Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 12


Lucius's phone rings and he looks over to see Chloe was still in deep sleep. He recounted the surprising information about Chloe being a witch. The instant connection could give it away if she was a witch or a half-one. Nothing happened but static. He got up from the bed and went to the living room to answer the phone.

"Hello," Lucius answer with sleep still in his voice.

"Sorry for waking you but it this important you listen to me. Chloe is mine. I am coming for her," Joe said then hangs up.

The laws keep going from his body. How did Joe get a hold of a phone? He was supposed to be tied up in silver in Ian's basement. Lucius dialed Ian's number.

"Hello," Ian answers sounding like he was running around. Probably chasing Joe around on his territory.

"Joe just called me and threaten me not long ago," Lucius told Ian.

"What?" Ian confused.

Hearing in the background, a scream could be heard. Signaling Joe has gotten loose and attacked one of the werewolf guards. The phone call ended soon after that. Lucius knew he needed to get Chloe out of town. He ran back to the bedroom to wake Chloe.

"WAKE UP CHLOE!" Lucius shouts.

"WHY?!" Chloe shouts back.

Lucius sat down on the bed and said," Joe escaped and just called me. He attacked one of Ian's pack members. We need to get out of town for a while. We need to pack like to right now." Lucius said grabbing for his duffel bag on the bench at the other end of the bed.

It took a second for Chloe to process what Lucius had said to her. Now, she felt the urgency of the situation. She called Margo and Thomas about the situation while packing.

Lucius's phone rang again. He picked up the phone to see it was Ian calling again.

"Where can we go for now that Joe escaped?" Lucius asked but it was muffled by the bedroom door.

Chloe was out of the living room packing her laptop and tablet with its cables. The cables ended up being tangled. Lucius comes out of the bedroom to the living room still on the phone.

"There is another pack north of Billings that will take us in. What about the Jefferson pack?" Lucius said.

"It would be safer with the Jefferson pack. I will call ahead to see if you can get approval to travel on their lands." Ian told Lucius before hanging up.

"We are going to stay in the Jefferson pack. We need to keep our heads low." Lucius told Chloe.

"Will we be safer outside of Jefferson than in town?" Chloe questions about their current situation.

"Yes, or I am hoping that we are" Lucius replies.

Lucius gathered their bags and Chloe locked up the place. Both ran to the parking lot behind the building. Lucius decided to drive so Chloe would not have to pull over the entire time driving to Jefferson.

They arrived in Jefferson an hour later. Stopping to only get directions to the pack outside of Jefferson. Ian gave them directions to meet the Alpha outside a wooded area off a main road. Getting to the road that they were directed to take, a tall guy was standing beside a blue truck.

Lucius stopped the car and got out of the car first. He approach the guy and asked, "Are you the guy told me about?"

"Yes, He did mention you need some protection from some crazy vampire that dated your girlfriend in the past. My name is Carson David. I have some rules that I will want you to follow. No going off the pack lands without permission. No going to the pack house during a full moon. Those are the rules you must follow while you are here. You guys are only allowed to stay here for two weeks. Understood." Carson instructed.

Lucius only nodded and gestured for Chloe to leave the car. They were told to leave the car by the entrance to pack lands. The pack was standing outside. Both guessed their alpha must have mind linked to tell them they were having guests coming. Everyone just stared at them. It made Chloe feel self-conscious with stares. She looked to Lucius.

Carson whispered to another guy while looking at Lucius and Chloe. The guy came over without introducing himself and did not say anything only to be told to follow him.

"Here is where you will be staying until things die down." The guy said. Pointing to a secluded cabin off to the side of the pack house.

Chloe and Lucius both looked around the place. She put both of their bags down on the bed. Hoping to have actual privacy, she looked to see if there were any cameras around the cabin. She did not find anything. Lucius thought her to be paranoid.

"I don't trust these guys," Chloe admitted.

"Why?" Lucius asked.

"Because I saw noticed before even after meeting Ian Marshall." Chloe started. She was cut off by her phone ringing.

"Hello," Chloe answered.

"Where are you? You were supposed to work tonight. Oh, wait never mind. I forgot you requested time off the next week. Are you all right?" Margo asked and was frustrated with herself.

"We are fine. Just had to take a sudden vacation to get away from Joe. Did Ian get back to you yet about Joe being found yet?" Chloe questions.

"They went by your apartment to see if there were any traces of Joe around. There was but he ran off. My guess is he might have followed you and Lucius." Margo replied.

"That is not comforting at all to know we are being followed. I just want Joe to die again." Chloe declared.

"I know he caused enough damage to you to go through it again," Margo sympathizes with Chloe.

"I got to go. I will call you in the next couple of days," Chloe said.

Then Chloe hangs up the phone and saw Lucius watching her. Chloe mentions her chat with Margo about the situation. Ian never caught Joe yet. They were both waiting to hear back from him. Lucius's phone was next to the ring.

"Hello, Son, I heard you got yourself in a sticky situation with Joe," Miles comments.

"How did you hear about that information?" Lucius asks his father.

"Joe came to me to gossip about you and Chloe. I think he made up some of it, to be honest. He can sure hold a grudge against people. I hope you are being safe." Miles said.

"Since when did you ever think of my safety?" Lucius angrily told his father before hanging up the phone. " The nerve of that guy."

"He was only trying to help you," Chloe said walking into the small kitchen.

Thought to herself, she just found out she was almost six weeks pregnant. Chloe was wondering if the stress was hurting the child by any means. She did not want to worry about anything. Now, she might have to help plan a wedding and do it while pregnant. What a time!

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