Chapter 18

Chapter 18


“Goddess! I missed you. What took you so long?” I mumble breathing in his powerful calming scent.

“Forgive me, princess, I should have arrived sooner” his gruff voice. mumbles. The man slowly runs his fingers in my hair and we both sight in unison. I didn’t realize I missed him this much.

He k*sses my hair before burying his nose in the locks and I chuckle. “Someone missed me” I joke and he releases a deep chuckle.

“You have no idea, sweetheart”

Our moment is cut short when a loud growl resounds behind my back, reminding me of my mate.” Oops! someone is jealous,” Noah says with a chuckle and I follow suit. Reluctantly, I get off from his embrace but he quickly holds my hand to stop me from moving away.

I look at Jace who is trying to control himself and motion for him to come. Instantly, my mate is in front of me and holding me like his life depends on it.

“Mine” Jace growls burying his face in my hair and my heart i p s.

“Possessive much, are we?” Noah chuckles again and I laugh. Goddess!, where did this man come from?

“Your majesty” Alpha addresses Noah with a bow and realisation strikes me. I just hugged the Lycan King and last time at the mall, I n g bumped into him.

I am screwed.

They say he is ruthless and everyone fears him because he never laughs. But why is he friendly with me?

Surprise, surprise” he mumbles taking my hand again and dragging me out of my mate’s hold.” Can I have her now?” Noah raises his eyebrows at my mate who meekly nods.

‘Easy baby, he is just a friend’ I link Jace but he chooses silence instead. He looks angry at the same time worried. I can only imagine what is going through his head.

Baby, how do you know King?’ he worriedly links me after some minutes. I don’t answer him. I can’t tell him I met Noah when we went


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shopping. I immediately separated from Noah when we saw Jace approaching us.

Everyone is silently seated and looking anywhere but at Noah,

I forgot to mention the three men he came with. They are in dark suits themselves and their scents indicate how powerful they are too. Obviously, they will be strong. There is no way the King’s b*dyguards. will be weak.

Noah, on the other hand, is enjoying the silence in the room. He likes the tense environment he is causing, and that is indicated by the proud smirk on his face.

His eyes are on Alpha and Luna and I wonder what they did wrong. “Hey” I slightly mumble nudging his arm and he pulls me more to his side. He hasn’t let me go from the moment we sat down.” Everything okay?” I mumble. He slightly smiles and k*sses my head.

Why am I comfortable with him? Is he perhaps my relative or something? He can’t be my brother though, he is way older. Maybe my uncle or something. Does he know my parents?

F u c k! Should I just ask him and stop stressing myself?

No. Nothing is okay?” His grits out sending Alpha a glare. His demeanor instantly changes and the room becomes more tense. Everyone can feel the power of his anger. I can feel it too.

I slowly put my hand in his and lace our fingers. This action makes him smile a little and eases his anger a bit.

Fourteen years ago” he starts his intense gaze landing on Alpha and Luna. They have their heads low and the smell of their fear can be felt a mile away.

“Fourteen years ago, I lost my little girl” The man beside me dangerously growls, and I gasp with a trembling heart. F u c k! I knew there was a connection between us. My gaze lands on his and I can see myself in them.

There is no difference at all.

‘I announced it to all kingdoms, all packs. I had the news published in every part of the human cities. I made sure the whole world knew what I f u c k i n g lost” His voice booms louder, terrifying everyone. His wolf is coming out. His eyes start shifting between black and green, and the hand I’m holding in mine begins spotting dark fur.


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“I have spent half of my life traveling the world, looking for her” he gently looks at me and the fondness in his eyes warms my heart. They look like dark pits but I still find them beautiful.” You took my pup from me” his wolf grits out. Jace and his friends release surprised gasps but the adults in the room don’t even lift their heads.

I hate to think that they knew about this. I don’t want to imagine that the people who raised me actually hid me from my parents. I look in their direction but non of them has their heads up. Their trembling forms are slumped on their seats, proving just how guilty they are.

Noah’s b*dy starts to shake. His nails elongate turning to dark and razor sharp. Black veins appear on his b*dy just like mine always does.

I can’t let him lose his cool though. Despite being angry at them, I wouldn’t want him to hurt them. They are still my family. They are my son’s grandparents.

Hey,” I mumble turning his face to make him look at me. His jaw is tightly clenched, and it scares me how far his anger can go. “Calm down,” I tell him but it looks like my bare words don’t have any effect on him.

So I do the only thing I could think of. I stand up and hug him from the side. I hold his head on my chest and wrap my hands around it. The man growls breathing heavily, and holds onto me tightly that I’m scared his tight grip might break my bones.

“It’s okay, I am here” I whisper breathing in his musky scent. I knew it will be one of a kind. Stronger and better than Alphas.

They denied me the chance to be with my little girl” his voice breaks and I hate to see such a powerful man break in front of his subjects. “I looked for you everywhere baby, I never gave up”

“Shh, I am here now” I whisper k*ssing his hair.

