Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 18


The next morning he was on his way back to the apartment when he realized that Chloe kicked him out of their space from either. The other night, he thought about why he was angry more at himself than her. Chloe was right about them needing space. He needed to clear his head but he was already outside of their apartment. Knocking on the door and Chloe opened it.

"What are you doing here? I thought you agreed that we need space from either." Chloe commented.

"No, you agreed to that but I did not," Lucius retorted and pushed passed her to get into the apartment.

Margo was sleeping on the couch when he entered. She jarred herself awake from Lucius walking passes her. Chloe followed him towards the kitchen. She sat at the table.

"What’s going on?" Margo asks walking into the kitchen.

Lucius glares at Margo and says," None of your business."

"Fine," Margo said and walked back out again.

"Okay, you wanted to talk about what happened yesterday. I was having a mood swing and kicked you out for the night to clear my head."Chloe told Lucius, "I do not have control over it."

"You could have told me you were feeling moody not thrown me out of the apartment for the night," Lucius said.

"I needed to clear my head," Chloe said and drank the tea that Margo had made.

Margo was still in the kitchen but was silent and observing what was being exchanged between Lucius and Chloe.

"You called Margo to come over to help clear your head?" Lucius asked while pointing at Margo standing behind him.

"Yes, I did. Is that such a problem for you?" Chloe said sarcastically, "Unlike you. I at least talk to someone about my feelings."

"That hurts when you say stuff like that," Lucius said with his hand covering his heart. He will not admit it does wound him that she had the nerve to say it. Giving Chloe some space might have been better than having her pissed at him. Instead, he got up and left the kitchen. Then walked back out of the apartment towards the pack house.

Ian was in the living room when Lucius came back from dealing with Chloe. He noticed the tension coming off of Lucius.

"Arguing with Chloe?" Ian comments on Lucius's mood.

"Yes. Women are crazy. They kick a guy out based on a stupid mood swing they're having." Lucius sarcastic tone.

"Women are confusing. I have a sister and that will be one thing different. Do not piss off a pregnant woman." Ian said and walked out.

Lucius sat there confused by Chloe and her mood swings. It made him think that the hormones were doing most of the talking now. Maybe taking Ian's advice by not pissing off Chloe would be logical. Too busy thinking about his actions to notice Thomas standing in front of him.

"Chloe put you in the dog house?" Thomas asks.

"You could say that," Lucius mumbles under his breath.

Thomas laughs.

Lucius glares at him.

Thomas coughs and says, "Sorry. I mean it is kind of funny seeing that you get yelled at by Chloe. I have been there with Margo and she did the same thing. Except it was the couch for the night. You just have to deal with it."

"So, I have been told," Lucius retorts.

"Margo told me everything. No secrets in our relationship. Just give Chloe space to calm down. She will forgive you." Thomas says. He sits beside Lucius on the sofa.

"I guess," was all Lucius said before getting up to go back outside.

He decided to stay away from the apartment for the rest of the day. Thomas dragged Lucius out of the compound to help with his wedding. They went to a men's tailor to get fitted for suits. It was working to not think about Chloe and their issues.

In the middle of deciding on where to go next, his phone rings. Looking at the screen that reads Unknown number. He answers but it was a dumb decision.

"Hello, Lucius remember me? You thought deleting my number would keep me away." Joe retorted.

"Stop calling me," Lucius said and hangs up.

Thomas did not know how far Joe has come to harassing him and wanted to keep it that way. Lucius was keeping his mind off of everything and he needed that. Thomas picked up on that and dragged him to Jefferson to get wasted. It was Thomas’s bachelor party after all.

Going in, Lucius went in and saw a group of people whom Thomas worked with. Lucius sat down and felt out of his element. Thomas went around the group and introduced them. Immediately Lucius forgot all of their names. The group ordered a bunch of drinks from the bar. Hoping for either to get wasted and forget their problems.

The bachelor party lasted until the bar closed and they offered to take Thomas to a strip club. Thomas declined and took Lucius back to the compound. He crashed on the couch at the pack. Hoping Ian would not mind that Thomas crashed in his living room. Then Lucius fell into a coma-like sleep from the party.

The next day, Lucius woke up with his head pounding and rushes over to the bathroom to throw up. Lucius never wanted to drink again after downing so much the night before. Then again, it was Thomas’s bachelor party. It was a choice to have so many alcoholic drinks. There was a knock on the door and Lucius opens the door. Thomas was standing outside doing the potty dance.

"Hurry up, I am going to wet my pants," Thomas said pushing pasted Lucius.

Lucius got out of the way.

Then decided to make eggs to ease his stomach from throwing up not long ago. There was movement from above the kitchen to reveal Ian coming into the room. Taylor follows after her brother.

"Lucius, are you making enough for everyone in the pack?" Taylor interjected.

"Maybe if you are nice to me today." Lucius retorted.

Ian only laughed at the exchange between his sister and friend. Thomas laughed as well. Then unexpected company shows up in the kitchen. Chloe and Margo both show up in the kitchen. No one said anything. The room was just silent until someone coughed. Everyone looked at the person.

"I know I can make a room go quiet but was anyone going to invite us to have breakfast?" Chloe asked.

"Maybe," Lucius said while watching the stove.

"Are you still going to be a jerk? Why do you smell alcohol?" Chloe asked.

"Thomas celebrated his bachelor party last night. It got out of hand. I am surprised I did smell of puke to you. I am making eggs to help clear my hangover. We will talk about this later when there’s no company around." Lucius comments.

The eggs were done. Thomas grabbed plates for everyone. Lucius served everyone breakfast. He sat down beside Chloe, who ignored him throughout breakfast. Everything else went by just fine. Therefore, the group cleans up everything. Lucius went about his own business and was starting to feel better.

Outside Chloe walked up to Lucius and hugged him. The hug from Chloe felt unexpected. He decided to ask her, "Are your hormones talking today?"

"Yes, they are talking to me and telling me how to act sometimes," Chloe said matter-of-factly. She leaned back against the porch post to look at Lucius.

"How was your night?" Lucius asked.

"Thomas and I talked about my problems with dealing with you being pregnant. I told him how it scared me that I was going to be a terrible father to the kid. My father was not the best parent since my mother had left him to raise me alone. I am just afraid for you with this Joe issue still floating around." Lucius admitted all of that to Chloe.

After Lucius opened up to Chloe about his fears about being a father, he felt more at peace just by telling her how he was feeling. Chloe only hugged and it was a relief. They spent the rest of the day talking about their worries.

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