Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 30


Two and half months passed, and Chloe was well into the end of her second trimester. Chloe was feeling so uncomfortable from laying on the couch. She felt that Joe was taking too much blood. Every time, she was starting to feel worse after her blood was leaving her body. An unknown woman started to come around more often to talk to Joe. Chloe heard tidbits of the conversation.

"I saw my son a couple of months back. He was so angry with me. Then again, Lucius has every right to be mad at me for not being around," Isdorah told Joe, who was washing the dishes and listened from across the room.

Trying to move positions made her lower back, hurt even more by the uncomfortable couch. She felt disgusting from not having a shower. Isdorah came over to check on Chloe.

"Are you okay?" Isdorah asked.

"No, I am uncomfortable with sitting on this couch. I feel disgusting from not having a proper shower in weeks. I am pregnant with twins. I am tired of having blood being drawn from Joe. You are a horrible mother for what you did to your son." Chloe ranted.

Isdorah was taken a back from Chloe response. She was not expecting Chloe to have that reaction. Then she took Chloe to the bathroom to get a bath and helped her dressed. Chloe looked better than before. Came back to the main room in the cabin. Then Isdorah ignored Chloe for the rest of the day.

Joe came over to feed off of her again. He started to draw too much of her blood to the point of passing out. Chloe felt lightheaded from the blood loss. She had to lay down. Joe got up and went about his business with a smile on his face. Chloe passed out and fell into deep sleep.

"Are you serious about Darius coming to here. Who spelled the beans about the location?" Joe questioned, looking at Jacob with accusing eyes.

Jacob only held up his hands as to say he was innocent in the matter. Since he was not at the location. There was a knock at the door. Joe goes to open the door, no other than Darius on the porch.

"What do you want?" Joe said.

"I have been ordered to exile you as my progeny. You are here by banished from the council and my bloodline." Darius said, walked away from Joe.

After Darius banished Joe from the being his progeny. Joe started to scream from the pain of losing his bloodline. Isdorah went over to Joe to comfort him to deal with the pain. Jacob stayed away.

"What is going on?" Chloe asked, waking up from her nap.

"Nothing," Joe said and walked away.

Isdorah came over to check on Chloe to see if everything was in order. Chloe hated this woman, and being near her made her blood boil.

"Leave me alone. I am fine," Chloe whined.

"Are you sure about that?" Isdorah argued.

"I am sure." Chloe retorted.

Joe and Jacob both come back into the room. They had a camera in there hand. Chloe had no idea what they were planning to do with the camera. Isdorah raised an eyebrow at them. She went into another room to clean something. They came over to her and said," Look at the camera for us, honey,"

Chloe tried to turn her head away from the camera. Joe shoved the camera in her face. This action made her feel insecure with herself. She felt terrible from her appearance. Then she questioned Joe,"What are you going to with that camera?"

"We are going to film a video and send it to your friends to see how you are doing." Joe said with a grin on his smug face.

Chloe felt repulsed by him. She only wanted to throw up. Then she crawled to the side of the sofa to get away from Joe. Joe only came closer enough and laughed at her humiliation. He did not stop with video taping her. She was starting to feel nauseous from her fear. Isdorah came back into the room. Then, she snatched the camera out of Joe's hand.

"Can you see she's had enough. You are idiot you know that?" Isdorah said, irritated.

"She has a point. I think we have gone too far. Chloe is going to puke," Jacob states a fact, pointing at Chloe.

"Both of you are the idiots. I want Chloe to feel all the pain she has caused me over the last three years. By humiliating her is my revenge for her fldumping me. She was the reason for all of this," Joe said, pointing at Chloe.

Chloe throws up all over the floor from the nervousness. She looked up at the others, not caring if they saw the vomit on the floor. Isdorah comes over to Chloe, takes her hand, and takes her from the room to get cleaned up. Before doing so, she points to Joe and says, "You can clean the vomit on the floor for how you acted."

Joe scolded and grabbed the mop, then cleaned the floor. Jacob laughed at him the entire time.

In the bathroom, both women were glad to get some privacy. Isdorah turned on the shower and sank both on high to block any sound from coming in. Chloe was confused with Isdorah.

"I needed to do that so they can't hear what we are saying. I am going to help you escape from here. I own this to you because of my future grandkids." Isdorah told Chloe.

"How are you going to do that when his plan was to turn me after I gave birth?" Chloe asked.

"I will use my magic. I am one of these powerful witches to exist. They have no idea what is coming for them. Now, we need to hurry to get you cleaned up before they come knocking on the door." Isdorah said, rushing Chloe to the tub.

Chloe rushed her bath, and both women went back downstairs. She acted like nothing was wrong. Joe was pissed about cleaning puke from the floor. Jacob was still laughing about it. Isdorah ignored both of them and went to make dinner.

There was a knock at the door. No one said anything. Chloe hid in the kitchen when Joe answered the door. It was a woman, and she looked familiar by looking from her hiding place. Joe stood frozen in fear. The woman was not alone either. Margo, Thomas, Lucius, Miles, and Ian were there too.

"Hello Joe, I believe you have someone I want," Miles said.

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