Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 17


“Can you run it again?” I sit on the med chair and lean on my knees.

Ricky chuckles. “Hunt. I ran it three times. The results are the same. With the exception of your stress level, you’re fine.”

I lower my head. “Oh.”

“What’s going on?” She asks.

I sit up and rub my palms on my thighs. “Nothing. Just…making sure.”

She arches a brow. “You sure?”

“Yeah…Yes…I guess I’m just feeling…” I run my fingers through my hair.

She nods. “I told you, you might still hold the emotions you had, but Hunter, you don’t need to feel guilty, ok. We all forgive you.”

I lower my head. “I’m not so sure that’s true.” I mumble.

“Why do you say that?” Ricky tilts her head to me.

I stand up. “Um…nothing…I should…I should get ready to deploy.”

She stands too. “Sure. If you need me, I’m here. There’s also Rachel.”

I smile and shake my head. “I’m fine. I just need to work this out on my own.”

She looks at me with curiosity. “Ok. Good luck.”

“Thanks.” I tick my mouth up quick and leave to pack for our mission.

When I entered the deployment area, I had to suck in a breath.

Lainey was talking with Zander as the guards removed her collar.

I walk over to the Comms truck and drop off my stuff.

My head rolls to her as I check that I have everything.

I slightly bit my lip as my eyes see her smooth, long legs in her black shorts. I watch as she crosses her arms under her full breasts. Her black tank hugs them beautifully.

She runs her slender fingers through her black hair and I watch her lips as they move.

I look away before I get caught staring. The dreams that I’ve been having infect me. Why can’t I shake this?

I glance over as she climbs into the truck.

“Damn.” I say under my breath as my eyes go to her ass.

“What are you looking at?” Declan says from the truck bed. He looks over and Zanders climbing into the truck.

He turns his head to me and arches a brow.

My brows shoot up and I point to him. “No!” My mouth is small when I realize what he saw. I point to the other truck and back to him. “Big no! Don’t even think it!!”

He holds his hands up. “None of my business, dude.”

“De…It’s not!” I say as I climb in behind him.

“Who am I to judge? We all have moments where we crush something we can’t have. I’ve been there.” He elbows my arm after we sit down.

“Ugh…no!” I throw my hands up. “I’m not crushing on Zander!” I growl under my breath.

He smiles. “Hunt. It’s fine. I won’t say anything.”

I groan, slam my head into my hand with my elbow on my knee and shake it.

He rubs my back. “Your secret’s safe with me."

I look at him through my arm and he’s smiling.

“Get off me!” I grit and shake him off.

Maybe it’s good he thinks I’m crushing on Zan because I’m sure if he really knew what I was crushing on, his reaction would be totally different.

I sit with my hands in prayer at the end of my nose as the trucks pull away. Her effortlessly beautiful body floating through my skull the whole way.

This is total madness. I haven’t been cured of anything. I feel it. Deep down, she’s in there. Under my skin. She hooked her gorgeous fangs in me and now I have no choice but to admit, I can’t fucking shake her off. Maybe can’t is the wrong word. I don’t want to shake her off.

I look to the back of the truck around the other Comms techs with us.

I rub my chin as I lean on my knees. The truck bouncing and swaying as we drive out to the area where we’ll set up base camp.

If I did…hypothetically…if I did try for Lainey. What could happen? What could they do?

I mean, I could lose my pack. Would they stand for a vamp as a girlfriend to their Alpha? Could they be swayed to accept it?

What about my friends? They already told me my feelings was a disease. I had something wrong with my brain. Would they say the same now?

If I told them I had feelings for Lainey I wanted to pursue, would they talk me out of it? Put me under the microscope again? They most likely would. Zander was quite clear on how he felt about interspecies relationships between us and vampires. It doesn’t happen.

There’s a first for everything, right? Would he flip out? Do I even care?

I rub my nape. I don’t even know.

They’d most likely accuse her of putting me under another lust lock. She’d be staked before I could say shit about it.

I’d be locked away for the rest of my life. Deemed unstable. I would be too. If Lainey was killed because of my fucked up feelings, I’d lose it and never come back from it.

For Lainey’s safety, I can’t say anything. I don’t even know if she has the same feelings. I don’t know how Vampires work. For all I know, she might not be able to feel the same way toward someone like me. This could all be one sided. I could destroy her for nothing. Until I know for sure, I have to keep my feelings hidden. Hidden good.

The trucks pull in behind a rocky foothill and we get to work.

I help set up the Comms tent when Zander walks in with Lainey. He must be her escort while she has her collar off.

I start to sweat as my eyes flick to hers. She’s looking around and checking out all our equipment.

I stand and plaster on my best smile. “So…we’re…we’re pretty much set up here. Pack cameras are online and preliminary scans show at least a hundred cold signatures within the first fifty feet.

Billy pops her head in. “Hey, cowboy. Baits here.”

I listen and I hear the moos.

“Great. We’ll release them into the woods at dusk. Which is about 2 hours.” Zander says.

