Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 29


Lucius shouts, frightening his mother to the point of shrinking back a step. He felt pent-up resentment surfacing after all the pain his mother put his father and himself through. His mother could not look in her son's eyes to see the anger in them. Instead, she did the only thing to do was hug her son.

"I am so sorry," Isdorah said.

"Is that all you can muster, especially all the pain you put Dad through?" Lucius said, still livid.

"I am truly sorry for everything," Isdorah apologized with tears in her eyes.

"You show up after all these years just to say you are sorry. It is not enough for all the years you have missed my life. Why did you leave?" Lucius asked in angish. He had tears in his eyes as well.

Isdorah was weeping now. She tried to dry the tears that were now streaming down her face, "I left you guys because I could not take the rules of society anymore. Your father found out I was leaving and he was so angry. I was also cheating on your father with Magnus Weller at the time. Your father found out about the affair and gave me an ultimatum about my choice. You guys or Magnus. I made leaving my third option. So, I left and never looked back. Then, years later, I find my only son going to be Father himself. Joe found me, and we met up to discuss kidnapping Chloe. He made me a deal, I get to see you. Also, he keeps Chloe and turns her to be like him after the twins are born."

Isdorah dried her tears and laughed. Lucius stepped forward and, with anger, said, "What has that ass done with Chloe?"

"How should I know? I was only told to keep their location hidden from you guys until she gave birth. Then he gave me permission to undo the spell." Isdorah told Lucius.

Lucius was still angry and started pacing. He needed to beat something to realise pent-up anger. Isdorah watched him before saying something else to make him more angry.

"Joe bit Chloe," Isdorah laughed.

Lucius could hold his shock and anger any longer. He rushed his mother and grabbed her by the throat. Then, he said,"You thought we were going to have a happy reunion with me after all this time. That was all an act. You are a monster, and I am so glad you were never really in my life. I never want to see you again."

He let her down and stomped away from her. Then, he walked all the way back to his apartment. Called his father about the ordeal. Miles soon came over to talk more in person and stayed the night on the couch.

It has been another two weeks since the encounter that Lucius had with seeing his mother in a long time. Chloe was about five or six months pregnant. Lucius thought about her every day. It was making depressed. He started doing the minimum of taking care of himself. His father came by more often to him out when he could. Thomas and Margo also did the same. Selma came back to stay with him. She decided to transfer out here to help him more.

Another week gone by, Selma could not take it anymore and said,"Lucius, it is time to get your act together. You keep doing this to yourself. Would Chloe want to see you suffer like this? While you are at it, take a shower. You stink."

Lucius only stared into the void of that was his room. He wanted to waste away. Selma’s ultimatum only went deaf ears. She comes back into the room and draggs Lucius out of bed. Then she pushes him to the bathroom. She shoves his clothes in his arms and walks away. Lucius only lumbers over to the shower and spent thirty minutes in there. He comes back out to hear Selma on the phone.

"I think we should use plan B by taking out the witch. We could use magic on her to get her to reveal what she knows about Chloe's whereabouts." Selma said.

There was silence until she said something else, "It might be the only way. I know she was your wife. Isdorah has got to pay for what she did. Lucius is in the shower or probably done by now. I will let him know."

Selma hung up the phone as she saw Lucius standing in the doorway to the living room. She sits down and says, "I did not hear you come in. I was on the phone with your Dad."

Lucius holds up his hand to stop her from saying anything else. He comes to sit next to her. Also, he was not sure of what to say next. It made him think of the help he provided him. He thought it was time to figure out his next move against Joe and his mother.

"What plans do you and my father have going against Joe?" Lucius asked.

"We plan for Darius to come back again. Hopefully, he won't be liable with the termination of Joe for good. Isdorah is going to have her magic absorbed by you. Miles can't do it anymore. He is weak in that form of magic. You are the only one who can do it." Selma informed him.

"I don't think I can kill my own mother after all she did. There is still a piece of me that wants to accept what she did. This is hard for me. Killing her would only would make my pain worse, but if it has to be done. Then so be it." Lucius said, pacing the living room.

"How hard was it to kill my cousin, Cassandra?" Selma asked. She still held a grudge.

Lucius stopped and looked at her. Then he said, "It was hard. It took two days for me to end her life. I am sorry about that. You will hold that against me forever. We need to move past that. Got it."

Selma and Lucius did grudgingly work together on a plan. They talked for hours over food and were tired out from planning. Both of them crashed in the living room. Miles helped with the rest of the planning. He got Darius to help again. Thomas agreed to help since Margo was pregnant, too. It all came together.

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