Chapter 74

Chapter 74 


Liam and I lay quietly on the bed facing each other. My son doesn’t talk but stares at me. I am doing the same thing. The clear blue eyes remind me so much of someone I haven’t seen since he left us in the ward. 

“Are you okay?” I tap his nose and he gently smiles. I wonder what must be going through his little mind right now. 

“Will daddy come?” He whispers, wrapping his little hands around my n*eck. My heart uncomfortably jerks but I force a smile and gently ruffle his hair. 

“He will, dear. He will surely come” I hopefully mumble k*ssing his head and he softly sighs closing his eyes. I don’t know how we will do it but I have to get Jace my back. My dad had already started to punish Andrew and when we went to check on him, he was barely breathing. It’s a good thing he was taken from the damned crosses and he is receiving treatment now. 

‘Is Liam asleep? Kyle has information regarding the spell‘ My father mind links me. 

‘I will be there in a minute‘ I say back pulling the covers over my son. After -pressing a gentle k*ss on his forehead, I slowly lock the door behind me and exit 

the room. 

“Come on dear” Alpha Edward quickly pulls a chair for me and I nod in thanks. Looking around the room, I sit down in disappointment. Jace is not here and neither is his scent. 

“So what did you find out?” I inquire from the witch in the room. 

“According to my discoveries, there is a dark witch who performs such spells. When someone goes to them with the drug, they cast a spell that will bind the person injected to them” 

“So can he undo the spell?” I quickly ask feeling hopeful. 

“That’s the problem. It will only take the witch who cast the spell to undo it” Kyle sadly sighs and my heart bleeds. 


you serious? Why the hell will we find the witch when the b*tch is dead?” I yell, fisting my palms. 

“Can’t you try the spell, Kyle?” My dad asks, probably reading through my stress. 

“It only takes a dark witch to even try breaking it” Kyle shakes his head glancing at me in pity. 

“She was once working for you, you must know where she found the witch” I direct my angry question to Leo who has been silently listening to the debate. 

“It was only once but she never delivered what I had sent her. From that moment, she completely disappeared and the next time I saw her she was dead” His words do more harm than good when I remember he had sent her to kidnap Liam 

“I will get answers by myself“I mumble exiting the room and no one stops me. 

Reaching Andrew’s room, I slowly open his door, wondering if I should proceed or not. He is inside. Is this where he has been hiding all the time? 

Andrew is motionlessly lying on his bed while Jace is standing beside the window. The curtains are pulled apart and my mate is silently peeking at the moon. Goddess! I miss him so much and I want to hate him so bad but I can’t. I just wish he could fight this, fight for us. For our son. 

Andrew stirs on the bed before releasing a soft groan and that gives me a go–ahead to finally walk in. Jace quickly turns around at the sound and when his eyes land on me, he doesn’t show any emotion or utter a word. 

It’s so heartbreaking. Goddess! 

“Hey, can I get a moment with him?” The pleading in my voice doesn’t go unnoticed by him because Jace slightly raises his eyebrows at me and silently walks out. My wolf sadly whimpers for his lack of interest and the painful hole in my heart intensifies. 

Is he suffering from memory loss too? For fuck sake, this is the boy I grew up with. We have loved each other as long as I can remember, how come a simple spell will erase all that from his heart? How can he just ignore me and our son like that? 

Oh! Goddess, why does this keep happening to me? 

I quickly blink away my tears when Andrew sits up and glances at the closed door and back to me in question. 

“Are you two okay?” His voice is raspy meaning he just woke up since he lost consciousness. So this indicates he doesn’t know anything yet? 

“No” I cover the remaining space between us and settle in the bed beside him. I told 

my dad not to harm him further. He made mistakes but he has saved us from 

more crises than we could have done it ourselves. Everyone deserves second chances. 

“Something happened to him and he is not himself right now, I think” I mumble with a sigh and the man nods for me to continue talking. He looks extremely roughened up and if you didn’t know, you would mistake him for someone else. 

His face is still swollen. His busted l*p hasn’t healed and he has bandages tied around his chest and stomach. His visible skin is full of bruises but at least he will live. 

“Okay?” He mumbles his voice laced with concern. 

“During the fight, a girl named Lily injected him with a heat–induced drug. Our dad killed her and gave him an antidote but when he woke up, he was so upset with her death and Jace has been ignoring us since then. Leo said you went through the same thing” 

“Yeah, honey” Andrew lowly chuckles and shakes his head.” It was crap. That b*tch was crazy. I would have never imagined one of my sons would go through the same thing” 

“You found help, right?” I whisper. 

“Yes, after a lot of struggle, dear” Andrew sits upright and silently groans, probably from the distress he is feeling in his b*dy. “I know how he is feeling. Jace must be confused as fuck right now, it’s like his mind fled away and he can’t decipher what he is feeling. The spell is strong, Ana. I know you must be wondering why he can’t fight it but trust me, it’s beyond his control especially when his wolf is locked away” 

“I don’t know, doesn’t he recognize our son? Liam doesn’t understand this and he keeps asking when his dad is going to come back” 

“As I said dear, everything is out of control for him. The only thing in his mind is that girl and her alone. Right now he is probably hurting because he can’t be with her” I sadly chuckle and get up. It doesn’t hurt any less. I hate to think that the only thing in my mate’s head is another woman and not me or our son. It hurts like a damned b*tch. 

“Please help me” I kneel beside Andrew’s bed and take his large hands in mine.” I talked to the king and your punishment is lifted. I know you have a good heart, Andrew, and you won’t watch as we hurt” My teary eyes blink at him and he sighs ruffling my hair. 

“Let me make a call then” 

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