Chapter 17

Chapter 17

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We share wonted glances with Jace because of the obvious reasons. This geix be more nervous, because they also threatened him with our son, A understand my mates anger. Regardless, I wish he could give me enough toem to persuade Leo to hand over my son.

Thave known Leax a resilient man. He always gets what he wants no manier what mess he has to use to achieve it. I can’t trust that kind of man with my baby Especially when I have turned him down countless

“I have to go, baby, stay here. Lock the door and stay inside, okay?. In case of anything, mind link me” Jace rushes his words before pressing a k*ss on my forehead.

“Be careful please” I worriedly mumble as he quickly dashes out of the

Instantly, I turn back to where the phone landed and pick it up, only to relentlessly cuss at its condition. It’s completely dead,

“F u c k” I toss it back on the floor in agitation. I need to find a phone. A second later, Luma rushes in looking distraught,

Oh, you are safe baby, Listen, don’t get out just yet. Your dad and Jace should be back at any moment” she whispers frantically looking around the room.

“Can I use your phone?” I quickly ask approaching her. F u c k! I hate how I am feeling right now.

“Is everything okay? I heard you and Jace earlier, you are not going back are you?” Mothers anxiously mutters covering the distance between us.

“No. Someone threatened him yesterday. My son might be in danger if I don’t get him here soon” I pull at my hair in frustration, and she quickly dips her hands in the back of her jean pocket and hands me her phone. Quickly, I dial Leo’s number and it rings twice before being answered.

“Leo,l sent Becky to pick Liam up. She will bring him to me after that, can you please help them to the airport?” I murmur praying to the goddess that she soften his heart.

What do you mean sweetheart, are you not coming back?” he asks with


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a trace of disappointment in his voice.

“No. Of course, we will be back. A lot is happening right now and I can’t have Liam away from me” I walk to my favorite window and lowly sigh. It always cools my nerves everytime i stand here.

You know I can protect him, Gia, you should trust me with your baby. I thought we had accomplished that already”

“I know Leo. I trust you” I sigh running my hand through my hair. How will I disclose to him about the werewolf world?, he will think I’m crazy.

“Then tell me what is happening, does Nia know you taking him?” he ask and i quickly answer him.

“Yes, she does”

“Okay then, I will personally bring him to you. I can entrust the safety of Liam to his nanny” he mumbles and I stressfully sigh. I will just wait for them at the airport, because I know he won’t take a no for an answer. I appreciate he cares for my baby but he is just making everything hard. “Thank you, Leo”

“You owe me Gia.I hope you still remember what I want” I quickly end the call before he could go further. Jace is mad because of him, and I wouldn’t want to worsen the situation than it already is.

“Will you tell me what this is about now?” I turn to Luna with a sigh, and hand her phone back to her.

“At the game yesterday, someone texted Jace that if he doesn’t t let me go, he will hurt his son and the pack” i mumble staring at her shocked expression.

“Oh goddess! Why didn’t he warn us? I swear my son can be so stu p i d.” she laments and i internally groan. Jace is not s t u p i d.

“He was about to tell Dad but I guess it’s too late now” I sigh walking to my bed and she follows me.

It will be Okay, I trust them” She sits next to me and wraps her arm around me, pulling me to her.

Jace Oh goddess! Are you okay?” I rush to my shirtless mate when they enter the front doors. His upper b*dy is covered in blood and I pray nothing happened to him.

F u c k! who is doing this?


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Baby, I murmur inspecting his b*dy and sigh in releif when I don’t find any injuries. Werewolves heal faster but it still disturbs my mind that he bled out there.

“I am okay baby, it’s not mine” he whispers pulling me to his chest and inhaling my scent ” You should trust me, sweetheart, I’m not just your pretty face. They call me the best warrior around here” he jokes and I hit his iron chest hugging him.

Yesterday it was magnificent. I never could have imagined Jace would make love to me in that manner. He did it like a pro, and he left no part of me untouched. I will never get tired of doing it with him. He made more yearn for more.

I wrap my hands behind his back and deeply inhale. He is my happy place.

“Not now guys, you were on it the whole night,” Chase says and only then do i realize we have more people in the room.

“Dad?” f u c k he was out there too, and I haven’t confirmed if he is okay

or not.

Yes sweetheart, I can’t believe I’m no longer visible to you anymore” I get out of my mate’s hold and approach Dad with a soft chuckle. He was the one that pushed me to Jace yesterday, so he shouldn’t be


“I am sorry Dad” I hug him too. Unlike my mate, he is fully clothed and he doesn’t have blood on him. Among the people in the room are El and his dad, Chase and his father who is currently the beta, and the other two ladies whom I don’t recognize. To make it worse, they are giving my mate f u c k me eyes and I don’t appreciate it one bit.

“Are you okay?” I ask glancing at his form and he nods patting my head.

“Okay, Can you tell us what is going on son” Alpha asks. Luna walks to her mate’s side and i do the same? Jace sighs and sits on one of the couches and pulls me to his lap.

After explaining what has been happening, frustrated Cusses and groans sound around the room in unison.

“Isn’t it the same person that made you reject your mate?” the beta asks and Jace silently nods tightening his grip on me.

“How bad was the attack?” I whisper brushing away the hair falling on his forehead. Such a handsome wolf.


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It was more like a warning attack. I got them before they could get away though” He proudly laments and I peck his l*ps. ” I will protect you and our pup Ana

I love you Jace” I whisper feeling emotional all of a sudden.

“I love you too baby.You know that right?” he traces his thumb on my lower l*p and i shiver at the simple action.

“Yes” I murmur leaning forward and he meets me halfway, pressing his l*ps on mine.

Shi t, he is coming” Dad whispers and we quickly pull away breathing heavily.

Who is coming, honey?” Luna asks moving closer to her unsettled mate. Dad looks scared, he keeps moving from one point to another and running his hands through his hair.

“The Alpha King” The beta announces, and Luna instantly glances at me with fearful eyes.

Am I missing something?

“I don’t understand dad, why is it making you nervous? As much as I know, our pack is doing perfectly fine, and we don’t have rivalries around. Is it about the attack?” Jace asks glancing at his dad in curiosity..

I have heard the stories about the alpha king. Unlike us, they say

he is a lycan. Lycans are so few around and because they are so much powerful than werewolves, they rule over us.

I haven’t met him yet but they say he is very powerful and so attractive. Him coming to our pack unanouced only means that somethig must be wrong somewhere, and it is clear with how everyone in the room is behaving.

The only calm individuals here are my mate, Chase and El.-

“Everything is wrong son, dad mumbles without glancing our way”

The room becomes eerily silent. No one bothers to make a conversation or explain why they are behaving warily.

Minutes later, the front doors opens and everyone looks up in anticipation.

Dam n,

Hello everyone” his smooth voice sounds from the door and everyone

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Their n*ecks are bend in submission, and the intense aura in the room is to marvel at. The man in the door way is imposing. His presence alone demands attention. He oozes raw power and nobility.

F u c k he is gorgeous.

Once again, I am in a trance because of his beauty. Unlike everyone else, i dont feel the need to submit. Instead, a happy grin breaks on my face and i find myself running to him.

To his calming embrace.

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