Chapter 13

Chapter 13

“And who do we have here?” Luna exclaims walking in and I roll my eyes, switching off the tv.

They pis s e d me off big time. First, they went through my phone and even had the guts to judge me.

What do they know?

“Before anything, I want to apologize for accusing you honey, we should have asked about it in a more decent way than rushing to conclusions,” Dad says sitting beside me, and taking both of my hands in his.

Luna sits on the other side, so I’m between them.

“I was kind of hurt you didn’t tell me sweetheart, but you are forgiven. Jace told me he is bringing him here. I’m so thrilled, let’s start preparing his room” she excitedly says standing up. She is about to drug me with her when Dad interjects, to my relief.

“I need a word with Ana first, honey” Luna nods in understanding exiting the room and I’m left alone with the man who raised me. As my father.

“Come here, I never got a chance of talking to you” I quickly move into his embrace and take in his woodsy scent. I wonder what my biological dad smells like. For some reason, I can’t stop thinking about the man at the mall. Noah. His beautiful eyes hold something so familiar that I can’t decipher.

He said he will find me, and I can’t wait to see him again.

It’s been 14 years and I haven’t heard anything from my biological family. Did they intentionally abandon me?

“I could have never imagined that my son would treat you in that manner, but again, Jace was young with poor reasoning.” I force a chuckle at his words but he is brave enough to see through it.

So I resolve to hide my face in his chest. I can’t let him read the emotions in my eyes. Everything in there is crumpled, and I have to pretend that I’m okay for many reasons.

“He hurt us too, you know. Your mother was not herself and I was forced to be strong for everyone. I’m happy to have my family back. We are not perfect sweetheart, but please, give us a chance” he whispers brushing my hair backward. I look up into the deep depths of blue and sigh.

If you are worried about the unknown threat, we have measures


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positioned in case they strike. I’m assuring you that you and my grandson will be safe” Dad adds and I sigh sitting upright.

“I don’t know Dad. It’s like starting all over again. I feel like I don’t know Jace anymore, and I have to be cautious every time I’m around him.” I sadly sigh remembering how he was all I saw. Jace was my everything. I trusted him with my life. But now I can’t stop the voice whispering ‘what ifs’ in my head.

“I know sweetheart, he is shattered. Trust me when I say he learned his lesson”

I’m at a crossroads here. Looks like it doesn’t matter what I want


“I will try, but I need time” I mumble, shifting my gaze to the loud laughing voices coming through the front doors.

People change when they mature.

“Take your time, I will always be here if he does anything stupi d” he lowly chuckles and i nod.

Chase and El walk in followed by my grumpy-looking mate. He was not always like that.

Jace was the loudest in his group of friends, and his laughter went a mile. He was aggressive and always looked for trouble, but now he is just a silent sad guy.


I hate him this way. But still, my heart still ski p s when I see him. It’s one. thing that will never change. My love for him.

“I knew you must be the reason he got out” Chase approaches us with the widest grin I have ever seen on his face. These three used to be the center of attention back in high school, and I wonder if the two boys are also mated.

“You look..” El pauses midway through his sentence and his eyes widen as if he just noticed Alpha is sitting beside me.”You look different Ana” he completes but I’m sure that’s not what he wanted to say.

They have been Jace’s friends since the first day I came to this pack. I’m happy they are still by his side through everything that has happened.

I didn’t have girlfriends though, I was busy following Jace around to realize a girl needs sisters too.

Now I regret making that decision.

Thanks I wave with one hand as the other still holds onto Dad. I’m sure


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if he leaves they will start asking me questions that will make me uncomfortable.

Jace comes closer, he looks sweaty and all worn out. He must have taken his aggression on the ball in his hands.

He is still hot though. The raw musky scent emitting from him is enough to drive me and my wolf crazy.

I wonder how we would be if things were different. No doubt It would have been so beautiful. Goddess! I love him so much.

“Hey Dad” He touches his dad’s shoulder and crouches in front of me, letting the ball in his hands roll away on the floor. I’m at the same place he left me earlier.

“Jace” Dad acknowledges and he is about to move when my hold on his jacket tightens. I’m glad he notices my distress and stays still.

I don’t know why all of a sudden Jace makes me nervous. I can barely hold his eye contact. Is it because I k*ssed him?

“Are you okay?” he whispers and I quickly nod.

‘He will hurt you’ Nia’s words keep running through my head as I stare at the handsome wolf kneeling in front of me.

“Yes,” I murmur in response.

“I’m going to take a shower, do you need anything?” Yes, a lot actually, but I can’t tell him that. He seems more stressed out than he left though, did something happen at the game?

“No thank you” Jace nods and silently exits the room.

He is not okay I can feel it.

“Go talk to him, do it for me please” Dad places a k*ss on my temple and

gets up.

“Okay Dad” I whisper feeling nervous.

What am I going to tell him?

My steps toward his room are slow because I am trying to buy time.

I slowly open his door and the familiar scent hits me. I haven’t been to his room in 2 years and everything completely changed.

He used to have a wall full of basketball trophies, and a PlayStation for his video games. Our pictures were littered everywhere at any vacant spot on these walls.


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Don’t even mention the loud music Luna used to turn off every second. He was the definition of a bad boy.

Now the room looks so boring.

The bed is changed and there is only one single couch at the corner facing his tv.

Other than that, it’s just plain and boring.

“You want something?” I quickly turn to his voice and wonder where my mind was. I didn’t hear the shower running.

As much as I want to drool over him, I struggle to keep my eyes on his. There is a blanket of sadness and dismay beyond those blues.

I want to forgive him but my heart feels heavy. There is nothing more that will make me happy than falling into his warm embrace, and k*ssing him like I did in the morning.

Have him make love to me as I have fantasized over the years, but something is stopping me.


So to make this moment less awkward, I ask the only thing that comes to my mind.

“Are you hungry?” he furrows his brows like it was the last thing he expected me to ask. I didn’t expect to but here we are.

“Mhh sure” he mumbles and finally proceeds to towel dry his hair. Who could have thought my Jace would turn out to be this manly?

And where did those veins come from?

Goddess! I can’t imagine how I would feel getting lost in them. His b*dy pressing mine down on his bed as he worships me like he is supposed to. I follow his movement and the muscles of his back catch my attention. Thick and well-defined. The ink covering his b*dy makes him look so delicious. I hope the she-wolves at the game kept their dam n eyes to themselves.

Most of the girls in our pack used to pretend to be my friends so they could get close to him. I never gave them that chance, sadly. You would be surprised by the female population attending the game just to cheer for bin. It was their loss though, because his eyes used to find mine no matter how thick the crowd was.

He would block away every voice shouting out his name just so he could


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hear mine. Why did he have to ruin us? He made me feel special and loved.

“Jace” I call taking slow steps towards him and he quickly turns around to face me. He looks like he wants to cry. Did something happen to him?

“Are you okay?” I whisper when I reach in front of him. Jace harshly bites his lower l*p and looks away.” Hey, look at me” I hold his chin and direct his gaze back to mine.

“What is wrong?” I trace my thump on the l*p clutched by his teeth and release it from the misery. He always does this when he doesn’t want to talk.

Ana… I.” he sniffles blinking away tears and my heart clenches in discomfort. He is not okay. “I.. ” when he can’t form his words, he completely turns around, facing away from me. I stare at his clenched fists and shaking b*dy and sigh. I hope whatever that is bothering him won’t create another fracas between us.

“I will make you something to eat, please come okay?” He nods his head in response and I silently walk out of his room.

Something is wrong somewhere.

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