“I am sorry I failed you princess. With all the power I possess, I couldn’t protect or find you sooner”

“I am not mad at you anymore” I mumble meaning my every word. After some time of calming down, he pulls away and goes back to the task at hand.

So do anyone of you want to explain yourselves, or should I have you beheaded this instant?” I gasp in horror at his words, and the look on my mate’s face breaks my heart. Jace didn’t have an idea of what was happening and I hate to see the sadness and guilt in his eyes.


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We are sorry your highness, we did it for our son” Luna crumbles to her knees as she shed uncontrollable tears.

Your son huh?” the man snickers glaring at Jace and I squeeze his hand. My mate is innocent. I believe that.

He got attached to her and we couldn’t separate them. We are deeply sorry”. Alpha says joining his mate on the floor.

Sorry?” Noah chuckles looking at his men with fake amusement, and suddenly gets on his feet. He lets my hands go and starts trudging to the shaking couples “They are sorry” he scoffs looking at them with nothing but hatred.

I don’t even know what to think. This is just so horrible and selfish.

I can’t imagine someone taking my baby away just because their kid got attached to him. That will be so painful, and I will never forgive them. ‘Did you know about this?’ I link my mate just to be sure. Jace will never lie to me. He could have told me if he knew.

‘I swear baby, I dint know. I am as shocked as you. I could have never allowed it to happen, Ana’ he quickly answers and I sigh in relief.

“How many chances did you have in fourteen years? Even after your son rejected her, you let her walk out of your door, bleeding her life away. Didn’t you see that as a chance to contact me? She was out there alone and hurt. Are you two this soulless? Don’t you have empathy for my princess? Oh! How am I forgetting it was all about your son? You didn’t care about her even for a second” he yells in anger but the sadness in his eyes remains.

“We love Ana.. we.. we”

“You do not interfere when I’m talking, or I will show you just how much I despise you wolf” he cuts the alpha off, tightly clenching and unclenching his fists.” Only one reason is stopping me from ripping out your pathetic throats” he fl*ps the couch in front of him and violently kicks it across the room.

The boys quickly get on their feet and move backward. Everyone is shaking, His men show worry and one of them nods in his direction. Signifying for me to do something.

Before he could grab another couch, I quickly move to his side and take his hand.

Come with me please” his dark eyes stare at me and they immediately


soften. He shifts his gaze back to the couple and I quickly squeeze his hand “Please, Dad” I whisper and that does the trick.

The man growls and quickly buries his face in my hair again.” I have wanted to be called that all my life. Please, say it again princess The plex in his voice tugs at my heart. They did him wrong

Dad, please, come with me” I pull him with me toward the back door and he doesn’t resist this time.

I guide him further in the garden until we reach where the swing is located. This is another place I love. It’s secluded and the nature surrounding makes it a calm place to relax at.

“Sit please” I motion to the swing and he stares at me like I just grew two heads. I understand he is king, and he is used to sitting on fancy chairs. “It’s comfortable, I swear” I chuckle when his face scrunches in thought.

“Urgh, I hate it” he grumbles but sits anyway.

Now that I know he is my father, I don’t know what I should tell him or how to behave around him. What about my mother? I always heard of King and nothing about his queen.

“You have questions” He observes taking both of my hands in his. His gaze is tender and it makes me sad for the pain he might have been through.

“I thought my parents didn’t want me. I waited for fourteen years but you never came” I sniffle blinking away tears. How could they do this?

“I am sorry. I could have done anything for you. My mate, and pup he sighs k*ssing the back of my hand and a sad emotion engulfs him. “Two weeks after you went missing, we found a b*dy in the forest. It belonged to her” His eyes become glossy when he says this and I quickly look


“You were nowhere in sight, and I knew you were somewhere alive. I never stopped trying” his thumb wipes away the tear trailing down my face. Someone took away his family and I have no doubt it’s the same person threatening Jace. They have been watching me since I was little. “I used to wonder what your scent smelled like. I wanted to feel your embrace” I lowly chuckle staring at our hands. He has two royal rings on his middle fingers.

“And?” he lowly chuckles and I look back into his eyes.

“Your eyes are beautiful” I exclaim again, like it’s the first time I am seeing


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The king chuckles tucking away my hair. “So are yours honey. Are we going home? If I stay here one more minute, I will kill them” I quickly squeeze his hand to remind him that we are here so he could calm down.

I am expecting my son tomorrow morning. Someone around here is threatening us” my voice lowers in despair. That boy is my life. I can’t have more kids and I will die if something happened to him.

I know baby, I failed you once and not again. How is he getting here though?”

“My friend. He is bringing him”

“Who is your friend?” he becomes curious, almost worried and it scares


“Leornado” his brows furrows and he quickly stands up.

“You don’t mean Leonardo Salvador, do you?”

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