Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 16


Another two weeks had gone by, and the events that had gone down still haunt Chloe. Lucius and Chloe had their first appointment upon learning that they were going to be parents. Chloe was nervous since she did not know what to expect. Upon getting to the ONGYN, checking in was a breeze, and getting settled in the office. The doctor explained everything to both of them. Chloe asked so many questions that the doctor was somehow able to answer. After everything was done and signed, both left.

Lucius was nervous but did not show up in front of Chloe. He was not having second thoughts, but being a new soon-to-be parent was kind of scary. So lost in his thoughts, Lucius was not paying attention to where he was going and crashed into Ian.

"Sorry," Lucius said, walking away.

Ian stops and turns around to walk back toward Lucius. He finds him outside on the bench and sits beside him to ask, "Is everything okay?"

"Not really. Going to the appointment with Chloe made me realize how uncomfortable this pregnancy was going to be as it progressed. I will admit I am scared, but I won't be one of those guys who leave their girlfriend just because they're scared shitless of being a dad." Lucius admittedly to Ian.

"It’s okay to be frightened. Heck, I was scared to run an entire pack at sixteen. I had a lot of growing up to do. Now, I got a handle on it. You will do fine." Ian said, getting up and padding Lucius’s shoulder.

It still does not make Lucius feel better. He will have to talk to Chloe at some point about his fear. For now, Lucius went back to the room to see if Chloe had left a note saying she was out with Margo doing wedding planning. He decided to call Thomas to catch up with him.

The phone rang for a few seconds, then Thomas finally answered the phone, "Lucius, it's been a while since we last spoke. How have you been doing?"

"I have dealt with my father coming and meeting Chloe's parents. Her crazy ex-boyfriend is coming around to cause problems. Bad enough, I knew the guy, and he was a vampire. Also, he was finding out you and Margo are getting married. It's a lot to take in." Lucius mentions to Thomas.

"Yeah, you could say that is a lot to happen in a short amount of time. You are also going to be a dad as well." Thomas said.

"Yes," Lucius said.

Thomas and Lucius talked for about an hour before Thomas had to get back to work. Lucius went about doing some classwork for some of the next week's tests. Halfway through the one assignment, his phone rang again. This time, it was Joe calling.

Lucius was wondering why he was calling him. He just ignores his cell phone and continues his schoolwork. His phone rang again and looked at it again. Joe was calling again. He continued to ignore it, but his phone kept ringing. Eventually, he left it to go to voice mail.

Chloe comes through with shopping bags in hand. She puts the bags down by the bed. He started to hang up the clothes she had bought in the closet. She noticed Lucius looking at her and sat down beside the bed.

"Did you have fun shopping with Margo?" Lucius asked.

"Yes, Margo and I worked on her color theme and managed to get some dresses. I went to another store to get some maternity clothes soon as she would not be able to fit them into my current clothes. Figuring I should look at another apartment for the three of us to move into." Chloe said, exhausted from her time out.

The phone rang again and saw the caller ID that read Joe. Chloe was fast asleep when the phone rang again. The landline started ringing nonstop. Lucius did not want to talk to Joe anymore. He is completely cutting him off. Walking out of the room, he took his phone with him and called Joe back.

"What do you want?" Lucius whispered, yelling into the receiver.

"I saw Chloe out shopping with the criminal Margo. I had no idea they were friends in such a small world. Clothing shopping seems like something she would do." Joe commented.

"Why can't you leave her alone?" Lucius asked.

"Well, I still love her. Then my friend steals her from me and gets her pregnant!" Joe yells into the phone.

"I am glad I stole her from you. You two broke up for a reason because of you crazy son of bitch. Leave us alone. I know about the two people you killed and attacked the maid at the hotel. I am calling my father to permit him to kill you. Listen to your master and stay away." Lucius threatened and hangs up.

After Lucius ended the call, he went to the room and fell asleep beside Chloe. He hoped Joe never called him again that same day. Then made a promise to himself not to mention the call to Chloe. Personally, he was freaked out that Joe was now stalking Chloe. He felt helpless about what to do in the matter. Chloe was vulnerable at the moment. His phone rang again but let it go to voicemail and went back to sleep after looking at the screen. It was Joe again calling. He blocked his number.

The next day, Lucius went over to the pack house to inform Ian of the constant calls from Joe. Ian was working on paperwork that his father had owned. He noticed Lucius standing at the foot of the desk. Ian places his down and stands up to lean at the front of the desk.

"What’s wrong Lucius?" Ian asks concerned.

"We have to do something about Joe. He has been constantly calling me now. He is stalking Chloe. He is beyond crazy. He says I stole Chloe from him when they had been broken up for more than three years. It’s getting unnerving." Lucius comments.

Lucius felt like he was going to break from dealing with Joe not leaving him and Chloe alone. He felt for the first time calling his father about how bad the situation was and feared for Chloe's safety.

Ian explained what he could do. He was not sure if it would work. Thinking about the next course of action that was taken after Margo and Thomas’s wedding. That was not for three months, so they had to endure the torture that Joe was causing everyone.

Ian and Lucius spent the majority of the day thinking of a plan to deal with Joe and Carson. Ian only put Carson because he knows he to be involved somehow. Both were hoping that the plan worked.

Later, Chloe was doing work as Lucius came back to the room. She was absorbed into the article she was writing to notice him. Lucius went over to the bed to search for the material that he needed to pull off the plan. It would keep Chloe safe is all he thought. Chloe was now staring at him and raised an eyebrow, then went back to work. It was quiet for both of them for the rest of the door.

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