Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 35


Waking up to rush to the airport to go back to Pennsylvania, Chloe was jiggling her leg due to her nervousness as she never left Montana to fly on a plane. Her leg was making her seat move to the point that Lucius had to put his hand on her leg and then said, "You are nervous, aren't you?"

"Is it the first time ever flying on a plane. Of course, I will be nervous," Chloe said sarcastically with her crossed lending against the seat.

Lucius looked at her and said,"You do know this flight is only a few hours?"

"Yes, I am well aware of how many hours this flight," Chloe said, now biting her thumb nail.

Chloe looked at the board and saw their plane was boarding. Both Chloe and Lucius went over to the gate. Then they were both seated and carry-ons put away. Of course, Chloe had to the seat near the window. She had to look out the window just to see how small objects were from the plane vantage point. Her nervousness came back and kind of made her nausea come up her throat. Also, the babies were moving like crazy. Guessing they knew that they were not home.

"Are you okay?" Lucius asked, noticing Chloe's reaction from being on a plane.

"Not really, I am feeling a bit nauseous from sitting near the window. Do you have any saltines on you by any chance?" Chloe asked.

"Sorry, I do not, unfortunately, but I could ask a flight attendant," Lucius told Chloe.

Lucius managed to get one of the attention of the flight attendant by motion with his fingers. He whispered and pointed over to Chloe to explain the situation. Luckily, the crackers and ginger ale were offered. Chloe gladly took them and ate them to help settle her stomach.

"Feel better?" Lucius asked.

"Much better. Those crackers and ginger ale were a life saver. I did take pepto to help ease my nausea further," Chloe informed Lucius.

About two hours into the flight, Chloe was still somewhat nervous but got used to being on the plane. Chloe decided to stand up to use the restroom and stretch her legs. Then, she headed back to her seat to chill again. She decided to get some work done for the book she had been writing.

After a couple hours of flying, the plane landed in the small airport outside of Ever Green, Pennsylvania, and the seatbelt light came back on. Chloe did not know that she needed to put her seat belt back on or put her phone away. That was until she felt an elbow in her side.

Lucius elbowed her to say, "Put the phone away and on airplane mode."

"Oh," Chloe hurried to put her seatbelt back on and phone on airplane mode.

As soon as she did that, the flight attendant came on the innercom to inform the passengers that they would be landing and needed to put their seatbelts on. Also, if there were any phones out to put it on airplane mode. Descending was a little bit bumpy on the way to the termic. Chloe felt her heart in her throat.

After gathering their bags, Miles was waiting for them at the doors. He noticed how frazzled Chloe looked by her expression on her face.

"Are we okay?" Miles asked, jokingly.

Chloe glared at him and did not say anything. She only gave her bag to Miles and went to the back of the car. After Chloe got into the car, Lucius came over to Miles.

"Chloe had a rough time on the plane. She was kind of nauseous the entire time. So, she might be a little bit angry and best to give her space," Lucius whispered to his father and got into the passenger seat.

The ride back to the Wentz resident was silent, and no one bothered to say anything to either. Chloe looked at the scenery on the way and kept looking until they stopped outside a gate of the Wentz resident. She got out of the car and walked up to the porch. Looks at the nice stone building with masonary. Lucius grabbed both of their bags and went to put them in the bedroom. Chloe was still wandering around the first to explore where Lucius grew up. She saw all the pictures from his childhood. Then she saw the wedding picture of his parents and looked closer to see her own parents were at the wedding party.

"Lucius, can you come here a second?" Chloe asked.

"What?" Lucius asks, coming down the hall.

"Look at this picture of your parents' wedding. My parents were at their wedding. How come my parents never mentioned ever knowing your parents or have been friends of theirs?" Chloe questioned. She looked back at Lucius for the answer.

"How should I know? This picture was before we were even born. Maybe you can ask your parents when we get back from dealing with assembly trial," Lucius suggested, then goes back to the bedroom to finish unpack.

Following Lucius back into the bedroom, she sat down on the bench at the end of the bed. Chloe looked at Lucius and said, "Do you think I should? I mean, it was in the past. There are so many things my parents hid for a good reason. It would ruin the relationship that is slowly being recovered. We have a big day tomorrow as it is."

"They only did that to protect you. Well, at times growing up, I always felt their were secrets that were being held. I did not want to ask my parents at the times," Lucius said.

"Changing subject, how do you think tomorrow's going to go with this hearing?" Chloe asked.

"I think it will just be the beginning, considering my mother had to be arrested and so has Jacob for the crimes they committed with what happened to you. They will ask you about you did that day up until we find you. I will be questioned about my whereabouts. So on from there. Who knows how long this is going to take. We should get settled in and talk to my father about what will happen today or I will tomorrow,"Lucius told Chloe.

Lucius left the room to talk to his father. Chloe went to sleep for the majority of the day. She goes about the rest of the day and is trying not to think about what tomorrow was going to be like. Knowing her day tomorrow was going to be a long day.

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