Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 18


The days slowly melt into weeks.

Hive after hive fell and more women joined my cause. I’m sure word of our liberation has hit Gias ears. I have to be prepared. He will come. He always does when someone challenges the status quo.

Honestly, I was really expecting more of a challenge, but so far, my sisters have shown that not only do they want to end this life, they are more than willing to help us progress into the next one.

I say us because as surprising as it is, Hunters participation in this has been helpful. His attachment to the council Alphas and the High Council itself, has proven to be my most valuable tool to help my sisters adjust to their new way of life.

I can also say, he helped me too. I no longer have to sit in my informal cell. They’ve granted me a room in the dorms.

There are some things we’ve have to compromise over. Like scent blockers. Apparently, our scent isn’t going over well with the general population. So, Graham, the biology expert, developed a spray that blocks our scent. Some had a problem with this because it should just be accepted, but I call it a small compromise for our freedom.

Another compromise is background files. Zander wants files on every woman in my hive. Some were hesitant, but then gave in once Hunter explained its part of the Alliance agreement.

Hunter and I worked well into the night getting the information inputted into the systems.

After several hours, he yawns and stretches. My eyes move to his shirt as it lifts up. I try to not look, but the sight of his ab muscles made something inside me perk up.

I can’t say I haven’t gotten closer to Hunter, I have, but he makes me…nervous. Not about who he is, but what he might mean. What I may have to give in to if I can no longer fight.

“I should go.” I stand. It’s 2 am and he needs his sleep.

“We have one more.” He holds his hand out to me.

I furrow my brow. “Whose?”

He points to me. “Yours.”

I shake my head. “You have enough.” I go to leave and he grabs my wrist.

“Lainey. It’s not complete and you’ve been avoiding it for weeks. Sit.” He eyes me.

I huff and slam back in the seat. I spread my feet and rest my elbows on the arms. I lace my fingers together. “Ok. What do you want to know.” I say with annoyance.

He arches a brow. “First. Lose the attitude. You know we have to do this.” He readies himself on the keyboard.

I roll my eyes and pull myself up beside him.

“Ok. Age.” He says.

I put my elbow on his desk and my chin in my fist. I turn my head to him and raise my brows.

He looks at me. “What?”

I close my eyes. “It’s rude to ask a woman her age.” I mumble.

He flops his hands on his desk. “Are you kidding me? You’re kidding me.” He looks at me.

I shake my head no. I study his face.

He bites his cheek. He gets a small smirk on his mouth. He leans to me. “Age.” He says with almost a challenging tone.

I sigh and think. “84…no 85…I think.”

“Say what now?” His brows shoot up.

“You asked.” I sit back.

He turns back to his computer. “Shit.” He shakes his head.

I almost feel a laugh as I watch him trying to soak in that I’m at least 50 years older than him.

“Ok. Place of birth.” He asks.

“Glasgow, Scotland.” I say.

He turns his head and his brows come together. “No accent?”

“No.” I snip.

“Darn.” He mutters. He types. “That would be cool.”

“Sorry to disappoint.” I snark.

“Oh no…I didn’t mean…” He sits up and turns to me.

“It’s fine. Next question…” I wave him off.

“Ok. When did you…you know…” He motions to his neck indicating my vampire birth.

I’m leaning on my hand with my elbow on the arm and my legs crossed. “I was 14.”

“By Damon?” He eyes me.

I close my eyes and nod in my hand.

“Can you tell me about it?” He stops typing and kind of side eyes me.

“It’s typical. He and his men raided our village and here I am.” I supply.

He leans back. “That’s it?”

I nod yes. “That’s it.”

“You don’t have anything else?” He motions to me.

“Like what?” I look him up and down.

“I don’t know. A little more on what happened? What it was like?” He laces his fingers on his chest. He spins and his feet are on either side of mine.

“I don’t think the Alliance wants my life’s story.” I say in a bored tone.

