Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 7


A month has passed since Lucius had gotten to Billings and started dating Chloe. Lucius has been wandering to tell Chloe why he was exactly there in Billings. He knows she has been under a lot of stress lately. Especially in the past couple of weeks, and she has not been herself.

That night, Lucius gets a call from his father. He was hoping the call was family-related nothingness but council updates. In the middle of the call, a knock on his hotel room door. Opening it Joe appears in the doorway and invites himself in. Lucius only nodded to Joe and hangs up the phone.

"Why are you here?" Lucius said very annoyed.

"I came by to see if you wanted to hang out," Joe says innocently and shrugged.

"I have a lot to do today for my father. So, I exactly can not. Maybe some other time." Lucius said occupied with paperwork spread out on the bed.

"Maybe I will run by your human place again?" Joe commented.

That comment made Lucius spring on Joe. Lucius held up against the wall by the front of his shirt. Joe only smiles at him.

"Stop taunting me about her. It's pissing me off when you do that. You may be my friend. Chloe is off-limits." Lucius warns Joe.

"Okay, easy there man. I will not harm her. Even if she smells really good." Joe comments.

Lucius glares at him some more. He was not in the mood to deal with Joe. Not being able to focus on the paperwork any longer, he took a break to watch TV for a bit.

Joe was reading a Nascar magazine. The television was blaring in the background. Lucius could not think any longer. He grabbed his keys and ushered Joe to come along. Joe decided to drive to Jefferson to hang out there for a couple of hours.

Locking the car, Lucius and Joe went to the supernatural-owned business to hang out. Joe seated himself against the booth. He comments, "Why so gloomy today?"

"Why is it any of your business?" Lucius retorted.

A waitress comes over to grab the boy's orders and go about her business. Coming back with their drinks, the waitress bought their meals as well. Joe was cracking jokes trying to lighten the mood. Then they see a werewolf come over to their table.

"Alpha Ian, so glad you could join us," Joe informed them.

Ian only nodded and sat down. He does not say anything at first. Then looks at Lucius. Waves his hand over for the waitress to get his usual.

"Joe and Lucius, I do not want anything going muck in my territory. Bad enough, I have to deal with vampires in town. People have been dealing with their pets turning up with no blood and bodies mangled and left behind. Joe, please do not tell me you are feeding in town?" Ian questions Joe.

Joe was taken aback and says, "Of course not." He takes a drink and goes silent.

Lucius raises his eyebrow at Joe.

"My girlfriend was attacked by a vampire a couple of weeks back. Her dog was killed and left on her balcony," Lucius informed.

"She was?" Ian asked.

"Yes. She said someone wanted to come into her apartment and they revealed themselves to her. It was a rogue vampire. Joe, do you have any loose friends roaming around?" Lucius questioned Joe again.

"Why am I getting the third degree with the questions tonight?" Joe said standing and walking out.

Ian and Lucius looked at either. Both were silent and Ian asked, "He did it. I am not accusing him of everything but he needs to know his friends cannot kill in this town."

Ian finished his drink and then left soon after.

Lucius placed a bill down to the tip and pay the bill. He walked out of the car. Joe was sulking beside the car. The car was unlocked. Joe gets was silent the entire ride back to the hotel room. He does not say a word to Lucius. The silence indicates he was guilty of attacking Chloe a couple of weeks back. He went back to the paperwork that was left behind. Joe left and did not say anything else to Lucius.

The next day, Lucius woke up to his phone ringing. He had fallen asleep at the desk with the papers under his arm.

"Hello,"Lucius stammered.

"Hello son, Did you finish the paperwork that you bought with you?"Miles asks.

"Yes, I just have to send it back later today. Did you know there was a werewolf pack in Billings, Montana?" Lucius replied.

"Yes, I knew. I take it you met Alpha Ian." Miles informed.

"He was not that friendly about Joe and I being in Billings or Jefferson last night. He gave Joe the third degree about attacking anyone in his territory. Joe was angry the whole night." Lucius to his father about the other night.

"Lucius, Joe told me about Chloe. Did you tell her about the supernatural community at all?" Miles asked.

"I did," Lucius said, "Chloe is well aware of what is out there when she was attacked by Joe at her apartment."

"Joe attacked her just to scare her I take it," Miles laughs and hangs up.

Lucius could not believe his father laugh at him like that. He hated his father at times. This made him suddenly sad because he was like this his entire life. Things need to change for the better.

His cell phone rings again. Looking at his father's name on the screen.

"What?" Lucius answered.

"Is that way to answer a phone?" Miles said angrily.

"Sorry. Just a little mad at how you laughed at me. I did find out some information about Margo and Ava. They used magic to surpass the trackers. That is all I am going to tell you for now." Lucius hangs up on his father.

Later in the day, Lucius took Chloe out to dinner. They did the usual and hung out at her apartment. Nothing happened since Chloe was not in the mood for anything else. Lucius stayed the night.

In the middle of the night, Chloe got out of bed throwing up. It scared Lucius for a second. She went back into the room to go back to sleep. Lucius did the same.

Morning came around to the sound of puking again. Chloe was not in bed. Getting up to go towards the bathroom. Chloe was crouched down by the toilet. She looked back up at Lucius. Indicating, he knew what it could mean. Lucius was scared. Chloe got up and went to clean up.

"Lucius, I think I might be pregnant," Chloe announced.

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