Lust Of The Alpha Phoenix Mountain Series Book 7

Chapter 19


So, ok. I crossed the line. Took the big plunge.

I couldn’t be happier. It just feels right. I felt wrong denying my feelings. Lainey is right. Everything about her just feels so…natural.

You might be thinking, how. Don’t ask me, I have no fucking clue. It’s a whole mess of things. She’s my whole package. She really feels like she belongs with me regardless of what anyone says. I’m not saying I’m ready for fated status or anything. I don’t think we’re ready for that kind of talk, but I still can see things long term with us. As long as nothing bad happens, I really think this could work.

I hear a knock on the door of my office.

“It’s open!” I say as I finish typing.

Her scent tidal waved over me and a smile crosses my lips as I finish my key strokes.

She steps in and shuts the door. I clear the floor in two seconds flat, grab her head and bruise her lips.

She makes the most adorable umph sound as I devour her lips. She tastes so fucking good.

I grab her jacket and pull it off. Throwing it on the couch.

Breaking the kiss, I glide my lips to her neck and ear. “I missed you so much.” I breath in her ear.

“Okay, but we’re at work.” She says as her head tilts back. “I don’t have time.” She melts into my touch as my teeth nip her neck and shoulder.

I move back up to her lips and nod. “Plenty of time.” I mumble as I pull up the hem of her shirt.

She grabs my hands. “Hunter no. We have a council meeting remember? In ten minutes.”

I look at her. “Five minutes.” I move in for another kiss.

She pushes me back. “No.” she looks at me sternly.

I run my fingers roughly through my hair and blow out a breath. I try to put out the fire in my pants. “You’re right…Ok…” I adjust myself and grab my tablet. “We’re picking this up after.”

She grabs her jacket. “We'll see.” She struts out of my office.

The good thing about our situation is because I’m her liaison, us being seen together is not out of the ordinary. So we aren’t totally sneaking around. I’m not really concerned about public shows of affection anyway.

Once we get into the council room, the Alphas are all seated.

As long as no one has any issues with Lainey, this is going to be OK.

We take our seats and I set my tablet on the table. Jake, Darcy and Brody are in a rather serious discussion.

“I don’t know, man. It doesn’t check.” Jake says.

“Ok. So what? He stays out all night. The kids got a life right?” Darcy says. “Maybe he has a hook up. You talk to him about it?”

Jake rubs his forehead. “I’ve tried. All he does is get angry. He doesn’t want me all up in his business.”

I furrow my brow and look between them. “Who are we talking about?”

Jake sighs. “Quinn.” He rubs his neck. “He’s staying out all night and snapping at everyone. The other day he almost shifted in the damn kitchen. I’m worried.”

“Why?” I ask. “Sounds like he might be stressed about school. University isn’t easy. Especially for a kid his age.”

“I get that, but it’s more than that. He seems more on edge some days then jacked as fuck the next. I’m really starting to think…” He fades off.

My brow goes up. “You think he’s the Lycan.”

Jake presses his lips together.

Darcy laughs. “What? That’s crazy. You hear yourselves? Our Quinn? He doesn’t bite people. That’s nuts. He’d an eleven year old kid for God’s sake.”

I arch a brow. “No. He’s a 21 year old Lycan hybrid who’s quite capable of committing these attacks. Has anyone checked if he’s been suppressed?”

“Wait. There’s another Lycan hybrid in the city?” Lainey asks.

I nod to her. “Quinten Preston. Shifter Lycan hybrid.”

“And he’s doing what?” I look around the table.

Jake scrubs a hand down his face and leans back. “Without getting into the biology of it, he’s getting high off the blood of my human pack members. The more I think if it, the more I think his addiction is escalating. I don’t know what to do.”

Peter crosses his arms. “It might be time to bring him in.”

“Dude, I can’t do that.” Jake looks at us conflicted.

“I can.” Sawyer scowls.

Mateo leans back. “It’s either that or more people get hurt. If it’s not him, we turn him loose.”

My eyes glance at Lainey. She’s biting her lip as she plays with her shirt and listens.

I’m sure it’s a curiosity for her. Another Lycan hybrid. We haven’t talked about it. I don’t know how she feels about it since it was forced on her. I don’t want to upset her.

“I’ll think about it.” Jake grumbles.

I get that Jake doesn’t want to put his friend behind glass, but he’s got to know the people should come first.

The meeting continued until we heard familiar voices.

“Falcon Ridge is in the house!”

I turn my chair and all ten Alphas walk in.

Zander stood up. “You guys are two months early?”

River smirked. “We had some down time and finished all the qualifiers. Besides, we heard there was some next level shit going down and decided, why the hell not.” He walks up to Peter and side claps him.

Bastian pushes through and heads to Ricky and Zander. “What’s this I hear about a vamp war?”

Zander crosses his arms. “I’ll tell you later.”

Ricky hugs him. “Hey, B. How’s Sammy?”

He rubs his neck. “Good she’s here somewhere.”

Ricky’s eyes shot up. “Please tell me you brought Gloria!”

He leans to her. “And Justin.” He beams.