He looks down at his fingers. “Maybe I do…to…understand you better.” He lifts his eyes to mine.

Our eyes lock in a stare. I can see he really wants his answers. I’m not sure if I’m prepared to give him them.

“Next question.” I say coldly, without breaking the stare.

He clears his throat. “Ok.” He pulls himself back into his computer. “When did you get to this country?”

“With Damon. During his invasion.” I say.

“What was your position?” He asks.

“Blood mule.” I inform.

I see a slight change in his face. He’s trying to hide it, but I can tell he didn’t like that answer.

“Where were you between the time of Damon’s death and when we found you?” He eyes me again.

“In hiding.” I say.

“Ok. Where?” He asks.

“Around.” I try to make it clear that I don’t like this line of questioning.

He pushes back and turns again. “Can you be more specific?”

“No.” I say.

“What about the lab? When were you taken?” He arches a brow.

I didn’t think he knew about that. Damn.

I lean back. “The next day after Damon was killed. I ran from the mountain and was caught.”

“How long were you there?” He asks quietly.

I look down “Seven years.” I mumble.

He leans forward. “Seven years? They experimented on you that whole time?”

I nod. “I escaped a few times, but they always found me and brought me back.” I glance at him quickly.

“Lainey. What did they do?” He asks with concern.

I shrug. “Made me walk in the sun.”

“How?” He asks.

“I don’t know.” I turn and lift my hair. “They did things to my neck. I’m not sure what.”

I turn back after showing him my scar tissue. His eyes are concerned and he’s rubbing his nape. “The pink liquid.” He mumbles.

“How did you…” I tilt my head.

“I dreamed it. I’ve been dreaming it for months. I thought it was my psychosis, but…the table, the doctors, the needles? That was you?”

“You saw all that?” I ask.

“Saw it? Lainey, I fucking lived it. The pain. The fear. Everything. In my head, they were experimenting on me, but I think somehow, I tapped into your memories.” He leans forward and pulls himself close.

I lower my head and then look at him. “The feedings.”


“Vampires have a skill where we can get memories from you through your blood. It must have backfired and my memories were transferred through my venom.” I stare at him.

“Lainey, what I saw. Felt…” He starts.

I turn and face the desk. “It’s fine. It’s over.”

He leans his elbow on the desk. “No. Lainey. You can’t just sweep this under the rug. These people deserve to be stopped. Vampire or not, you didn’t deserve that.”

“I’m not ignoring it, Hunter. I’ll show the Alliance the lab, but that’s as far as I’ll go. I don’t know who these people are and frankly, I just want to forget it ever happened.” I look at him quickly.

He nods. He looks at his watch. “You want to grab a bite?” He smirks as he changes the subject.

“Nice.” I nod to him.

He shrugs. “I try.”

As part of the agreement, the Unit hired a night staff to keep the dining hall open for their new night walkers.

They also keep a fresh supply of cows blood supplied by Billy for us to eat.

As we waited for our food, Hunter stood with his hands in his pockets. “You…um…you seem to be doing really well here.”

I grab my take out cup of blood and grab a straw. Welcome to the future, I guess. I don’t mind it. Less messy and disturbing.

Hunter grabs his food.

“I’m adjusting. You shifters are definitely not what I expected.” I say as I sip my drink.

We walk to the back terrace of the Unit. Out under the moon and stars that you could see. He leads me to a bench.

He puts his food in between us and opens his carton.

“What were you thinking?” He asks, picking up his sandwich and taking a bite.

I drink my cup and look at the moon. The night air blows quietly. “I don’t know. A stake?”

I turn my head to him and the corner of my mouth ticks up.

“Well, now you know, not everything about us is about killing.” He smiles.

I turned to face him. “I never thanked you.”

He stops in mid chew. “For what?”

“For saving me. Yeah, it was against my will, but clearly, I owe you a lot.” I say as I play with my straw.

He snorts. “You don’t owe me a damn thing. If anything, I owe you.”

“Why?” I ask.

