Chapter 73

Chapter 73


After what feels like hours of waiting, my mate finally wakes up and my heart leaps in joy.

With a low groan, Jace frantically looks around him before his eyes settle on Lily’s dead b*dy and he suddenly sits up. Looking alarmed.

He hasn’t looked at Liam or me yet.

Jace?” I whisper to catch his attention but his eyes don’t leave Lilly. My mate’s jaw is tightly clenched as his fists grip the


“Daddy! I gave you my strong our son happily exclaims but he doesn’t even spare him a glance, nor show a reaction towards us. This is unlike him.

“Why did you do it?” My mate grits out, his eyes still on Lily and I raise my brows in confusion. He is acting weird.

“Baby, are you okay?” I worriedly whisper taking his hand but he does something I wish Liam didn’t have to see. Jace violently Jerks away from my hold and stumbles towards the dead b*dy, kneeling beside Lily. He looks so broken, it is as if he just lost the most important thing in his life. Like for real?

Liam and I watch in confusion as his father cradles the b*dy to his chest. Is this really happening? Did I miss something? But he had apologized before he went unconscious and I know for sure, Jace loves me and he isn’t a cheater, so what’s wrong?

Wordlessly, Jace picks up the b*dy and leaves the room without giving us a single glance. It’s like we are not even there. Oh! Goddess. I grit my teeth so hard to hold in my emotions. Maybe he is just taking care of it and he will be back.

“Mommy?” My son worriedly stares into my eyes and I cradle his head, hiding his face in the crook of my n*eck. I can’t cry in front of him. Especially when he is about to do that.

I lack the energy to get up and follow my mate. My wet eyes remain on the door he just used minutes ago. History can’t repeat itself, I just know that. If it does, an innocent soul is gonna be caught in between, and my son can’t experience that kind of rejection.

‘Something is wrong dad, Jace woke up and left with Lily’s b*dy’ I mindlink our father. I can’t feel my mate’s wolf just yet. Did he secretly have a thing for Lily? Is he pretending just to see my reaction? Goddess! That will be the most tasteless joke I have ever encountered.

“Mommy, is Daddy leaving again! My son whispers without lifting his head from my n*eck and I sofily run my fingers through his hair.

“No, baby. He is not” I k*ss his head and he sniffles. Liam easily reads into stuff. He knows when we are happy and when we aren’t. He has been eagerly waiting for his dad to wake up and that is not the reaction he expected. He even thought it was because of his imaginary powers his father woke up. He will be back, I promise” I whisper even though I am not sure of my

own words.

‘Godcess! Ana, we just saw him and he won’t talk to any of us. The only thing Jace said is that I will regret hurting Lily. We are coming to you dear, where are you?’ He sofily asks, worry and concern in his voice.

Not more than two minutes later, four worried men enter the room and I don’t lift my head to look at them. If I do, I will end up crying and my son is here. I can smell them so I know who they are.

“Oh! Baby, something must be wrong somewhere because we both know that isn’t Jace” Our dad walks to my right side and sits down. “The look in his eyes was unlike him. I have never seen so much hate in my son’s eyes. I don’t understand what is happening. Here I thought we can finally breathe in peace” He sighs, stressfully running his fingers through his hair.

“I think it’s weird too. The less time I have been around him, the more I realized he so much cares for you. I see how he looks at you, honey. But the man that just confronted us in the packhouse is not Jace” My dad gently pats my head and 1 don’t react.


Chapter 73

I don’t know what to think or say. I had really looked forward to the vacation he promised me. It makes me wonder If I came any minute late, would Jace have fought the effect of the drug or he would have just gone ahead and f ucked her.

My heart is breaking with every depressing thought going through my head right now. My wolf has recoiled back in my head and the only reaction I am getting from her are her painful whimpers.

“I know someone who might have gone through the same thing” Leo speaks for the first time and that’s when I look up. For the first time, I see remorse in his eyes. He is no longer the co cky b astard I have known for a while.

I know he remembers the depression I went through when I had Liam. His mother is the one who rescued me after all. Despite their scheming, she still saved my life, I would have been dead right now.

“Who? What happened?” Our dad quickly gets up and I hopefully stare at Leo.

“My father” Leo sighs and sadly stares at the baby in my arms. Liam hasn’t stopped whimpering and tightly clutching at me. Jace’s mother used the same drug on my dad when she conceived Jace. And that is not the only thing she did, I don’t know what was in that drug but as soon as it got into his system, he started acting weird. He said his wolf disappeared and he started feeling very attached to the woman. Like how mates are supposed to feel or some sh it

“I don’t understand” I chime in before Leo can continue. “We gave him an antidote. And no matter what is happening to him, he at least has enough senses to recognize his son when he sees him. Unless the drug makes you so f ucking st upid to the point of hurting your two-year-old son I bitterly say feeling so much anger. My son and I don’t deserve this.

“Calm down, honey, let him finish the story and see if we can help him” Our dad softly whispers, and so much pain engulfs. my heart when Liam sniffles. I smell his tears and his little fingers move around my n*eck. What should I tell him? We are not even sure we will help Jace because the b itch who caused this, is already dead and he is probably planning to avenge her.

Doesn’t he have a brain or a heart to fight the dam ned feelings?

“Come on my little

prince, do y

you want some lee cream?” My dad reaches out to Liam but the boy refuses him.

“Did Andrew get help or did the feelings gradually fade?” Jace’s father hopefully asks and everyone stares at Leo in anticipation. My heartbeat quickens at the upcoming answer because it holds 111 fate.

“He did. Though, I don’t know how, I felt st upid listening to him, so I didn’t allow him to continue with the story. We can still ask him though Leo shrugs and I sigh in disappointment, lowering my gaze.

“That’s the problem. He is on the brink of death if he is not dead already Noah says, killing all the hope I had.

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