Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 6


After technically sleeping with Lucius behind the building, she scrambled into work. Hurrying to the back and she saw Margo and Ava in the back talking. Chloe could not hear what was being said either. The sound of her friend sniffling indicated that it was not great. She will ask about it another time. No need to pry either and it has something to do with her past.

Chloe got to work setting up her section when she saw Thomas walk through the door. She saw him walk toward the employees-only area. The night turns busy with customers and not being able to think of why her friend was leaving early for the night. The entire shift was so busy that she left with a whole bunch of tips and split with to give to her tomorrow.

Going home, she finds another note on her door from the landlord again to finish paying her rent. She sent the tips she made in an envelope to the landlord down on the first-floor office. Hopefully, he will leave her alone for now. She went to bed that night after work.

In the middle of the night, there was a knock at her door. Chloe quickly put on a robe. She peaks through the door and saw someone who she need to be met before.

"Who are you?" Chloe asks peeking through the eyehole in the door.

"A friend of Lucius," He said with fangs out on display.

Chloe immediately crawls backward to her bedroom and locks the door. She starts to hear her front door start crash open. Quickly and quietly going towards the fire escape, she eased open the window and jumps on the stairs. She ran down the street to hide in the back alley. Then she heard shouts from the apartment building. Running until she got to the motel where Lucius was staying at. She knocks frankly on his door.

"Coming," Lucius said moving to unlock the door.

Looked at Chloe and saw how frightened she was. Ushering inside the room, she sat down on the bed. Looking around the hotel room, she saw how spare it was from her bedroom.

"What happened?" Lucius asks.

"There was this guy who knocked on my door in the middle of the night. They said they were a friend of yours. Then he transformed into a vampire and showed me his fang. Then I lock my bedroom and escaped. I ran here." Chloe said in one breath.

"You said a vampire showed up at your apartment door?" Lucius asked.

"Yes. Please do not make me sound crazy." Chloe said desperately and had her hands over her eyes.

Lucius sat down in front of Chloe and grabbed her hands. He later said, "You are not crazy. What you saw was real. Everything about the supernatural world and myths is real. I am which or warlock some might say,"

Pushing Lucius away and standing up, Chloe looked at Lucius. Then she said, "None of this is real. Vampires, witches, and werewolves are myths."

Lucius sought and sat down on the bed. He tried to convince her until he mentioned Margo and Ava both being supernatural. Chloe looks at him. Not sure whether to believe him by mentions her best friend is a witch.

"I would have known if my friend was a witch. Margo would have told me," Chloe said on the verge of tears.

"She would not have told you. Because there are rules she would be following to protect herself from humans," Lucius nodded at Chloe.

"How could there be rules to keep humans from knowing about a secret society?" Chloe asks Lucius.

"I can not exactly tell you that yet. You need to act like you don't know about any of this. Please don't ask Margo about this yet," Lucius told Chloe when she left the hotel room the next morning.

Lucius walked Chloe back to her apartment. They walked the stairs together. Took in the mess the vampire left behind. Now, she had to repair the front door. Nothing was stolen. She still felt unease around the idea of the supernatural existing. Luckily, Lucius had brought his tools out of the closet. He fixed the door and helped clean up her apartment. Nothing was broken either, she was thankful for it.

They spent the remainder of the day relaxing at the apartment. They watched movies until there was a knock on the door. Lucius got up to answer the door. Not expecting Margo and Thomas both at the door. Thomas looked at Lucius. Then at Chloe.

"Oh, this is going to be awkward. I was not expecting to see Lucius here," Thomas comments stepping inside the apartment. Margo stayed silent.

"Chloe, Did he tell you anything about the supernatural society?" Margo asked.

"Lucius mentioned some but not all. He called Thomas this morning while you were getting dressed and asked for us to come over. That is why we are here. He explained a vampire revealed himself to you. Do you feel like you are not safe here?" Margo explain and asked Chloe.

"I feel safe knowing Lucius is here. Moving me would not be an option right now. I have my business here. Speaking of my freelance business, I have deadlines coming up this week." Chloe told them.

Thomas only nodded and understood why Chloe made her decision. He still felt like it could help her to have Margo close by.

Chloe decided to do some of the writing projects that needed to get done. She felt more accomplished with other people around. It helped clear up most of her projects that were approved.

Lucius seemed to be getting along again with Thomas. He still needs to get to a point for him to apologize to Margo for whatever he did to her.

The vampire did come back and tried to break into the apartment. The next couple of days, the four made a routine for Chloe to follow to protect herself against the vampire. Lucius did some protection spells around her apartment to make her feel safe.

Chloe does not know why the vampire is after her. She made sure that she will ask Lucius if he has any enemies.

Later, Chloe spent her day off from the diner working on projects. She went looking for her dog and noticed blood outside the balcony door. Got close enough to the door, and she noticed her dog was not moving. The Vampire killed her dog as a warning to her. Chloe took her dog and buried him in the flower bed outside the dog park.

Soon after doing that, Chloe felt eyes on her. Chloe turned to look around only to find a wolf watching her. The wolf only ran off. Chloe walked back home. She got ready for bed and only felt the sadness of losing her pet. What does the vampire want from her?

The next day, Chloe got to work on her writing and spent the next couple of hours working on that. She took a shower and got ready for her first night back at the diner since the attack. Margo was there to stay and work a double to keep an eye on. They spent the entire shift laughing at either to get their minds off the supernatural. Lucius soon stopped in and kisses Chloe on the cheek. Margo looked away from them displaying the affection she glimpsed.

Lucius and Chloe's relationship was blossoming fast. All they had been doing was sleeping together. Chloe does meetings with this kind of relationship since college. It was refreshing for her. Personally, it has been a couple of weeks since she had a period. She was starting to worry herself silly. Not wanting to tell anyone she kept going about her day those couple of weeks. It was starting to scare her.

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