He wipes his hands and mouth and moves the carton behind him. He shuffles a little closer. “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have found the cure I needed for my pack. Your broken lust lock saved 3000 people. Lainey, I owe you so much. I can never repay you or make up for what I did to you. I can try with helping you with your people, but it won’t be enough. Ever." He leans his arm on the back of the bench and his head on his hand.

I don’t know how to feel about that. I still feel bad I drove Hunter to madness, but knowing something good came out of it in the end, kind of made me feel better somehow.

I’m also struggling with his vested interest in me. Should I be concerned?

I know we don’t know each other at all, I feel like I want to actually want to get to know him. He still stirs something in me. That never went away, I just fight it for the obviously glaring reason that our species are mortal enemies. We kill each other on almost a daily basis and if I give in, it could cause even more problems. The problem is, I don’t think I can fight it.

As we sit here and talk, the more I don’t want to leave. I can’t pull myself away.

My chest heaves. “Hunter, I…” I had to stop because as I looked up, I don’t know what it was, but Hunters eyes gave me pause. I said before, they were different after he got better, but now, the way he’s looking at me, I feel it grow again.

I look down. “Hunter. I want to tell you something. I don’t know how you’ll react, if at all, but I've thought about it, a lot.”

“You can tell me, Lainey.” He says. “What is it?”

My eyes meet his. “This.”

With my vamp speed, my cup goes flying and I have his head in my hands. My lips press against his and my body hits his chest. I ask for entrance and his soft, gentle tongue meets mine. We explore each other as his arms wrap around my waist. My mind ignites with want and desire from the feel of his amazing lips on mine.

From the time he kissed me till now, I’ve felt his lips on mine. A haunting reminder that my feelings were still there.

He holds my head and deepens the kiss. “God….Lainey…” He moans as he comes up for air. His hand rubbing my bare back under my shirt. His fingers grip my skin and pulls me into his body more.

I moan on his lips and my head swims with his scent. I feel a small purr come from my chest and a light growl from his.

I run my fingers into his hair. The heat from him is almost warming my cold skin. My insides feel it too. This attraction to him is building, exponentially, in my core. Wanting him. All of him.

His fingers grip my hair and his lips dance with mine. He pulls back just a bit. His eyes were dreamy and he’s panting. “I wanted to kiss you so bad. You have no idea.” He shakes his head a little then gently kisses me again.

“Me too.” I pant breathlessly. “But Hunter…it’s…dangerous…” My own lips kissing him back.

“I know…I don’t care…” He mumbles. His hand on my head, moves to my nape.

I push him back. “I want to. I do, but there will be retaliation on both sides.”

He puts his forehead on mine. His fingertips trace my lips. “Lainey. Nobody needs to know, Ok. What we do in private is no ones business. If you are sure about how you feel about me, I won’t stop you because I’ve been fighting the same for a long time now.”

“What happens when they find out?” I ask.

“We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.” He places his hands on my cheeks. He gives me a slow, passionate kiss.

He pulls back slowly. “All I know is, I’ve been trying to make excuses for my feelings and now that you’re here, I’m done making them. I have feelings for you, Lainey. Real ones. I can’t deny it. I won’t deny it if it comes up, but I won’t advertise it of you don’t want me to.”

“I don’t think we should. At least…not for now…Once everyone is comfortable with the hive, maybe…” I say quietly.

He rubs my cheek with his thumb. His warm skin tickles with electric warmth. “Whatever you want.” He whispers.

He smiles. “We’re really going to do this?”

I lick my lips and bite my bottom one. I look into his eyes and smile. “Yeah. I think so.” I nod.

His face lights up and he kisses me again. “I promise you. You won’t regret this. Not one bit.”

If I had any kind of heart, it would have exploded out of my chest. I don’t know where my feelings are coming from, but I’m not questioning it.

I want Hunter.

I know it’s not normal, but neither is freeing the females of my species.

Times are changing and it’s time that both our societies changed with us.

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