“Sure thing, hot stuff.” She winks and leaves.

Zander shakes his head. “Hunter, double check the new neural links.”

I type on my tablet. “The network is working properly. The temple buttons are way more efficient then the claws. We get a way better connection.”

“Good.” He turns to Lainey. “Can you feel them?”

She nods. “They’re in there. I’m not sure if they know we’re here, but just be prepared.” Her voice is hard and dark. She sounds like a vamp should and my stomach won’t stop doing backflips because of it.

Zander looks at me. “Ready to go?”

I nod, grabbing my pack. “Lead the way.”

I walk out behind them, trying to contain my drool as I watch Lainey’s hips sway.

I want to say something so bad, but with Zander here, I won’t. Besides, what the fuck do I say?

Lainey, I like you and I want to be with you? Fuck, she’d run the other way. I’m pretty sure I’ve ruined any chance I possibly had.

We all stop in front of Carmin. Mateo looks so proud to be serving under his mate.

“Ok, units. This fight will be out in the woods. We get all of them. If any decide to claim asylum, you turn them to the Operations leaders for processing. Alpha 1 will enter the cave and find the Omegas. We will not use deadly force unless it’s absolutely necessary. Am I understood?”

“Yes, Alpha!” We all shout.

“Let’s go.”

Michael comes up. He puts on his iron guard and gauntlets. “These are an offshoot of hive one. I recognize a lot of them. They’re minor, but that doesn’t mean, they’re not strong. They are lethal.” He pulls out his gun and checks his clip.

Zander nods. “Is there a Master?”

Lainey shakes her head. “Not formally. There will be one or two males staying back with the omegas. They need to protect they’re mules.” She grits and narrows her eyes.

“There’s only about a dozen from what we see.” Michael supplies.

“Ok. We unleash in just over an hour. Prepare yourselves.” Zander looks around and sees Carmin. “I’ll be back.” He leaves.

I look down, holding my straps as I kick at the desert sand. I’m waiting for the green, but also trying to avoid talking to Lainey.

“How are you?”

I turn my head to her. I shrug. “I’m Ok.”

She crosses her arms. “That’s good. I’m glad.” She mumbles.

I narrow my eyes a bit. “How are you?” I ask quietly.

She looks to the ocean of soldiers. “Could be better…Could be worse…”

I turn to her. “Lainey…I’m sorry.”

She turns to me. “Hunter, quit apologizing.”

“I don’t think I can.” I lower my head again.

“Look, it was a bad break, ok. I’m over it, trust me. There’s a hell of a lot worse things out there than you.” She crosses her arms.

“I guess…” I swallow and stuff my fingers into my hair. “I guess…I kind of want…”

“What? To rid yourself of your guilt? I can’t help you.” She narrows her eyes.

“No…That’s not it…Lainey, I just want…” I start when I hear the order to release the cows.

I turn and look out to the large cow trailer pointed at the woods.

Billy and Michael are at the doors. “Alright, ladies. God speed.” Billy says as she lifts the bar and the door opens.

The ground slightly rumbled as twenty cows hit the dirt and ran to the trees for the cool air.

Their moos fill the orange sky as the sun sets and moon rises.

I plan is, distract them with the cows and then surround them. We go in behind the battle.

“All units in position.” Carmin barks.

We all move. I’m glad because another minute, I would have unloaded on Lainey. Ruined everything I had just promised myself not to.

We crouched in silence as we watched the cows graze in the trunks.

Then from the mouth of the cave a rush of air. Then another.

One cow went down and five vamps came into view. They tore at her.

More air as they all come out the entrance to attack the cows.

‘GO! GO! GO!’

We shifted and ran through the trees. The vamps saw us and immediately sprang into attack.

Zander shifted and pulled his sword. His naked body was covered in blood in a matter of seconds as he swung and spun, decapitating heads.

I jumped on a vamp and he bite into me. My wolf let out a growl and grabbed his arm. Ripping it off. He let go and I severed his head.

I pulled a vamp off Peters back. He was weakened, but seemed to be recovering.

I threw the vamp down and tore him in half.

I was about to run when a headless body crossed my path. I look and Ash is tearing them up.

Adeline and the clean up crews are collecting the stragglers.

Her cane flying around her like she was almost dancing. She’s come so far. I watch as Desi jumps on the vamp they’re fighting and stakes him. Tyler takes his head.

Mateo yells for us to go in and I run through the battle as our Units surround them.

The trees shake violently as the vamps try to climb the trees and our Units pull out their cross bows to bring them down. As soon as they hit the ground they’re torn apart.

I meet the guys and try to catch my breath. “Are we sure…” I puff.

“I’m sure.” Lainey glares at me with annoyance.

I look at her and nod.

We walk in and it’s not a large cave. The evidence is clear they’re in here. You can hear and smell them as you get back into the small cavern hole.

Zander enters and we follow.

Inside are six males and five females. The girls are cowering.

