Lucius-Ever Green Series Book Three

Chapter 13


It has been a couple of days of being stuck on the Jefferson pack lands. Lucius and Chloe were still waiting for information from Ian. So far, no one has relayed this back to them. Both were tired of sitting still. They kept themselves busy to keep their minds off of what-ifs during those tandem days.

During the afternoon, one of their phones rang, looking down it was only Chloe's that was going off. Chloe picked it up, reading the screen to be Margo.

"Margo, has there been anything new back in Billings?" Chloe questioned.

"They found Joe, but he is still on the run but not in Montana anymore. Something tells me his master made him go back to Pennsylvania for questioning or violating his master's rule." Margo replied, muffled.

"Well, at least, he won't be bothering me for now." Chloe comments before hanging up.

Lucius looked at Chloe when she came back into the room. He took the phone from her and placed it on the bed. Then, he asked her, "Any good news about Joe?"

"Margo called to tell me that Joe is back in Pennsylvania by order of his master. It is something, at least, for the time being. We still need consolation from Ian yet to see if we can return to Billings," Chloe told him.

"How do you think we need to stay here? If Ian does not call us." Lucius crawls into bed.

"I am thinking Ian will call Carson first to tell him any updates before letting us go. I still don't trust Carson." Chloe admits to Lucius. "What did mother tell you at the awkward family dinner a few nights back?"

Not wanting to break the promise he made with Chloe's mom that night. Chloe had the right to know about her witch heritage. Lucius looked her square in the eye when he said, "You're a witch."

"WHAT?!" Chloe shouted, getting off the bed. Pacing across the foot of the bed. "HOW COULD SHE LIE TO ME ALL THESE YEARS? NO WONDER SHE WANTED TO MEET YOU. MY FATHER KNOWS YOUR FATHER!"

Chloe was now ranting.

Then Lucius grabbed a hold of arms and said, "It could explain some things like the static when we first met. You were complaining about the lighting flickering back in your apartment. I felt some magic coming off of you."

"What do you mean magic signature?" Chloe asks.

"It means a supernatural force is present in the area. Only supernatural people can pick up on it with other people. Margo and Ava's magic bonded by a spell. Did you know those two are wanted, delinquents? They are the reason I am here," Lucius reveals everything to Chloe.

"What do you mean they are wanted by the council?" Chloe questions Lucius.

"They killed the former leader of the council five in half months ago. I was told to bring them back for questioning and possibly their execution." Lucius spilled to Chloe.

Chloe sits on the bed and listens in shock. Lucius took her hands in his. She pulled her hands away.

"Do I need to ask her about this?" Chloe asked Lucius with her back to the window.

"That is if you want to hear from her side," Lucius said, defeated.

There was a knock at the cabin door, startling them both. Luckily, both knew to drop the conversation that was being held so no one else got wind of it.

Getting up from the couch, Chloe opened the door to reveal a tired Carson standing in the doorway. Chloe moved aside to let him sit down. Lucius did not like that Carson was there but needed to know why he came so suddenly.

"Carson, why are you here?" Chloe asked, beating Lucius to it.

"Ian called me earlier to you know you guys can back to Billings on Monday. He just wanted to make sure you guys are safe. I know Joe is not in Montana anymore, or so I heard from the grapevine." Carson informed.

Lucius only nodded and stood without a word, then left the room. Chloe had to show Carson out after telling them. Then Lucius comes out and asks, "Is he gone?"

"Yes, why did you act like that?" Chloe demanded.

"I don't like that guy for some reason. He gives me bad vibes. I just explained it. Something tells me we are not leaving here alone. I keep getting that feeling they are helping Joe with something big, and staying here proves something is off about this pack. I will not put you in danger." Lucius comments.

"I did get the creep factor from Carson. Luckily, we leave tomorrow. Call Ian to come to get us tonight instead." Chloe told Lucius as she went to the bedroom to pack her stuff.

Although Chloe was in the next room packing her things, his stuff was already packed from yesterday. Lucius has a bad feeling, so he dialed Ian's number. He tried to make the call anonymously so Chloe could hear what he was telling him. Ian told him not to worry he will have the excuse to get them out that night. Chloe came back out with her bags and placed them by the door.

