Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 33


The next day, Miles came by to talk to him. Lucius did not know what he wanted to talk to him about his mother. He was out shopping for groceries when he ran into his father. Truthfully, he did not want anything to do with him or his mother for the time being. Going up to the register to checkout and leave, his father caught up to him, putting his groceries in the trunk. Miles stood by the car. Lucius was about to get in the driver's side but stopped opening the door and closed it. Turned towards his father to listen to what he wanted.

"Are you going to forgive your mother?" Miles asked his son.

"I need to time forgive her for what she did," Lucius told his father. Then he walked away. Getting in his car left the supermarket without looking back.

Chloe was awake when he returned from grocery shopping. She noticed a long expression on his face when he got through the door. Lucius came over to the counter to stop and put the bags down. He turned towards her and then said, "I ran into my father at the grocery store. He wanted to know if I was going to forgive my mother. I do not know if I should at the moment."

"I think in due time you should forgive your mother. It would help you to heal your relationship in the future." Chloe suggested to Lucius while putting away the groceries.

Lucius turned towards her and said,"I still need time because of how she showed up out of the blue. It has me mad at her. I personally blame Joe and not at the same time. Joe brought my mother back into my life after years of her not being there."

"Okay," Chloe said before walking out of the room.

"Yes, It is all bad timing for everything to happen all at once. You're still recovering from the experience you just had. I think we need some time away from everyone," Lucius said, coming back into the room again.

Chloe was not sure what to make of his weird behavior. She followed him out of the room soon after. Then she went back to writing her book.

Out of nowhere, one of their phones rings, Lucius looks at his to see "Dad" flash across the screen. Lucius dismisses his father's call. He hopes to let go to voicemail and will answer it later. The phone rings again, and Lucius sighs. Looking, he wants to throw his phone but can't do that, he grabs it to answer.

"Hello," Lucius answered.

"Son, why did you leave the grocery store the way you did?" Miles asked.

"Dad, I just don't think it is right time to talk either of you right now. I just need time." Lucius said, then hangs up.

There was a knock on the door, Chloe got up to answer the door. Opening the door, it was her parents whom she had not seen since she was rescued. She embraces her parents and leads them inside. They sat down across from her. Lucius waves and goes into another room. Then he decided to stay in the living room.

"Mom and Dad, what are you guys doing here?" Chloe asks.

"We heard the news of your return from Miles on the grapevine," Mrs. Swartz comments.

Chloe looked over to Lucius, but he did not say anything. Her father spoke next, "I knew that Joe was bad news once you started dating him those three years. Just did not know he was turned into a vampire by Darius. I am glad he is dead this time."

Mrs. Swartz had to put her hand on her husband leg to calm him down before he went into a tangent about what happened to his daughter. Instead, Mr. Swartz goes outside to the car. Lucius thought that would be the best thing for him to do. He got up and followed after him.

"Are you going back to Pennsylvania to support Chloe for when the question her about recent events?" Lucius asked.

"Yes, I would have to give my daughter emotional support. Besides, she has never been to Pennsylvania before. I just hope this would not overwhelm her. I mean, we both know she just learned about the supernatural world six months ago. This is going to be imitdating for her. Being in front of the council on a daily basis, you get used to it." Mr. Swartz comments.

"We have two days before that we need to leave for Pennsylvania. I just want her to be brave. This is all new for everyone. I think after the trial is over. This will be behind Chloe." Lucius said.

Mr. Swartz only nods and says, "When Chloe brought Joe around the first time, I felt something was off with him. Chloe did not see it at first. It was her first serious relationship, too. Her mother might have warned her about him. Chloe ignored our advice and then left not talking to us for two years. Then Joe started getting violent with her, and she broke with him. She got a restraining order against him for stalking her. Earlier this year, she moved to Billings just to start over, and he found her again. I am glad she has you."

Lucius was surprised by that information about Joe and Chloe's relationship. He did think his fir m er friend would be that cruel towards her. All he wanted was for Chloe to heal from the experience and prepare for the twins. Maybe the twins will be her cure from the pain that had happened to her in the last three years.

"I think the twins would help Chloe forget what happened to her in the coming months." Lucius comments.

Mr. Swartz only nods and gets into the car as his wife is walking out of the apartment. He rolls down the window and says, "Lucius, thanks for the chat. I needed it."

"You're welcome," Lucius replies and hugs Mrs. Swartz before walking back towards Chloe.

The Swartzes leave, and Lucius watches them go. Then he turns towards Chloe and says, "Are you ready for the next two days?"

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