Chapter 19

Chapter 19


How do you know Leo, Dad?” I quickly follow behind him, and almost bump into him when he abruptly stops.

Marco” He yells, and one of his b*dyguards comes rushing to us.

“Take a few men with you to the airport. As soon as that snake lands, seize him. Protect the baby at all costs.” He harshly whispers, and my heart jumps to another level of worry.” No one should suspect a thing. Remember, if he knows about this, the kid will be in danger,” Dad murmurs as the guy frequently nods.

“What is happening, Where do you know Leo from?” I worriedly ask and he sighs moving from one point to another. He is stressed.

“He is a rogue sweetheart, his family was banished from the royal pack long ago. He and his mother vowed to ruin my family, and I have had my suspicions but they hid so well. It’s like they never exist” Oh! goddess.

I stare at the man in front of me in fear. My jaw is almost touching the ground from the shock of his revelation. I thought he was a human, how come I didn’t notice? And Nia?

“And Nia?” Do you know her?” I slowly whisper, staring around and hoping no one will hear this conversation. This person has spies. everywhere, and with one sl*p we will be in more trouble.

My son will be in danger.

That is his mum. The fact that they got to you before I could, proves they know something that happened years ago. They have been watching your every move, and that’s why they were there when you left this pack” Everything makes sense now, Nia was there the moment I stepped out of this pack. She spent all of her time trying to get Leo and me together.

Her words when I told her I will be staying.He will hurt you, she reminded me that day’

Was it some sort of revenge? I feel dumb for leaving Liam with them. “Do you think they are the ones threatening my mate?” I won’t be surprised if that was the case.

“No. The person threatening your mate has more power. They are after my throne, and they believe the only way to get it, is through you since you are my successor. I believe this Leornado will lead me to that person”



Dad assures and gently rubs my back when he sees my worry.

F u c k! This is becoming more complicated.

+5 vouchers

“Let’s check in at a hotel. This place irks me” Noah says looking around with a frown. I wonder what his home looks like.

You are coming with me until I decide what to do with those two. I can’t think straight right now. I am so angry” I nod and sigh when I spot Jace. “My mate?” His figure is leaning on the wall next to the back door.

I have no problem with him. He is your call to make. Come on” He takes my hand and I slowly walk to wherever he is leading me.

I am so angry right now. I can’t stay here and look them in the eyes, knowing that they have been lying to me all my life. It was just so wrong of them.

They didn’t even have pity on that little girl. I used to cry for my mummy every night, yet they knew about my family but still kept me from them. Goddess! What else is in store for me?

I need time and space. I need to lock myself somewhere and cry my eyes out. I thought my parents intentionally abandoned me.

I made a big mistake leaving Liam behind. I should have never done that. Please goddess, I just want my son.

Come on sweetheart, it will be alright,” Dad notices my tears and stops to embrace me.

“I hate them. I just wanted my mummy” I cry burying my face in his chest. I don’t have clear memories of her but she didn’t deserve that. I don’t remember anything below age five.

“Help me get my son before they take him away from me, please” I plead stopping the tears.

‘I will baby, I am sorry I couldn’t find you sooner” Dad holds me for a while until he is certain that I’m calm.

Are you okay now?” I wish I were. I wish everything was simple.

No. I need space and time” I mumble detaching from his arms and he takes my hand again..

“Ana” Jace quickly calls for me before we could pass him, and I sigh staring at my dad.

I will be in the car” I nod looking at my mate who has tears in his eyes. He has been crying.


+5 vouchers

You are leaving?” He asks and harshly bites on his l*p to stop himself from breaking down. Jace takes both of my hands and laces our fingers. The sparks from our contact remind me of our passionate night yesterday.

How will I stay away from him?

I have to. I can’t look at them the same way, Jace” I lower my eyes to our laced fingers and wonder what this means for us. Are we going to get through this, or it’s going to end in tears again?

“I can’t look at them either. It’s hard to believe they did that” he sniffles and I do the same. It’s going to be hard to say goodbye. He didn’t even get the chance to meet his son. I wonder what the moon has in store for us.

