Chapter 75

Chapter 75 


I hate this. I don’t know what I am feeling but my heart is in great despair. Not for the death of that woman but what I am feeling for her. I have never felt this confused before. 

I am not stupid and I know Lily did something else when she drugged me. But the question is, what did she do and how do I stop myself from feeling this way? My wolf is not responsive, and I don’t know what happened to him. I see my mate and every time I look at her, I feel pain deep down my chest. I am hurting her and I can’t stand it. I need to make everything right before it’s too late. 

I never thought it would happen again. At least the first time I had a choice. But today it’s entirely something else. I can’t control it no matter how I try to fight it. 

“I need to talk to you” My dad walks into the kitchen where I have been sitting since Ana found me in Andrew’s room. I had gone there to ask him for help. Some part of me is grateful that Lily is dead. I don’t know what would have happened if she was here. 

I don’t know if I would have been able to control myself at all, and If that happened, I am afraid I would have lost my mate and son for good. 

I blankly look at him when my dad pulls the stool and sits beside me. 

“I don’t know what you are going through, son. But I know if you keep this attitude around Ana and Liam, you’re going to lose them, Jace” His harsh words draw an uncomfortable feeling in my heart, and at the same time, they make me angry. 

It’s easier for everyone to judge me than try to understand me, 

“Do you think I want this?” I angrily yell, glaring at the man who has raised me all my life” Goddess! I hate feeling this way, and if you are here to tell me what I already know, then you are not helping” My voice quivers at the last statement, and I place my head on my palms. 

It’s overwhelming. 

“I know son, but you ought to try. Ana and your kid are devastated. Your mate understands, but Liam doesn’t. I don’t know what you will do but the baby needs his dad, You gotta step up Jace” 

f**k! My head hurts when I remember how I ignored them when I woke up. Lily 

was the only thing in my eyes and the world around me was completely blurred. They will never forgive me. 

Where do I start then, when I saw Ana earlier she was hesitant to talk to me. I wish I was able to feel the mate bond to know what she was thinking. The biggest problem is my son, I hate that I disappointed him again. Goddess! I am a shitty father. 

“I will, It’s just….” I sigh running my fingers through my hair. “I don’t know what to do with myself, Dad” I sadly mutter, opening up for someone for the first time. 

“We are yet to get help. Andrew knows something, Jace. Promise me you will try for your son for the time being” Dad squeezes my shoulder and I nod with a sigh. 

“Good” The man whispers and slowly exits the room, leaving me to my depressing thoughts. 

“Mommy” The boy’s cries reach my ears and I wonder if he is alone. Of course, he is alone. I left Ana with Andrew. Should I go to him? Goddess! Why am I so stupid? He is only two, so he needs his parents. 

I hesitantly get up and take the stairs to our bedroom. Opening the door, the boy is already out of bed and sitting beside the door crying. Goddess! How can I be so Ignorant? He is just a baby and all I do is abandon him. Liam doesn’t know about being drugged or some lame shit. He just knows his parents are supposed to be here with him. 

“Hey, baby” I lowly whisper, squatting beside him and he quickly lifts his tear- stained face to look at me. His eyes are wet from tears and they still look sleepy. 

“Daddy?” Liam mumbles. He peeks behind me and looks away in disappointment when he doesn’t see the one he was expecting. “I want my mommy” He whispers covering his face with his fingers. 

“I will take you to her, baby. Come on” I stretch my hands to him and he quickly lifts his. “I am sorry” I whisper pressing a gentle k*ss on his head. Liam doesn’t react or say anything else. He buries his face into my n*eck and deeply sighs. 

I know it won’t take him long to go back to sleep. So, I run my fingers in his hair and he sighs in content wrapping his arms around me. When his breaths even, I lay him down and cover him. 

I need to find Ana. I don’t know what I will tell her but I just need to say something. So, I start walking to Andrew’s room. She must still be there. 

My hand hovers on the doorknob when I hear people talking from inside.I know” A familiar muffled voice whispers and it peeks my interest. Out of curiosity, I gently push the door open and my jaw instantly clenches at the sight before me. 

“I am sorry, Is there anything I can do?” Leo whispers, gently running his hands on Ana’s back. Her b*dy is violently trembling and her low hiccups let me know she is crying. How did they end up like this? I thought she hated him. 

I assumed I knew pain until I am looking at the view in front of me. The confusion in my head instantly disappears when Ana wraps her arms around my brother’s waist, and all I feel is pure anger. 

“Let her go, Leornardo” I snap taking quick steps to them. Leo does something that causes me more pain. He quickly pushes my mate behind him, shielding her from me. My heart breaks when the thought of Ana being scared of me runs through my mind. 

“Why would I do that? For you to hurt her more? That is all you do, Jace. From the first time I met Ana, she keeps crying for you. Looks like you can’t handle your shit when it comes to your mate, but guess what?” Leo takes a menacing step toward me but I hold my ground. 

“Someone out there will give her what you can’t. She will never cry for an incompetent mate again, and I promise you, Ana will be happy” He whispers the last words, standing directly in front of me and I tightly clench my fists. 

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