Ricky covers her nose with both hands. “A boy? You have a boy?”

He nods.

“AHHHH!” She squeals and hugs him. “I have to find her.” She turns to Zander and points between him and the table. “Do you…”

He nods and sighs. “Go before you explode.”

“Eeee….I love babies…” She jogs out of the council room and disappears.

“And that’s why I won’t ever have any of my own.” He shakes his head.

“I thought it was because of being around us.” Jake says.

“That too.” He smirks.

Luke claps his hands together. “Ok so when’s the party start?” He grins. “Darc?” He bounces his brow.

“Sorry man. I’m a dad now. Got responsibilities.” He smiles.

“Oh please. You can’t even spell responsibility.” Zane sneers.

He points to him. “I’ll have you know, I’m a very responsible father.”

Zane leaned on the table. “How long did you lose Braydon for?”

He leans back. “Four hours.” He mumbles, but then sits up. “How was I supposed to know he could smoke out. He was at the park. He was fine.” Darcy waves him off.

“He’s not even 1!” Zane growls.

“Ok, fine. Hey, being a first time parent, you make mistakes. Now, I know.” He bows his head and puts his hands out to the side.

“If he makes it to 2 in one piece, I’ll be shocked.” Zane snorts.

Darcy scowls at him.

Luke crosses his arms. “Ok, so anyone else?”

Jayson nudges him. “It’s 10am man. Cool it.”

“None of you are fun anymore.” He grumbles and walks to Darcy. “Show me this kid.” He barks.

Darcy beams. “I’ve got 50 slides shows. The kids a natural model.”

I shake my head as the rest of the Alphas get comfortable.

“OK. Since Ricky’s gone…somewhere, I guess we can conduct the qualifiers without her.”

“We gave them to the training unit. They should be posted by now.” Bastian supplies.

Zander ticks his head. “Ok. Let’s go.”

“Yes!!” Brody jumps up and pushes himself through. “Woo!”

I meet up with Lainey.

“What’s happening?” She asks.

“Qualifiers for the Alpha games we’re holding after the moon. It’s based on skill, rank and times to finish the games. Falcon Ridge is one of the teams. It’s just something we came up with to get the packs together.” I inform as we walk through the training unit.

We get outside and the field is flooded with our recruits and Falcon Ridges competitors.

The qualifier sheets were posted on a board outside. People looked up their names to see where they ranked.

“Oh, pooh!!”

My brow arches as Desi stamps her foot.

“What’s wrong, baby.” Brody asks, holding her cheeks.

“I got 14th.” She pouts.

“Awe, babe.” Brody kisses her. “It’s fine. You’ll make it up.”

She crosses her arms. “I know I will. It just…burns my britches.” She growls.

I press my lips together to not burst into laughter and I look at Lainey who’s got this confused look on her face.

I lean to her. “She’s a little…different.”

“I can see that. She’s his?” She asks.

“For now. They aren’t mates, but she waits on him hand and foot. I don’t think the guys fed himself in four years.” I chuckle.

“You’re not serious.” She arches a brow.

“Oh yeah. She does everything for him except let him choose her. We’re still questioning that.” I watch Desi leave to pout with Lana and Adeline.

Brody shoves his way to the papers. He reads it. Then reads it again. “What?!” He leans in and scowls.

He turns around. “Who the hell is Lucy Jackson?!”

“Right here, muscles.”

Standing beside him is a slightly shorter woman with light brown hair and hazel eyes. She’s wearing red shorts and a white tank top.

Jackson…where do I know that name from?

“You…You tied me for first?” Brody leans to her and scowls.

“Damn straight. You got a problem with that?” She smirks.

This is funny as hell. Seeing Brody meet his match that’s a girl is fucking hilarious.

I jab Peter and get the guys attention.

“There’s no way you beat me.” He thumps his finger into his chest. “I demand a recount.” He growls.

“What’s wrong, hulk? Can’t accept that a woman is your equal?” She kicks out a leg.

“Oh, you’re not my equal, I’ll wipe the field with you.” He leans more to her.

“Is that a supposed to scare me?” Lucy says.

“Yes.” He growls.

She walks up to him. “Listen here, beefcake. I spend seven days a week kicking the asses of guys three times your size. If you think you scare me, think again. I’m a Jackson. We don’t scare or get intimidated easy.” She closes the gap. “I will beat your ass and you know what?”

He narrows his eyes. “What?” He growls low.

She shoves her face in his. “You’ll thank me for it.”

She smirks and taps his chest. We all watch her walk away in her tiny shorts to join some Falcon Ridge guys.

I look back at Brody and he’s standing there still scowling and rubbing his nape. He looks…confused.

Desi runs up to him. She sees his face. “What’s wrong, Brody Bear?”

He looks back to where Lucy went. “Nothing.” He wraps his arm around her neck. “Lets go.”

They walk off to the field.

I’m not sure what I just witnessed here, but I do know that Lucy chick means business. If anyone is going to give him a run for his money, it’s her.

“Let’s get back to work.” I say to Lainey.

“Uh…yeah.” She says.

We both shake our heads as we walk back into the Unit.

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