Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 28


"I will call Margo to get her butt here. She will be surprised you showed up at my place." Lucius told her while grabbing his phone. He went to another room.

"Hello Lucius, why are you calling so early?" Margo answered.

"Selma is here at my apartment if you are willing to come over." Lucius said.

"I will come over a little bit later. She is probably jetlagged, too." Margo comments.

After talking to Margo, he came back out to the living room. Selma raised an eyebrow and asked, "Is she coming over or what?"

"She is going to sleep a little bit more. Also, she figured you might be jetlagged." Lucius told Selma.

"Maybe I am jetlagged, but sleeping will be wasting precious time when it comes to Chloe and your twin lives." Selma ordered.

"You're right about that, but I still sleep is needed for both of us." Lucius said, yawning. He walked back to his room.

Selma fell asleep on the couch in the living room. She still thought this was going to be hard to locate Chloe. Margo was going to help her even if her magic was binded. Lucius seems different, too. He more mellowed out. Moreover, how things are going to go at the end of this. It scared her dealing with a crazy vampire.

The next day came and went, and the trio worked, trying to find Chloe by trying to trace her energy. Nothing seemed to be working, Selma tried reaching out to the twins' energy. They got nothing. They fell asleep from exhaustion trying to locate Chloe.

Selma and Margo tried reaching out when Lucius was asleep in the bedroom. It still was not working. She was about to give up. Then she got an idea in her head. What if Chloe could reach out to us when we were sleeping. Margo looked at her again.

"Is Chloe a witch?" Selma questioned.

"She is only half-witch due to her dad. Why?" Margo asked.

"Because she or the twins might be the reason for blocking her location. Or Joe paid a witch to cloak the location where he has her." Selma suggests.

"It could be a possibility." Margo agreed.

Selma rushed from the room to wake Lucius up. Margo heard him shout in surprise. She saw Selma drag Lucius from the bedroom by the arm. Margo moved over to an armchair.

"We think Chloe location is being cloaked from another witch. Joe paid another witch to hide them. Do you know other powerful witches?" Selma questions Lucius.

"The only other powerful witch would be my mother. I had not seen her since I was three. She left my father and I years ago. I have no contact with her. Do you think it could be my absentee mother?" Lucius asked, still tired from being ahaken awake.

"I don't know. I keep getting a gut feeling about this. We need to tell Miles." Margo suggested.

"Okay," Lucius agreed.

They all went back to sleep. Lucius felt crushed knowing, mentioning his absentee mother caused a gabbing hole in his heart. He never wants to mention it again. Knowing if those two tell his father about their theory, it would break my father.

It has been three weeks since Chloe disappeared, and no one found anything relating to her whereabouts. Everyone is beginning to lose hope and starts focusing on other matters. Margo and Thomas had to move their wedding up to last week. Chloe would be crushed that she missed her friend's wedding. Selma had to go home due to her job. It was a bust anyway. Lucius was getting bitter.

His phone rang one day, and it happened to be Joe again. He answers, "What do you want? To taunt me again about how everyone is trying to find Chloe. I know you have a witch blocking your location. You are nothing but a desperate ass who needs to let her. I will kill you."

"Oh, really. You think taughten will put everything in your direction. The witch I paid just happens to be someone you haven’t seen in years." Joe laughed, hangs up on Lucius.

Lucius looks at the phone and then throws across the room. That ass was going to pay. Miles comes into the room. He has been staying to check on Lucius more so. Seeing the cracked phone on the floor indicates something not good.

"What happened, son?" Miles asked warily.

"Joe called again taughten me about Mom," Lucius said with saddens in his voice.

Before Miles can get a word, Lucius unloaded everything from two weeks ago with Selma’s theory about Joe hiding Chloe with a cloaking spell. Selma assumed he was using a powerful person turned out to be his mother. The theory ended up being true. Lucius was out of breath when he was done.

"I am so sorry for not telling you," Lucius apologized.

"I am not mad. I miss your mother after all these years. Why would he use my Isdorah like that?" Miles said with angish.

Lucius felt the pain and had to leave the room for a while. He decided to go for a walk to clear his head. On his walk, he felt that he was being followed but unlikely voice made him stop.

"Hi Lucius," a feminine voice said.

He turned to see a woman who looked like him except with a female version of him. Looking into her eyes only brought the pain back from the past. Lucius did not know how to cope with seeing her now. Instead, he was angry.

"WHY ARE YOU HERE AFTER ALL THIS TIME?!" Lucius shouts and echos off the trees.

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