Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 15


Margo and Chloe decided to do some wedding planning with the help of Ava. After the failure of trying to go dress shopping but it felt off without Ava present who was still at school. Chloe was looking around and thought she saw Joe looking at her. She kept it herself until she got back to the compound.


"Sorry, Chloe but I did not know he was back after one of my men informed me that he had gone. I am truly sorry that I could not send a patrol out to investigate. Maybe he was in town doing business for Miles or his master sent him." Ian apologized and went back to do more paperwork.

Chloe was irritated with Ian for not letting her know that Joe had left completely. She felt the same thing the first meeting him after three years of living in Billings. It still stressed her out. She decided to turn her irritation into working on deadlines that needed to be finished by tomorrow for the newsletter she worked for. Another thing, she wanted her normal life back without the supernatural elements.

Lucius came into the room soon after she arrived. He noticed she was angry and did not want to bother her. She was having a phone conversation with the landlord about getting out of her lease. Lucius took the phone out of her hand to talk with the landlord.

"Yes, she is currently wanting back her deposit for the apartment when she first moved in," Lucius told the guy who was being an ass.

They continued to argue about Chloe getting her deposit back. Lucius threatened to take him to court if he did not comply. He later hung up the phone and laid back on the bed.

"Joe is back in town but soon left this morning. I saw him yesterday while I was out with Margo," Chloe informed Lucius with the information.

"Well, did you say something to Ian about this development?" Lucius asked her.

"Yes but more like shouting at him for not saying anything to us about his arrival in Billings. I will have to apologize later." Chloe said frowning. Disappointed in how she acted towards Ian.

"You know you should not yell at an alpha werewolf especially since he protected you from Joe." Lucius chastised Chloe, "I think you should apologize to him later."

"Fine. I will. It would be on my terms. But I need to get some work done." Chloe's final tone of voice.

Lucius left the room after some type of argument that could have happened. Luckily, Chloe stopped herself from yelling at Lucius. It still made her upset that her crazy ex might still be in the area. She took a breather while waiting for her laptop to start up. Gathering her notebook from her messenger bag beside the chair. Trying to focus on getting work done, her mind kept going back to what was said between her and Lucius. It made sense that he would not know what to do with her situation. He does not know all that happened between Joe and me.

Three years ago, Chloe had just moved to Billings after college. Chloe had just broken up with Joe. They had a terrible fight that led to some events that terrified her. Joe started stalking her. She could not go anywhere without him being at her location. Luckily, a couple of months later, she meets Ian Marshall. An alpha werewolf that saved her from a dangerous situation that could lead her to be killed.

Thinking about all the past events that happened and recently being exposed to the supernatural, Chloe felt so alone in all of it. It scares her to learn that she is a witch. She does not know which parent was a witch. Her mother is human. Her father might have been a witch. Never knowing her grandparents either because they died before she was born. Picking up her phone to call her mom.

"Hello," Her mother answered.

"Mom, it's me. Chloe. I need to talk to you about something. Is my father a witch?" Chloe questioned.

There was silence on the other end and her mother spoke, "Your father did not want me to say anything until you were old enough. He never got the chance because we had separated by that time. I made sure not to say anything. Then when I saw your father at your apartment and how he was talking to Miles Wentz. It hit me like a ton of bricks, that my daughter was dating a council member's son. I knew eventually I had to tell you. I saw Lucius beat me to it. I am sorry for not telling you."

"Mom, you do not need to apologize for something that Dad was supposed to tell me. I found out my ex-crazy was a vampire. So, I had my deal with crazy events. Now, I am living with a pack of werewolves since I don't feel safe staying at my old apartment." Chloe explained her situation to her mother.

By that time, she was done with her work with a clear conscience. Lucius came back to the room with Ian in tow. Ian sat on the bed. Lucius sat beside him. Chloe turned to face both of them.

"I need to apologize for how I acted earlier. I needed to clear my head." Chloe told both Ian and Lucius.

"Apology accepted. Truthfully, I should have explained the situation more. It turns out Miles told him to leave. Or he would face the consequences for his actions. He's not allowed back in my territory. Plus, he killed two people and attacked a maid at the hotel." Ian explains.

"My father is staying in town for business. He had a meeting with Ian and Carson about some issues with dealing with new pack laws that passed in the council last week." Lucius mentioned.

"I do not trust Carson at all," Ian told them.

Chloe always wandered about this supernatural government body. She thought it was pretty cool that there was a secret government to keep supernaturals in order. It made her feel safer to know that there were rules in place.

Later, that day Chloe went to bed with everything ending on good terms. It made her feel better going to bed that night.

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