Chapter 12

Chapter 12


Our first k*ss since we started harboring feelings for each other. It’s one thing that I longed for most and it’s worth it.

Her l*ps gently caress mine in a slow and careful manner. I can feel her love and care through it. It’s like she is promising me something and letting me know how much I mean to her.

Gently, I pull her by her waist towards me and her hands tangle themselves in my hair, carefully pulling at the strands and I groan in pleasure. I return the k*ss with the same slow caress. I hope she is able to read through my unspoken words. With every movement I make, it’s the assurance of my love. Through thick and thin, I will stay by her side. I won’t go back on my word no matter what happens. I am not hurting Ana again.

I love her. And this small act just intensified my feelings toward her. Ana pulls away to my displeasure. I will give anything to have this moment for life.

“I have wanted to do this all my life, you have no idea” I gently caress the pulse on her n*eck which is thumping wildly. My wolf is calm. The pain I had earlier is gradually being eased.

Ana’s l*ps are swollen and she’s trying to take in the much-deprived air from minutes ago.

“Me too” she whispers tracing her thump on my lower l*p and I deeply sigh. I want to do it again but also, I wouldn’t want to rush her.

“You are going to refund the money I bought the ticket with and when I wake up tomorrow morning, I want to see my son here, that’s the only way I’m staying” she whispers running her fingers in my hair and my wolf slowly growls in approval. This is beautiful.

“Done” I quickly interject trailing my nose on her n*eck. She smells so divine, I don’t want to stop inhaling her scent anytime soon.

You know you have to let me go for that to happen right?” Anna complains but cranes her n*eck to the side for me anyway. I only hum in response feeling almost hazy.

I want this. I hope I’m not dreaming anymore,

4′ in cot dressed, can you move?” she tries pushing me away


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and I chuckle at her lack of effort. She can only beat me if I let her, and I used to do that a lot when growing up.

“Let’s stay like this some more” I bite my lower l*p with a slight smirk and her eyes follow the action. I know just what to do to get to her. She is still my Ana after all.

I know what you are doing Jace, don’t you dare try to seduce me you naughty wolf” She grumbles pushing me out of the door and this time I don’t fight her. The wide grin on my face proves just how elated my heart is feeling right now.

You are such a bully Ana” I complain when she shuts the door in my face.

“I missed his stupi d laugh” My ears catch her inaudible words followed by low giggles. May this mood stay longer.

Come on, let’s watch a movie” She takes my hand and starts dragging

me to the living room and I silently follow. This is really happening.

I’m not surprised when she chooses the same movie we watched a hundred and one times.

I never complained though. We used to cuddle throughout the movie and even before the credits were rolled, She was sound asleep in my arms. The joy.

As always, today I’m not concentrating on the movie either. My whole attention is on the girl sitting beside me. Too bad I can’t hold her today but I know it’s just a matter of time.

Anna is keenly following up on the events taking place in the film. She’s adorable, especially when her nose keeps scrunching at something she does not like, and how her brows furrow in concentration or confusion. The little giggles she’s releasing and the frequent cussing on the characters.

I missed her.

She hasn’t said a word to me since our moment but at least my heart is at peace. She’s not leaving and she initiated the k*ss. That means so much to me. It gives me enough hope to continue pushing forward.


confirm the time.

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I used to play basketball like crazy. It was my passion and I always looked forward to it. I stopped doing everything I liked when the tragedy occurred but lately, I have been thinking of going back to the game.

My inspiration is here, so why not?

‘Will be there’ My friends have been reaching out too and I think it’s time I become Jace again. I have a baby and a mate to take care of now, and I can’t continue living in the shadows of depression.

“I’m going for practice, coming?”

She never used to miss any of my games. Ana used to follow me everywhere and scowl at every girl looking my way, not that I did mind. She was protective over me before we were even mated.

“You are playing?” I nod and she stares at me in contemplation before gazing back at the movie with a sigh.

I know what that means without even being told. No matter how sad it makes me, I promised to wait and I won’t go back on my word.

“I will pass Jace”


I kind of feel bad for not going with him. I never used to miss his games but now everything is just different.


I understand his reasons, why he did what he did, but it doesn’t hurt less. Maybe if he trusted me enough to tell me what was happening, it could have been better. A lot could have been saved.

