Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 17


It has been two days, and Lucius has been acting strange since the doctor's appointment. Also, he has been stressed with either his father or his class schedule. His phone has been ringing nonstop as well. It was frustrating to constantly have to hear while working. She only had to deal with except this time.

Chloe was busy working on an article for a local magazine that Billings sells in the local supermarket. She heard the door relax and Lucius arrives storming back angry from being on the phone with someone. Reached up from the computer and strolled over to him.

"Why are you so angry?" Chloe boldly asked Lucius.

"I have been getting calls from Joe. Ian and I have been trying to come up with a plan to get rid of him. So far, no plan functioned and it's quite an irritation to think about." Lucius let out storming over to the bathroom and slamming the door.

Chloe knocked on the door and said, "Why did you not say anything to me in the last two days about Joe calling you?"

The door slowly unlocked and Lucius came out then lend against the door frame, "You are dealing with enough of being pregnant. Moving out of your old apartment. Attempting to make ends meet. Dealing with Joe again."

"I know I am dealing with a bunch but that is what my life is," Chloe said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"Still, you need to be careful and take it easy," Lucius told Chloe.

Although Chloe understood Lucius’s concerns, she was careful with everything she does nowadays due to being pregnant. She had to be entering her eighth or ninth week by now. Knowing how everything that happened four weeks ago made her want to stay at home rather than go out much. She even quit working as a waitress due to Joe stalking her again. Deciding was for the best of her health and safety. Chloe went back to work after calming Lucius down.

The power began to flicker again, and Chloe was just great to have the power go out almost. She got up to see it was her who was causing the power to flicker just the bedroom itself. No one was in the room with her. Her magic must be making itself known to her. Then she tried to touch the light again to see if it would flicker on demand. It worked the lights did the flickering. Thinking back to her old apartment how her lights flickered there too. It had been her the entire time. She laughed at the knowledge.

As Chloe was laughing at her computer about what she had written, Lucius comes back into the room.

"What are you laughing at?" Lucius asked.

"I wrote something quite ridiculous and sat here giggling at what was on the screen," Chloe said.

"Okay," Lucius said and went about his business.

Chloe went back to work on her business article for the column she writes for. She was not sure but Lucius was angry lately. It was starting to bother her more so than ever. Quietly, she got up and went over to him.

"Why are you so angry lately?" Chloe commented.

Lucius only ignored her question. He went into a different room instead. Chloe followed him into the other room and sat down.

"What is your problem?" Chloe asked again.

"Nothing is wrong," Lucius told Chloe.

"There is something wrong. You just don't want to talk about it. Lucius, you need to start talking about things that are bothering you," Chloe said concerned.

"You want to know what is wrong, I feel scared to become a parent. Not knowing how my kid is going to turn out." Lucius said then stormed out of the apartment.

Trying to follow him out of the apartment to just tell him she was scared too. Chloe has to face the reality that maybe Lucius moved too quickly in the relationship. Maybe he needed some space from her. When he decided to come back into the room, she will tell him that maybe giving either space would be the best option for both of them. Since it seems to be too much for him at the moment.

A couple of hours later, Lucius comes back to the room calmer than usual. Chloe went over to him but he smelled of beer. She thought he was drunk and proceeded to tell him that maybe space was needed.

"We need to talk," Chloe said.

"What about this time?" Lucius was annoyed all of sudden.

"I think we need space from either so that you can relax and maybe understand more about becoming a parent. Instead of acting like a child." Chloe said frowning at him.

"What?" Lucius was flabbergasted now.

"You heard me loud and clear," Chloe said and stormed towards the bedroom to throw Lucius’s bag on the bed. She began filling it with his belongings. Then placed by the door.

Lucius followed her every move and said, "Are you kicking me out?"

"No, I just think you need a break from me. So, I am packing your stuff to stay at the pack house. I did not tell Ian about your behavior. We need space from either is what is needed. You are so angry lately. I cannot take it anymore. So, get out of the apartment." Chloe said handing him his bag and shoving it out the door.

Soon after Lucius was forced out of the door, Chloe went to clean the place. Because it was messy with Lucius being there. Anyway, she needed to clear her mind and called Margo.

"Hello," Margo said.

"Margo, can you come over?" Chloe questioned.

"I guess. What happened?" Margo asked.

"I will tell you when you get here," Chloe says and then hangs up.

Not long after there was a knock at the door, Chloe stood up to answer the door. Margo was standing in the hall. She lets her in and places the chocolate on the table. Chloe was enlightened when she saw the chocolate on the counter. Margo turns towards her and asks, "What happened?"

"I kicked Lucius out for being angry. It was more on impulse. I think he is angry with me for doing so." Chloe admits to Margo.

"Are you okay now or was it a mood swing?" Margo questioned.

"Maybe a bit of both because he was being an ass since the last week or so. It was driving me nuts. Drastic measures were called into action." Chloe said taking a piece of chocolate.

Margo looked at Chloe and thought not to get on her bad side either. She guessed Lucius had it coming anyway. They laughed about what Chloe did. They spent the night watching movies and making jokes about Chloe's weird mood swings. They fell asleep soon after carrying on most of the night. Margo called Thomas to let him know she was staying at Chloe's place. Then went back to bed.

Chloe was going to be waking up to angry Lucius the next morning. She was going to be in so much trouble.

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