Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 8


"Are you sure?" Lucius asked.

"Yes, I am sure," Chloe replied pacing in front of the bed. She had her arms crossed defensively.

Lucius sat with his hands on his face. He knew they weren't being careful either. How stupid could he have been?

Chloe was still nauseous that morning and said, "I also missed my period. The stress could do that as well. Also, what happened recently with learning about the supernatural? I am still thinking about buying a test just to be sure."

"Okay, we do that," Lucius agreed to grab the keys. Chloe followed close behind.

Nervously, both went into the pharmacy toward where the family planning aisle and grabbed a random pregnancy test. They checked out. Then went back to the apartment. Chloe went to take the test. Lucius sat down on the bed looking nervous. He heard the toilet flush and the door open. Chloe came back into the bedroom with the test in hand. She looked glum.

"What’s the verdict?" Lucius asked.

"It’s positive," Chloe said.

Chloe puts the test down on the nightstand. She grabbed Lucius’s hand and said, "How do you want to do this?"

"I don’t know," Lucius stammered.

Chloe was scared about what to do with having a baby. She never dealt with children before. Trying to be strong for both in their situation. Lucius sat there and hugged her.

"I think I will permanently move here to be with you. Telling my father will be hard since he isn't someone I want you to meet," Lucius said.

"Why is that?" Chloe asked.

"Because he's the leader of the Council and does not take too kindly to humans. He knows about you and telling him about the pregnancy will start something." Lucius replied.

"I think deserves Luc for reasons," Chloe suggests.

"I still don't think it’s a good idea." Lucius tries to convince Chloe to not tell his father.

Instead, Chloe grabs my phone and dials my father's number, and passes it to him. The phone rings and both hear, "Lucius what's wrong?"

"I have something to tell you," Lucius started but he was cut off by Miles.

"What’s wrong?" Miles asked.

"Chloe is pregnant," Lucius revealed.

"What...well this is something. I did not expect this. I want to meet her." Miles said.

"When do you think it’s best to do this?" Lucius asked.

Lucius got off the phone and places it on the bed. He turned towards Chloe and then says, "He wants to meet you sometime soon,"

"Okay," Chloe said, "But I need to know for sure I am truly pregnant before going to tell everyone. I am going to set up a doctor's appointment for the next day or two. Until then, we discuss how we are going to do this,"

Chloe leaves the room to make a call to her doctor about the possible pregnancy. Lucius went to the living room to adjust to the news about becoming a father. He felt scared about it. Introducing Chloe to his world would be an interesting one at best. Then Chloe comes back into the room.

"I have an appointment on Friday," Chloe told Lucius.

Lucius nodded.

"I think I should move out of the hotel room to stay here with you." Lucius replied, "It would be for the best."

"If that's what we are going to do for now until finding a new place to move to" Chloe reminded Lucius.

Lucius leaves soon afterward leaving Chloe to her thoughts. Knowing she barely knows the guy but he is hiding something from her. Instead, Chloe worked on the projects that needed to get done before tomorrow and it helped to keep her mind off the pregnancy as well. She needed to tell her parents who haven't spoken with her in three years. Hoping they are not still mad at her.

Debating about calling her parents made the static in the room intense to the point when the light bulb burst. Not knowing if she was the cause of her lights flickering too. It was off to her. Then it just all stopped like it never happened. Chloe was freaked out but kept to herself when Lucius came back with his stuff.

In the afternoon, Chloe finally got the courage to call her parents. The phone rang for a few and a soft voice answered, "Hello,"

"Hi, Mama. It's Chloe," Chloe said.

"Chloe, it's been a long time since we last spoke. How are you?" Mrs. Swartz asked, "You are not still dating that arse."

"No, mama. I broke up with him as soon as I moved to Billings. I do have something else to tell you though. I found recently I am expecting." Chloe reveals this to her mother.

There was silence on the other end and a sudden yelling, "You are not married. You are having a baby. Do you even know who the father is?!" Mrs.Swartz ranted, "Your father will not be happy about this. I want to meet the father too." Then the phone goes dead.

Chloe puts the phone back down and breaks. She thought telling her parents would make them happy for her. Instead, they are so old school that she would be doing a sin not being married first. Looking at Lucius, she knew he heard everything. She went over to him for an embrace. Knowing they had to think about.

"I take it you don't have a great relationship with your parents either?" Lucius asked.

"No, I do not. I haven't spoken to them in three years due to an ex I dated. He was the reason I moved here," Chloe informed Lucius.

"It was not a terrible breakup was it?" Lucius questioned.

"It was. But I don't think he would harm now. Or would he?" Chloe was suddenly scared.

The realization took Chloe by surprise, it has been three years since she has last seen her ex-boyfriend. She had put a restraining order on him for stalking her. That restraining order was not valid anymore. Thinking about it more made her recognize the vampire that attacked her was her ex-boyfriend. What was Joe doing here?

"There’s something I need to tell you. You know that vampire that attacked me last month?" Chloe asked.

"That was my ex-boyfriend, Joe, I had a restraining order on him for stalking me. It's not valid anymore. I think he is back." Chloe reveals this to Lucius.

Lucius is confused for a second and replies, "I know someone who goes by the name Joe. He is a vampire too. That could be no connection there."

After they talked about her stalking ex, Lucius made them dinner to talk some more about their current situation. How were they going to tell other people who ultimately decided to keep it between them for now? It was safer that way.

Chloe went to bed soon after eating dinner. She felt better letting Lucius know some of her past. Still, she felt like she can’t trust Lucius but she does not know what from.

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