The males hiss and run at us.

Ash, Mateo and Sawyer cut it down by half and Zander takes out two.

“PROTECT!” The male left standing says to the girls.

They’re eyes glow green and all spring from their spots.

“NO! STOP!” Lainey yells.

They don’t seem to be listening.

The guys fight them, trying not to kill them.

I’m grabbed from behind and she sinks her teeth into my neck.

“AH! FUCK!” I yell and back up. I bang her on the rock wall to get her off. I feel her drinking my blood.

I fall to my knees.

Lainey ran and kicked her. She flew off and landed on her feet and hands, staring at Lainey. She hisses.

Zander raises his sword, ready to strike and Lainey jumps over me. “STOP!” She holds her hand up to Zander. “No.” She held her hand to the girl on the ground.

I watched the showdown as I stood up, holding my torn neck in pain.

The other girls stopped fighting once Brody shredded the last male.

Lainey looked at the girls. “We won’t harm you. We are providing freedom. No more blood mules and suffering under the hands of the males.” Her voice had a neutral but commanding tone.

She looked at Zander and arched a brow. He lowered his sword and put it away. He turned to the girls who started to stand. Clearly, unsure of the situation.

Lainey stepped to the women. “I know this is hard to trust, but I can assure you, you follow me, you’ll be safe. You join my alliance, I will fight to make sure you keep your independence. No more classes! No more servitude! No more blood feeding! You will be safe! You will have control! You will have strength! Most important, if you join me, you will have a voice! No more hiding!”

She walked around, barking her words to each woman.

“The shifters will protect us. They will fight by our side to free our sisters! We will prove to Gia that she isn’t the only woman who can sit on a throne! We don’t need her or her males! We were created to be just as good as them and our time as slaves IS OVER!” She spins and looks at the girl that bit me.

The guys all look like they’re being attacked as Lainey spoke to her women.

I can’t help but get a small smile on my lips.

“What do you say?” She narrows her eyes as she walks up to the girl on the floor. “Will you join me, Willow?”

The girl on the ground looks down then looks back up and nods. She stands and throws her arms around Lainey. “I missed you.” She cries.

“I know.” Lainey hugs her tight. “I’m so sorry.” She strokes her head.

“I’ll follow.”

I look and a blonde woman steps forward.

“Me too.” A small brown haired girl steps forward. She can’t be no more than 14.

“The rest of you?” Lainey eyes them.

They stand and nod.

Zander steps forward. “If you wish to join us, there will be a period where we not only have to earn your trust, but you have to earn ours. You will be confined, but it will only be for a short time and Lainey will be your liaison. This is set by the High council. You prove to be an ally and we will being integration. Am I clear?”

The woman reluctantly nod. If what I see in their eyes is right, anywhere is better than here or death.

We split into two and one group is up front and the second in the back.

I walk up to Lainey. “That was…really powerful.” I say as I hold my bleeding shoulder.

She side eyes me. As we walk, she takes off her tank. She wearing a black bra which puts her breasts in full display. I swallow.


I look at it.

She side eyes me again. “For your shoulder.”

I take it and place it on the healing tear. “Thanks.”

After a couple beats, she looked down. “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.”

I glance at her. “I know. It was…I just never expected so much passion.”

She looks at me quick. “You’d be surprised at how much passion one has when you feel for something so strongly and are brave enough to speak up.”

“That makes sense.” I mumble.

We walk out of the cave and stop as we all collect ourselves.

I heave a breath and stand in front of her. “I want to help.”

She arches a brow. She tilts her head. “With what?”

“With your friends. I want to help. You’re their liaison for them, I want to be our liaison for us.” I say as I wipe the blood off my healed shoulder.

“Hunter, you’re hardly qualified.” She crosses her arms.

“Yes…Yes, I am.” I hand her back her shirt. “I’m a shifter. I can teach them, and you, what that means and you can teach me what it’s like to be you.”

“You do computers, what makes you think…” She argues.

“Just say yes.” I arch a brow.

She chews her lip and looks at me. She looks to the women and back at me. “I could use communication to the councils.” She grumbles.

I nod. “Yes, you could.” A small smile tugs at my lips.

She reaches out her hand. “If we are part of the Alliance, I really can’t deny their representative.”

I take it and that spark I felt the last few times I touched her, pickles my finger and warms my arm to my chest. “It’ll be a pleasure working with you.” I say quietly.

“It better be.” She scowls.

She leaves me there and goes to talk with her ladies.

I rub the back of my head and place a hand on my hip.

I feel I’ve made some sort of connection here. I felt it. I’m not sure she did. I’m hoping that now that I’ll be working with her, I can understand her better.

She’s cold and calculating. She’s seen a lot. I can tell that. I heard it in the cave.

Her commitment to freeing her sisters is clear. I love that she shows no fear about her objective. Even from Zander. It only made me like her more.

I lick my lips as I feel I’m closer to that line. Inside, I’m ready to cross it. I just hope she is.

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