so I could freaken understand my boss…

“Ooh maman ours fougueux. Votre famille ne sera pas blessée... encore (Ooh feisty down momma bear. Your cubs won’t be hurt… again…)” I growl at him again my bear, Ursina wanted to rip his head off… he had hurt them before… and it hurt my heart to see my mate, and cubs hurt… so I stood down. “Bien. Maintenant… rangez la potion et personne ne sera blessé. (Good. Now put away the potion and no one will be hurt.)”

“Je vais m’éloigner de vous... alors vous devrez utiliser votre propre esprit et vos propres loups pour protéger votre propre peuple! Soyez l’alpha qu’ils méritent et ne vous cachez pas derrière votre ours en peluche! Maintenant, sors de ma maison tant qu’elle est encore à moi! (I am going to get away from you ... then you will have to use your own mind and your own wolves to protect your own people! Be the alpha they deserve and don’t hide behind your teddy bear! Now get out of my house while it’s still mine!)” I could feel Ursina try to emerge and rip his head off, but it took a lot of strength not to shift… he finally leaves with a look of defeat on his face but before leaving he turns back to me with a smirk.

“Avant de partir, j’aimerais envoyer un message à mon cher ami Adolphe en Amérique… (before leaving I’d like to send a message to my dear friend Adolphe in America.” His smirk always gave me the creeps…

“Et qu’est-ce que ce serait? (and what would it be?)”

“On vous a trouvé... on se voit bientôt, Adolphe (we found you… see you soon, Adolphe)” My eyes bug out when I realize my spell had worn off on the friends I had helped all those years ago… I hope they’re ok…

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