Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 9


Watching from a distance, his friend Lucius was leaving the hotel room. Joe followed him back to his ex-girlfriend's apartment. Knowing telling him why he was here was due to Chloe. Scaring her a couple of weeks ago was only the beginning for her.

Joe knew from watching from a distance that his ex was moving on without him. He can not move from the relationship. Truthfully, he feels lost without her.

Lost in thought, his cell phone rings, and he answers, "Hello, did you find your woman?"

"Yes, master I did. She has another man. So, I can't do anything." Joe said on the verge of tears.

"You will have to move on if she has someone else. I can't have a progeny who keeps going back to his old life. You need to do a job. You were sent there with Lucius to bring Margo and Ava back to Pennsylvania. Understood." The master said.

"Yes, sir," Joe comments, then hangs up.

Joe gets out of the car and catches up to Lucius. He tugs on his shirt and startling him.

"Since when are you and Chloe a thing?" Joe asked.

"For a month now. Why do you care?" Lucius questioned.

"Because she is mine," Joe growled and lunged at Lucius.

Lucius moved out of the way and tried to run away from Joe. Then Joe saw Lucius trying to get away. He sped across the room and threw him into the wall. Lucius landed hard on his back and was rendered unconscious.

Then Joe runs to Chloe's apartment and bangs on the door. Joe shouts, "I KNOW YOU ARE HOME BITCH. OPEN THE DOOR. OR I WILL KILL YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY!"

Joe tries to shove at the door and manages to get the front door open. Chloe was just sitting at her computer doing work. She turns off the computer and runs towards her room. Then locks the door. Chloe calls Ian.


Lucius runs into the room. Both hear a growl and look toward the door a wolf was present. Ian attacks an angry Joe to the ground. Joe got dragged from the apartment down the hall. Lucius can hear him scream and probably the neighbors too. Chloe comes back out of the room and embraces Lucius.

Margo and Thomas both come through the door. Looking at Chloe and both ask, "What happened?"

"It was my ex-boyfriend, Joe, he came in and started to harass me. Then he went after Lucius. I thought they were friends. Ian came and dragged him out." Chloe explained the situation.

Margo goes over to embrace Chloe. She quietly takes her to the bedroom so that they can talk. Lucius does the same thing.

Ian shifts back to his human form and shoves on his pants. He glares at Joe.

Joe tries to get up but he is held down by some other werewolves. He tries again. Nothing happens.

"You might not want to tug on those binds," Ian explains.

"What did you do to me?" Joe questions and is angry about being tied up.

"Well, I had my beta subdue you to keep from going after Chloe or Lucius. Since she came to me for protection when she moved here and dealing with a stalking ex-boyfriend who so happens to be a vampire. Can be traumatic for her." Ian explains.

"Does not make it okay for you to subdue me like this. She is now dating my friend. So, I do have a say since she dumped me first." Joe retorted.

"Did you expect her to stay with you when you were controlling who she talked to or her own family?" Ian says getting in Joe's face.

Joe tries to get up but is held down by silver binds that sizzle when he moved. He hissed in pain and grunted. Ian only smiles in satisfaction.

"Are you going to keep me down here?" Joe asks.

"Oh, I don’t know but it feels like a good idea since it would give your master something to think about turning weak progeny. I also know about the job you were sent to do. I am not letting you take Margo and Ava back to the council without permission. My territory is a haven for those who escape from life living under the council's rules. Miles can shove it up his ass. Coming here was a mistake for both you and Lucius." Ian stated to Joe.

"How do you know about that?" Joe comments.

"I have a wolf working the hotel and spilled everything on me. She heard all your conversations. I make sure humans and supernaturals are safe here. I can't have that compromised." Ian said and leaves soon after.

Joe tried tugging on the binds but meets sizzling pain from silver. He overhears from the hallway, "Keep an eye on him. I don’t trust him. If he does escape put him down." Ian instructed.

The werewolf came back and had a long stake in his hand. Joe does not look at the werewolf. He does try to kick the wolf down. The guard hits him square in the face with the stake. Joe hisses in pain. The wood was dipped in silver as well. It only made him more infuriated. Still tugging nothing happens. Joe huffs and gives up for now.

The door opens again, this time Ian's younger sister comes in, and Joe looks up at the attractive teenager. The girl looks at Joe and says, "My brother made me come down here to give you some blood. He does not want you coming after one of the pack."

"I wouldn't think of doing that," Joe replied sarcastically.

Taylor places the blood in Joe's hand and leaves soon afterward. The guard came back after he had finished keeping watch over him. Joe still tries the binds until he tugged hard enough for one to get untied. He tries the other side but nothing happens.

"Still trying to tug on those binds," a voice says.

Looking around, Lucius was in the room with Joe. He looked very angry. "I can't believe you going after my girlfriend like that. She told me an ex named Joe but I did not expect it to be you,"

"How could explain when you didn't ask about my past?" Joe explained.

"Why did you follow me to Billings then," Lucius asked.

"My master got in contact with Miles about Margo and Ava. He told me to follow you and I saw Chloe was living in Billings. I knew I needed to act on my feelings again. Scaring her only made her go to you not me. I thought it make me feel better. Then I saw you and her together. It made me so mad." Joe needed to stop before he killed Lucius.

"We are done being friends. Stay away from Chloe and me," Lucius warned then left.

No one came back down for Joe. They just left him there to rot. He would only be mummified and empty like a husk.

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