Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 34


After the weird events of yesterday, Chloe was glad to be back on her normal schedule. She went to write and work on her projects. Then the morning came, Chloe was running around the room worrying about what to pack. Lucius came into the room to see what the fuss was about.

"What’s wrong?" Lucius asked, sitting on the bed.

"I do not know what to pack to face a bunch of supernatural people. Should I pack business casual or dresses?" Chloe asks, holding up a dress in her hands to show Lucius.

"I think pack the dresses. We are only going to be there for three days. So, you can pack something you are comfortable with," Lucius suggests.

Chloe takes her suggestion and grabs her carry-on from under the bed. Proceeds to pack the dresses and black pair shoes that she could wear with the dresses. She also packed everything else she needed. Coming back from the bathroom, she looks at Lucius and says, "Why aren't you packing?"

"I will do that later. Honestly, I don't have that much to bring. The rest is at my home in Pennsylvania. So, we can stop there when we land. Also, we might as well spend the three days at my father's place," Lucius said.

"In that duffel bag on the floor is all you have for now?" Chloe asked.

"Yes, when we first met, I was only visiting and now living here. I only have the clothes in the duffel bag at the moment. It is good timing for me to go back to mail out the rest of my stuff," Lucius replies.

"I mean, we could do that. Then come back to Montana." Chloe offered.

Chloe went back to packing and left the conversation to go. She lifted the bag to put it by the door. Then she goes to the kitchen to grab breakfast or brunch by looking at the time. She walks by the living room to see Lucius just playing games on his computer. Clearly, she knows he is procrastinating on packing and rolls her eyes. Her phone rings soon after seeing Lucius playing games, and it looks to see it was Margo.

"What’s up?" Chloe asks.

"I am nervous about going back to Pennsylvania. I never met Thomas’s mother." Margo reveals.

"Did you guys invite her to the wedding that I was supposed to attend?" Chloe questioned and mentions.

"No, Thomas and Ava both mentioned to me. They were not talking to her. Thomas mentioned that Ava had a nasty falling out with her after what they did to her birth parents. Thomas left her without telling her where he was going," Margo told Chloe.

"I see," Chloe said.

"Do you think I should meet her?" Margo asks.

"I mean, you guys did not invite her to your wedding. I think you should meet her and apologize to her. Is Ava going back to Pennsylvania with you guys?" Chloe questioned.

"No, she is staying back. Told us both that she never set foot back in that town," Margo told Chloe. She laughs soon after.

"I mean, we are both happy and soon to be parents. Thomas’s mother will be surprised to see you pregnant, too. What a way to set a four day weekend?" Chloe said.

"Yes, but both know it will also be a busy weekend," Margo reminds Chloe. Then she hangs up.

Chloe puts her phone back into her back pocket and walks back to the living room. She sits down on the couch next to Lucius. Lucius looks up and stretches to arm around Chloe.

"Are you nervous?" Lucius asks Chloe.

"Yes," Chloe admits.

"We will get through this tomorrow, and the next three days we are there," Lucius reassures Chloe by rubbing her arm.

"I never been to a supernatural council before. This just seems to be unreal to me. My parents never wanted me to know about my father being a witch. I never even met my grandparents from my father's side of the family either. There are so many secrets my family kept from me." Chloe mentions to Lucius. She lends out of his embrace.

"I grew up around the council, and they are imitating people to be around. Margo grew up never knowing she was a witch until recently herself. She is a natural witch and powerful but does not know it." Lucius comments.

"You are not helping," Chloe informed Lucius.

Lucius laughs and gets up to go to the kitchen. He went to grab something to eat. Then he comes back to play more games on his computer. Chloe decided to do some cleaning around the apartment. She cleaned the bathroom and their bedroom.

"Chloe, can you put my bag on the bed for me?" Lucius called from the living room.

She put his bag on the bed and vacuumed the bedroom. Then she cleaned everything else in the bedroom. Lucius comes into the room to pack his bag. He placks everything on the bed.

"What are you doing?" Chloe questions him upon seeing the mess of clothes on the bed.

"Folding my stuff before packing it." Lucius comments.

"You do not need that to go four days back to Pennsylvania," Chloe mentions.

"You did the same thing when you packed your stuff. Why critizing me for doing the same thing?" Lucius said, picking up a sock from the pile.

"Maybe because it is my technique and you are copying me," Chloe laughs.

"You are not laughing at me?" Lucius asked.

Chloe took his shirt and ran away with it.

Lucius stalks towards Chloe, who chases after her. Chloe runs to the living room, laughing. She was cracking up at the look on Lucius's face.

"Okay, you clearly had a good time laughing at my antics for one day.

Chloe held up his shirt and said, "You clearly need to have more fun."

"You say I need to have more fun. You were the one who just got back from a traumatizing experience. Also, you are laughing like a manic. Chloe, are you okay?" Lucius asks.

"I feel fine. It could be pregnancy hormones," Chloe said, shrugging her shoulders.

Lucius left her response to that and grabbed his shirt back. They went about the rest of the day cleaning up the apartment. Chloe and Lucius were both exhausted from getting everything ready for four days back in Pennsylvania. They went to bed that night relaxed for once until leaving tomorrow morning.

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