Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 31


"I don't know what you are talking about?" Joe stated with his arms crossed. Also, he blocked the doorway.

"You know damn well what we meant. Now, stop playing dumb," Lucius said, pushing his way into the cabin.

Lucius stopped dead when he saw Jacob alive and a vampire. He was shocked and asked, "How the hell are you alive?"

"I was bleeding out, and Joe showed up since he was new as a vampire months back. You all just left me there to die." Jacob said.

Joe was rushed by Ian, who shifted into black wolf. He looked frightened when Ian lunged at him. Then Joe screamed and round out of the cabin. Ian chased him into the wood. Then, nothing else was heard for a while.

Miles came to a closet and was shocked to see his wife, Isdorah, cowering on the floor of the closet. She looked up and shocked as well. He reached for her hand and pulled her out.

Margo and Thomas found Chloe hiding in the bathroom. Chloe hugged both them and said, "Oh, thank the gods you found me. I would have died here. Joe wanted to turn me."

Lucius heard Chloe's voice and went towards the bathroom where Margo and Thomas stood hugging. He came up behind them, and Chloe looked up. Chloe rushed past them towards him. She hugged him, too. Lucius saw her neck with the bite marks, and they looked swollen. Her stomach was swollen more than the last time she saw him. He padded her stomach, just glad they were okay.

The others went outside, and Chloe saw the unknown woman again waiting by the car. They heard a bloodcurdling scream in the woods and then nothing but silence. Ian came back out in human form, naked as the day he was born. He was covered in blood as well. It was all over.

"Is there any way I could take a shower before going back to Jefferson?" Ian joked.

Lucius adverted his eyes away and pointed towards the cabin. Miles and Isdorah were just coming back out with smiles on their faces. Looking at his parents happy made him smile by just watching them. He hoped to have that, but it would have to wait until Chloe had the twins.

"Let's go home," Lucius said. He helped Chloe into the back of the van.

Miles and Isdorah sat next to either. Isdorah was telling him everything she did when they separated the first time. Ian was cleaned up and has clothes on. Jacob was in handcuffs for reasons not explained to Chloe. Joe was now.

"Is Joe dead?" Chloe spoke to Ian.

"He is, and you will never have to worry about that creep ever again," Ian said, finalty voice, "I was covered in his blood. It was a mess."

Chloe glimpse at that statement.

"Who is the woman driving?" Chloe whispered to Lucius.

"That is Selma Knox. She is Cassandra’s Knox cousins. Margo asked her to help find you." Lucius told Chloe.

"Oh okay, that could explain why I never met her before. This is the first time meeting new people from your hometown." Chloe said, nodding.

"What exactly happened to you when Jacob kidnapped you?" Lucius asked.

Chloe winced because she does not want to remember how she ended up outside of Jefferson. She looked at Lucius and then said, "I don't want to talk about it right now. I just want to forget for now. This will affect me for a while."

Lucius accepted her answer and only nodded. He knew this would be a hard question for her to answer. Chloe was traumatized from what Joe did to her. He will just let her be. Everyone was falling asleep from the long drive back into Jefferson. Chloe was only one awake beside Selma. Who looked back at her through reviving mirror.

"You should rest," Selma said, sounding like an order rather than a request.

Chloe did as she was told but could keep her eyes shut for long. She was only seeing Joe and his fang coming for her neck again. This dream happened on the daily for the last two months. The dream was turning into more of a nightmare, and she started sobbing in her sleep. She felt someone touch her face to wipe her tears away. Opening her eyes, Lucius looked at her with concern. He pulled her closer to him and made her feel safe.

The van was pulling to a stop at a gas station. The others were waking up to either to grab snacks or use the restroom. Selma was filling the tank and came back to the driver's side after paying. The others came back with their goods. They drove further until reaching Jefferson. Selma pulled into their apartment and turned off the car.

Everyone piled out and decided to crash where they stood. Luckily, there was enough space for everyone to have a spot to sleep.

When everyone went to sleep, Lucius came over to Chloe and took her hand to take her to the bedroom. Chloe just wanted to sleep in his arms again. She missed him so much. It actually caused her pain. Something she never experienced with anyone. It made her feel at home.

The next morning came, Chloe had to get up and get a breath of fresh air. She felt like she was having a panic attack, and her chest was getting tight. Making it hard to breathe. Lucius had to wake up real fast.

"You are safe and home, Chloe. You are not back at that cabin. Joe is dead. You don't need to worry anymore," Lucius said, trying to comfort Chloe and to help her with her panic attack.

Chloe started crying from the panic attack and from everything that she dealt with. She was never going to be the same. Lucius held her as she welpped.

"I don't think I will be the same again after what happened to me." Chloe cried.

"We will help you feel yourself again," Lucius promised her.

"How?" Chloe questioned.

"It will take a lot of effort from you. We will get you into therapy. You have Margo to help you as well. The others will give you time to be back. We have so much to tell you," Lucius said, leaving to go make breakfast.

Chloe got herself out of bed to take a shower. She felt like she could never feel clean after what Joe did. Even after the three years of him stalking her. She is glad that he is gone. What is going to happen to Jacob?

Thinking about everything as she was getting dressed to go out to the kitchen to eat breakfast. It was her usual toast and scramble eggs. Lucius made enough to feed an army, but then again, she can devour all of it. He grabbed his own plate and sat next to her.

"Where are the others?" Chloe asked, looking over shoulder towards the living room.

"They went to stay at a hotel to give us privacy," Lucius said nonchalantly.

"Are they coming back over? I am sure Miles is going to question Jacob. Or finally meeting Selma." Chloe explained.

"Like I said, they are giving us space." Lucius said with his mouth full.

"Darius will come for Jacob and arrest him for his involvement. My mother will be questioned as well but not a hard sentence," Lucius explains to Chloe while cleaning up the kitchen.

"Oh," Chloe said.

"Another thing, you will be asked to testify in front of the council. That would mean having to fly back to Pennsylvania with me. That will be a couple of days' time. So for now, you will relax and rejuvenate." Lucius ordered her to do.

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