“Ana” he places his index finger under my-chin and lifts my head up.” Baby, I don’t want you to go. Don’t leave me, please” A tear rolls down. from his eye and I feel it in my chest. His pain.

I don’t want to Jace. I can’t stay under the same roof with them. I also need to know my dad, he is hurting too” I wipe his tears and he does the same with mine. Why does our love have to hurt us this much?


Then let me come with you. We will think about our next move when everything is calm. I can’t do anything without you Ana, I don’t want to go back to that dark place” He begs placing both of my hands on his chest. His heart is thumping wildly, while his tender eyes hold utmost hope.

“Look, we can move to my personal house after everything is okay, you don’t have to be around them anymore” He continues and I look away from his pleading eyes.

Dad said he had no problem with Jace. I hope he won’t mind if he tags along. I know the mate bond will make it hard for me to be away from him like the last two years. My son needs to meet his father too.


Okay, Let’s go” I whisper taking his hand and he sighs in contentment.

“This way Princess” the guard who gestured for me earlier, leads us to the black Bugatti Veyron that is in the middle of the convoys. I wonder what lifestyle my dad prefers. If you don’t know him, you wouldn’t guess he is the king. I won’t be surprised if I find him driving himself.

The guard opens the left door for me and motions for Jace to follow him. He is riding with me” I quickly grab my mate’s hand before he can walk away.

Tthink you should ask Your Highness first the guard mumbles with doubt and just then, the driver’s window rolls down and the man himself raises his eyebrows at us. He is in dark ray bans with gold rims on the edges. My father looks gorgeous. His gaze lingers on Jace a little bit longer and I can’t fathom his reaction.

Can he come?” I walk closer and whisper to him. I know the wolves around can hear me due to our sharp hearing ability.

Sweetheart, i.i.Okay, get in” he reluctantly nods, and I slightly smile. It’s better than a no.

You are full of surprises are you?” I mumble getting in the comfortable spotless seat. The interior of the car is sparkling clean. Nothing is out of place. His natural scent together with his perfume is so pleasing to my senses. Dad takes off his ray bans and turns around to face us. Jace instantly stiffens and I take his hand in mine.

I pray he doesn’t become angry again.

“Yes. You will be amazed when you know me” Noah murmurs but his scowl remains on my mate, who is silently sitting beside me.

Can you tell me why you had to hurt my daughter?” Dad asks out of the blue and I can feel Jace’s panic.

Dad please” I mutter because I know this conversation won’t end well. No princess, I hate cowards. I want a strong and deserving mate for you. Not a little boy who will keep running when things get hard. I did my research, and I hate how he treated you. What do you have to say, boy?” he strictly demands and I look out of the window.

“I was a coward, forgive me, your Highness. It will never happen again” Jace admits and I turn to him in surprise. I didn’t expect him to say that. Maybe he is finally learning responsibility,

I want you to keep eye contact when you are addressing me Noah snaps and he quickly lifts his head to look at my father.

Goddess, please make this end.

Things are only going to get tough from today onwards. If you know you are not capable of fighting for her and your son, get the hell out of my car” Dad barks again as his piercing stare remains on my mate.

you are coming just know it won’t be a walk in the pack. You are going to undergo tough training and a couple of lessons from me. I want to make sure you are a man enough not to fail her in any tiny way. Are we

together on this?” he adds when Jace doesn’t make a move to get out

Yes, your Highness” Jace answers with great determination that it makes me smile. I don’t want them to keep fighting.

“Good” Noah mumbles and turns to the wheel.

Third-person point of view.

Boss, he found her,” a man whispers on the phone, staring at the cars that are about to leave the pack” The alpha kid is going with them too” he adds looking through the window.

And you are telling me this now? Count yourself dead when I see you. I don’t know how you are going to do it, but follow them this instant. Do whatever you have to to get close to them an authoritative voice barks at the other end and he flinches taking a step backward.

“How will I do it, they have tight security” the man warily mumbles, fearfully looking at hundreds of armed Lycan wolves.

“You either do it or you are dead meat. You already chose your fate’ the boss laments throwing his phone across the room and breathing heavily. “F u c k that bas t a r d. I need a plan B. He angrily mutters to himself before getting off the chair.

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