Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 19


Yesterday, Chloe and Lucius opened up more about their fears of becoming parents. They both knew there was no learner manual on parenting only through experience. Their parents would say the same thing. Lucius apologized to her for how he acted the last couple of days. She accepted his apology and went about her day. It made her feel better.

When Chloe was getting ready for the day, she noticed she was showing a little bit more than the last couple of weeks. She put her shirt back down and thought it was too soon to be showing unless she was carrying twins. Knowing she did have a doctor's appointment coming up soon and will ask about it then.

Chloe decided to see what was needed to work on for the next couple of days. She found that her column was gaining speed and her boss wanted her to write more her pregnancy. Also, saw that her other freelance projects were getting more approvals based on the content she received. Reading the comments on some of her work in between good and bad. She thought about making more improvements for the next content that she had planned. Lastly, finally decided to write an ebook through Amazon to help with getting income. Spent most of the day just outlining her book project and the first chapters going.

"What are you doing?" Lucius asked as he witnessed Chloe outlining her book.

"I decided to write a book and publish it," Chloe informed Lucius.

"You have been thinking about doing this a long time haven’t you?" Lucius questioned.

"Yes, I have been deciding on doing it for a long time. Now, seems to be that time," Chloe told Lucius.

"I just don't want you to overwork yourself that is all," Lucius said before going back into the bedroom.

Continuing writing until she needed a nap, and her phone rang. Not expecting any calls from anyone. Chloe looked at the screen to see the nap that she did not want to see. It was Joe calling her. She hit ignore and blocked his number. Then went to take a nap.

"Chloe, your phone is ringing," Lucius said while shaking Chloe to wake her up.

"WHAT?" Chloe shouts.

"Your phone was ringing or still is," Lucius repeated.

"Can you answer it?" Chloe said with sleep in her voice.

Lucius goes over to the dresser and picks up Chloe's phone to answer it. He looks at the caller ID. It was probably Joe again.

"Why is Joe calling you?" Lucius asked.

"I have no idea. I can say it is to harass me again. He does not get that I never loved him." Chloe said with frustration, "He does not want to give me up to you Lucius is what I am thinking. If he calls back and we both know he might. We have to put him on the speaker next time. I am so tired of him."

Lucius came back to bed to snuggle next to Chloe to make her feel safe. He touches her stomach. Then notices the small baby bump. Chloe does not know what to tell him about the baby or her theories of her carrying twins just yet. It was the first time he touched her stomach and it felt nice.

"Since when are you showing so soon?" Lucius asked the question that Chloe was dreading.

"I only noticed it this morning when I was getting ready for the day," Chloe replies, and she was confused by it as well.

"Do you think there is more than one in there?" Lucius questioned while pointing at Chloe's stomach.

"Maybe, we will confirm that next week," Chloe said. Indicting she made an appointment before telling him.

"You made an appointment without telling me again?" Lucius hates when she does it before telling him. It annoys him.

"What else was going to do? Research how to tell if you're having twins?" Chloe replies with a sarcastic comment.

Chloe rolls onto her side to try to fall asleep again but nothing was working. She decided to get up to make dinner for them instead. Lucius helped her prepare everything until it was finished.

"Do you think mentioning Joe's call to Ian again?" Chloe asked before stuffing her face with potatoes.

"He already knows how much the guy is harassing us. We can’t tell human cops about a lovesick vampire. That would make us look crazy." Lucius said. "If I mention any of this to my father and I will probably get his help to banish him."

Chloe listened to what Lucius suggested for them to do. Maybe it will work. It would have to be in due time. She was getting closer to her second trimester and traveling was not an option for her soon.

"We could tell of our plan?" Chloe suggested.

"Maybe," Lucius said. "We need to ask my father if it is a good option to do before proceeding?"

"Fine," Chloe said finality.

Both Chloe and Lucius cleaned up their kitchen and went to the 6 to relax. They were both brainstormings when the phone rang again. Looking at either and answered the phone.

"Hey, Lucius. I still want Chloe all to myself without a lifetime in it." Joe says.

"Listen to me and I will say this only once. Stop calling and harassing us. I will get the council permission to exile you. I technically can do that." Lucius said before hanging up.

"I think now would be the time to tell your father about Joe and the constant calls," Chloe suggests for Lucius.

"Yes, I can't take it anymore," Lucius said and sighed.

Both spent the afternoon thinking of ways to deal with Joe and Lucius grabbed the phone to call his father for help. Chloe was nervous at the thought of Joe getting a hold of her again. It scared her.

Lucius went into another room to explain more in private. Chloe knew it could be stressful to hear the news. So, it was for the best. It was not even dinner time when the phone rang again. This time Chloe ignore it without even looking at the phone screen

"It was Joe again," Lucius confirmed the call by looking at Chloe's phone.

Chloe waved her to say whatever and not answer it. She knew the crap he was going to say. The basic crap to try to convince her to take him back. It worked once but not anymore. She was in a happy place.

The phone rang in the living room this time. Going out to see who it was and it was Margo calling.

"Hey Girl," Chloe chimed walking back to the bedroom.

"Thomas and I picked a venue and reception area. They're both at the hotel. So, we need to get flowers and the menu in order next." Margo informed Chloe.

"But the wedding isn't until the summer though. Good thing, I guess we are planning this thing. I will be showing by summer is here or in my third trimester."Chloe laughed.

"Just don't go into labor at the wedding and everything will be fine."Margo joked.

"Lucius and I have been getting harassed by an ex-boyfriend who keeps calling us both. I am not answeing the phone. I feel getting my number changed because of it. Maybe I will suggest Lucius do the same. It would make me feel safer. I think Joe might be planning something," Chloe said and felt very scared. She told Margo all of it.

"I think changing your phone is the best idea. Tell Lucius to do the same," Margo agreed with Chloe.

Both girls talked for a while about wedding planning some more. They finalized the color scheme they wanted, which will be blue and purple with black tied in. Lucius and Chloe both turned in for the day without another worry.

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