Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 5


Lucius woke from a dream about Chloe. He was too busy thinking when a knock came at his hotel room door. Getting up from bed and opening the door. It happened to be one of the trackers. The tracker stared down Lucius. Lucius motioned for him to come in. The tracker removed his sunglasses.

"Your father contacted me earlier today," The tracker stated.

"What do you mean he contacted you? What about?" Lucius asked.

"He mentioned that you wanted a break from the task assigned by the council. He wanted me to take over operations here. You are free to do as you, please," The tracker replied.

"Joe, you really will do that for me?" Lucius wandered.

Joe looked at him and put on his sunglasses on the table. He turned on the TV. Then put his feet on the table. Flipping through the channels, Lucius took the remote from the vampire's hand and threw it on the bed.

"Who is the raven-haired girl I saw you with the other night?" Joe questioned Lucius.

"None of your business. She is not going to become a snack for you," Lucius retorted. Then went into the bathroom.

"Oh, come on... Lucius...I am only joking. I will not harm her. I saw her with Margo the other day at the restaurant." Joe commented.

"Margo and Chloe are friends," Lucius said not caring. He felt foolish revealing her name and did not want her to be in peril because of him. Chloe is the only human. Joe looked at him like he heard his thoughts.

"I won't hurt a hair on her pretty head," Joe commented. He collected his sunglasses and stood to leave.

Lucius let him out and felt he needed to keep an eye on Chloe for some reason. He felt she could be in danger due to Joe. Quietly, he watched Joe walk away from the hotel and made sure that he won't follow him to Chloe's apartment. Lucius wanted to see her again. A surprise visit will do for her. He felt he needed to be with her. It must be the pull he felt for her.

Lucius ran to Chloe's apartment and knocked on her door. Chloe opened the door.

"This is a surprise. Lucius, I was not expecting you. I was busy working on some deadlines that were due." Chloe started but was cut off by Lucius kissing her.

Chloe dragged Lucius inside the apartment and closed the door with her foot. Cody barked at them. Maybe he was congratulating them or something. Chloe dragged Lucius to the bedroom and pushed him onto the bed. She climbed on top of him and started kissing his neck. Lucius groaned at her actions. He rolled on top of her and pulled off each other clothes. They made love again. Not bothering to use protection either.

Lucius got dressed and then left Chloe to finish her work. He spoke to her about her day and asked about her job. Getting back to the motel, his cell phone started to ring. The caller ID read Miles.

"Hello," Lucius answered.

"Joe called me and told me about your encounter earlier today. He informed me of Margo. Nothing else on the young werewolf yet. I guess the werewolf has been laying low for now. He can not even sense her energy. It was suppressed like the witch. It confuses me. Joe also mentions you have been hanging around a human," Miles says.

Lucius gritted his teeth before answering his father. He regrets giving Joe full reins of his job on the council. " Yes, I have been seeing a human since coming out to Billings. She calms my deadly nature, which never happened before. Joe indeed said about Margo and the werewolf."

"You know the rules about hanging humans," Miles reminded Lucius before hanging up on him.

Starting at his phone, Miles must be threatening him with the rules. Miles must have pulled this with his mother. He never mentions her to him since she left years ago. Lucius threw the phone on the bed and went to take a shower to clear his head. He decided to sleep afterward. It would be best to keep a low profile.

Waking up from his nap, he ordered some Chinese and watched old movies at the hotel. Lucius kept thinking about Chloe. How was he going to tell her about who he is? Where he comes from? It was going to be hard but he knew if things get serious then he will have to. He had so many things to consider.

Later, Lucius made a call unexpectedly to his former friend, Thomas. He does not expect him to answer but is surprised when he gets an answer.

"Hello," Thomas says.

Lucius does not say anything and only hangs up. He goes to bed thinking about his actions from the last four months. His thoughts were then interrupted by sleep soon after.

The next morning, Lucius grabbed a brisk shower and went to the diner to see if Margo was working. Luckily, she was surprised when he approached her.

Margo had her hands on her hips and asked, "What do you want?"

Lucius put a hand to his face and sighed. Then said, "I want to make amends for the crap I put you through months ago. I am sorry for everything,"

"You sure about that considering my life turned upside down because of you? You took my parents from me and my best friend. I do not accept your apology." Margo whimpered and excuse herself to the back.

The hostess comes over to escort him out of the diner for the day. She was nice about it. Lucius saw the werewolf walk up to the diner. He had not seen Ava in a while. Noticed she looked more grown up and stopped dead in her tracks.

"I'll be damned, look what the cat dragged in," Ava sighed stopping in front of him. " What are you doing here?"

None of your business. " Lucius retorted.

"Are you here to drag us back to Pennsylvania because we are not going back to that town, " Ava said before going inside the diner.

Lucius thought about following her back inside but stopped himself. Realizing, he caused too much drama today. He was about to leave and saw Chloe walking up. Chloe saw him first and pulled him to the side of the building to kiss him.

"What are you doing? Don't you have to work in twenty minutes?" Lucius said into her mouth.

Chloe moaned not answering him. She was starting to pull at his jean zipper and only wanted to be inside her against the brick wall. Not knowing things were going to be different for her if she kept screwing Lucius without protection every time.

After screwing Chloe behind the diner, Lucius went back to the motel feeling satisfied with everything. He spent the rest of the day in the hotel room. Not knowing his life was going to change in the that followed.

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