Chapter 72

Chapter 72


“What do you want, Leo?” I mutter without looking in his direction. Don’t tell me he is here to demand whatever he had promised. I wonder where he left his puppet.

“Aren’t you happy to see me? Considering all this went down because of my idea, I deserve an accolade, Ana” He brags and I roll my eyes.

“Yeala. How is your father?” I quickly change the topic before he asks for the impossible.

“He is well and resting. He sent me here to see how his ba stard is doing” Leo chuckles but his laugh is cut short when my wolf takes over and pins him on the wall.

Jace is not a ba stard, he has a father who will do anything for him. Don’t bother yourself checking on him because 1 won’t

anyone harm him, let alone talk s hit about my mate. I growl and the fear in his eyes satisfies my anger.


“So….sorry,” Leo struggles with the words and I let his b*dy slump on the ground.

“If you don’t have anything else to say, get the hell out I point to the door but he doesn’t get up. Leo sits up and leans hack on the wall with a tired sigh.

“I am sorry, Ana. Everything that has happened made me realize things are not that simple. I am sorry I took advantage of your kindness, sorry for trying to hurt Liam and your mate, sorry for everything My brows furrow at the vulnerable figure who has his head down. Is this the same Leonardo or is he trying to play pitiful before he strikes?

“So, what changed your mind? You have been preparing to bring my dad down for years, what suddenly made you sorry?” I sofily churkle and walk back to my mate.

“Don’t you see, Ana Leo quickly gets up and his voice becomes harder, he is not pleading anymore “Everyone is dying. I Jost

101 mother for nothing, all my men are gone, my dad almost died, and the witch who has protected us all of our lives just died in that war” He yells in aggravation and 1 smirk.

He finally got it. This is not the human world where he is used to bossing his workers around as if they are his da mn s laves. We are not immortals. We f ucking die.

Good for you Leo, that’s some reality check for you” I mumble squeezing ny mate’s hand. His wounds are already healing. meaning his wolf is recovering.

I need a favor, Ana. I know Noah will listen to you” Leo brings my attention back to him and I nod for him to continue.

I would like to return to the pack. It doesn’t matter what pack it is but I just want to be among our kind. That is the main. eason my mum and I came up with our previous plan. Whatever plan Dad and Maya had, we had nothing to with it

Wait, is that your condition?” I stare at Leo so hard as if I can look through his brain.

Yeah. What did you think it would be? Leo asks and I shrug. Perhaps to kill everyone and have the kingdom to himself. “As nuch as you hate me, Ana, I also want a mate, have my pups and everything our kind have. Do you know how hard it is rowing up out there, in a city full of humans, we don’t shifi Ana, we don’t train our wolves and they become suppressed, ur wolves become weaker than an Omega wolf I don’t want that for my kids and there is no way I am choosing a human to ear my pups, I want a wolf and that can only happen when I am in a pack” Leo exclaims in frustration.

Okay, Leo. I heard you. I will talk to my father” If that is the case though, why did he want to separate me from my mate ist to get to the throne? They were so mean and I pray karma gets him some day when he finds his mate. I want him to feel ow I felt when he held a knife to my innocent son’s nerk.

You can leave,

will be here soon and you are the last person I want him to see I mutter through gritted teeth and I ear a sigh from him. My son trusted him, Liam loved this Idiot yet he was just playing with his little innocent feelings.

low could he? I will never forgive him.

Chapter 72

“I am sorry. An a…I

“Go, Leo” 1 angrily cut him short. The defeated guy walks out of the room and I wonder what Dad will do with Andrew. As much as he helped Jace, he is still a traitor and a big one. Things would have been better if wasn’t sworn in and hadn’t taken Dad’s position and sat on the throne. He was Maya’s companion and partner in crime, he dug his own grave and it’s gonna swallow him.

It’s a good thing my mate already has Alpha Edward..

A soft wind passes in the room and a second later, Kyle is standing in front of me with my crying son in his arms. My dad’s beta is also with him and one of the guards.

“Moomy” Liam cries shuffling to me and for the first since this began, I laugh stretching my hands for him. “It’s over baby. It’s now us till the end of time. Nothing will separate us again” I mumble cradling his little head in my chest.

My son can finally have a normal life.

“Thank you, Kyle, I think my dad might need your help outside” I gently smile at the gentlemen and they walk away with nods. There is still commotion outside. Cries of pain from the injured wolves and the smell of blood and smoke are heavy in the air.

I don’t want to imagine what my dad is doing with the traitors.

“Daddy?” My son holds Jace’s unmoving hand and he worriedly stares at me. My son has seen things a kid his age has never seen. Liam can tell when a person is hurt and the worried look in his eyes tells me he knows his dad is hurt.

I don’t know what my son sees in my eyes because he smiles and k*sses my cheek. “Don’t worry Mommy, I will give Daddy my strong” The determination in his voice makes me laugh. He will be a fighter, just like his dad.

Authors note;

Clarification from the previous chapter.

Lily was Chase rejected mate. The girl who ignored her mate for Jace.


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