"Ian is coming earlier than expected. He will tell Carson that he is picking us up tonight instead of tomorrow." Lucius told Chloe.

A knock came at the door, and Chloe opened it to reveal Ian. She was startled and surprised, "You got here fast."

"We got to hurry. Carson does not know I am here." Ian told them.

Quietly and fast as possible, the trio ran out of the cabin towards the car hidden in the bushes. Placing everything in the car, they sped out of there. Lucius made sure that no one was following them.

"Does Carson know you came early?" Chloe questioned.

"No, but I will explain to him later why you guys are not in the cabin. I will tell him you had an emergency with the pregnancy and that you needed medical attention that is not required by a pack doctor. He would have to understand that. Staying would have put you in danger anyway. I don't think going back to your apartment would be a great choice either. I have been thinking of having you guys stay at the compound." Ian said.

"I agree, and it's safer for her," Lucius pointed to Chloe in the backseat, "Plus, her landlord is an arse. She deserves better."

It was an hour later, the trio returned to the compound and they settled into the pack house. Not long after Ian's phone rings and he excused himself. To yell at Carson who called them to ask why they left so suddenly. Lucius could hear Ian explaining Chloe's situation to him through the wall. The argument did not last long. Ian came back to help them get settled. They would a tour of the place another time. They were exhausted from everything that happened recently.

The next morning, Lucius was busy doing his classwork since he switch to an online degree things have been easier to travel. He managed to through all the work he needed to turn in before the semester ended. Chloe was still asleep when her phone started to vibrate on the nightstand. He reached over to pick it up.

"Hello?" Lucius answered.

"Is Chloe there Lucius," Margo asked.

"She’s asleep. I will let her know you called." Lucius said quickly hanging up. He did not want her to be disturbed and she needed sleep.

Hoping that Chloe would not be angry that he answered her phone without her permission and hung up on her friend. He will just deal with that wrath when she has woken up. As he was thinking about that, Chloe began to stir and looked at her phone.

"Did you go through my phone?" Chloe accused.

"No, but Margo called. I answered it to tell them you were sleeping still and to call back later." Lucius defended.

"Why did not just woke me up then?" Chloe asked.

"You need your sleep more than ever. You're pregnant." Lucius objected.

"So, sometimes you can be an ass." Chloe got out of bed and went towards the bathroom.

Lucius knew he can be an ass and does not need to be told about it either. Ava told him dozen times when the wolf bit his leg. He went back to working on schoolwork when Chloe came out of the bathroom. She was already dressed. A knock came at the door, and Chloe goes to answer it. Taylor was standing outside.

"Hey, Taylor long time no see. How have you been?" Chloe asks the girl.

"I have been better and busy with school. Decided to go to a human high school in the city. Real fun if you ask me. Ian keeps trying to keep going to school at the compound." Taylor informed Chloe.

"Why would leave here?" Chloe questioned Taylor.

"I wanted a change or needed to find my way without being a werewolf. I wanted to experience my human side a little more." Taylor explained.

Chloe only nodded and left the room with Taylor in tow. Lucius went back to work on his project. He spent most of the morning on it. He hoped that staying at the compound would help Chloe and himself. They had to go back to the apartment to start packing it up after letting the landlord know that she move out.

After lunch, both Lucius and Chloe went back to her apartment to start packing it. When she got to her door, there was a note from the landlord about the late payment of her rent. Lucius saw her frown and ripped it off. He would think she would not deal with that in a week or so. Bringing in the boxes that Ian gave them to start the packing process, they spent most of the afternoon to early evening packing her things. While packing he thought about moving in with Chloe permanently.

"Chloe, how would you feel if I moved out with you permanently?" Lucius asked her as they were putting the boxes in the backseat.

"It would help but do you think we are moving too fast for that kind of thing?" Chloe asks seriously.

"I know it's too soon but it feels right. If you want me to stay elsewhere I will," Lucius said.

"We already have a kid on the way but maybe moving in together won't be too bad either." Chloe sighed. Rested her head on his shoulder. He rubbed her arm to make reassurance of the decision that was just made was a good one.

Chloe was hoping she was making the best decision but something tells her it would be wise.

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