I’m trying for Luna and my son. I promised her to give him a chance and also, my son needs his father. I saw the way he was getting attached to Leo and It scares me.

I just don’t see myself with another man. That’s why I turned Leo down countless times but he’s not the one to give up. I think he is using Liam to get to me and I don’t like it.

Liam is just a baby and I don’t want anyone to take advantage of his innocence for any reason whatsoever.

“Nia” faddress the woman sitting on a dressing table, applying makeup- on her already caked-up face. She is worse than Luna when it comes 10 beauty and appearance but the good thing about her is that she doesn’t


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force you to do stuff you are not into.

“Sweetheart, are you seriously on tv right now? You are supposed to be on your way” She stops what she’s doing to scrutinize my attire with a disapproving look.

She helped me a great deal and I can’t be thankful enough. Nia is the one that suggested a changeover and even helped me to take care of Liam.

I would have been dead by now.

“About that” I pause the movie trying to find the correct words to use. I’m sure as hell that I’m about to disappoint her.

“Don’t tell me that boy made you change your mind” Her disapproval tone makes me look away with guilt. Losing a womb is something no woman would ever dream of experiencing, let alone a child.

That day she cried because it hurt her to see a helpless young girl in a difficult position like mine. She gave me a lifetime lecture afterward and. even started propelling for Leo and me to get together.

“It’s not that Nia, I’m doing this for my son and Luna” Yes, she’s a lone wolf. Though she never discloses how she ended up in a human world, I don’t push her into telling me either.

“That’s why Leo is here, he loves the kid and Liam adores him too. I don’t think you are making a good choice Gianna” she scolds and I look away.

She doesn’t understand.

I owe this family a huge favor. I love Alpha and Luna so much, and it pains me to see them sad because of their drowning son.

Furthermore, Liam is Alpha’s baby. Jace can’t have kids with anyone else and it will be unfair to deny him a chance of being a father or having an heir.

Also, Liam is going to shift one day and I don’t want to hide anything from my son. I want him to grow up with a family. I want him to

experience a werewolf way of life and learn everything like every wolf should.


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denying it.

“He will hurt you, I just know it. Don’t be blinded by the mate bond, you have a son now Ana. Set your priorities straight” I frown at the harshness in her voice. She has never shouted at me before.

If anything, she was patient with me throughout. She taught me everything a young mother needed to know and when I got better, she helped me find a job in Leo’s company where I work as his PA.

Everything in the human world was completely different from here. Nia took it upon herself to train me on how to talk, dress, and even contact myself among humans. She taught me about the job before having Leo assign me to it.

I feel obligated to listen to both parties but at the end of the day, I have to figure out what is best for my son. It’s not about me anymore.

“Can I please talk to him?” I ask, ignoring her last statement. I know how this conversation will end if we keep talking..

“Leo picked him up” I sigh again at that. Every weekend Leo picks my son up for what they call ‘boys alone time!

I’m sure this will make it hard for Jace. Liam is already getting attached to Leo. He must be thinking Leo is his dad.

“Okay Nia, I have to go” I whisper tossing my phone on the space Jace evacuated on the seat.

Third-person pov.

On his balcony, a handsome and powerful lycan wolf is sitting on one of his luxurious seats, enjoying the red wine that is halfway in his glass. His face holds enough beauty to be reckoned with. From his strong chiseled jawline to the piercing grey eyes.

His short jet-black hair is a little messy from how much he stressfully runs his hands in it. The man is like a woman magnet and he can easily get anyone on their knees for him without having to lift a finger.

He is confident and his authoritative figure commands the attention of everyone around him. The lavish clothing and accessories adorning his b*dy reflect his considerable wealth and status in the lycan community

“Boss, You called for me?” A man in a grey suit appears before him, showing his n*eck in submission.

Yes. his voice is cold and commanding,” You know what to do, it looks


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like the alpha boy forgot our deal. I want you to remind him what is at stake if he continues testing me” his previous calm demeanor is replaced with an angry one. The half-filled glass in his hands is forcefully thrown on the hard floor, resulting in its breakage and the spillage of the red liquid.

‘Right away boss” The servan t bows in fear, doing everything not to be at the receiving end of his boss’s anger.

Gianna is mine. She has always been” he loudly growls, his wolf taking complete control.

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